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[Italicized text denotes Valyrian speech]

When someone loses a husband or a wife, they become a widow or a widower.

When a child loses their parents, they become an orphan.

But what about a mother who loses a child? What do you call them?

There is no word to describe them.

There is nothing that can describe the pain and sorrow of a mother who has lost a child.

Levana stood in front of her of two pyres, while Vermithor stood behind her. The only ones in attendance were the royal family and their dragons - a few knights were present as well as the Lords of the Small Council.

Aemond stood in front of his wife, with Vhagar behind him.

"Before they were killed," Levana began, "Aemma asked me when you would come to see us again, but I never expected this type of reunion."

Aemond remained silent. He couldn't bear to look at this wife — he was ashamed.

Of all their family members, the one most affected by their death was the Dowager Queen Alicent. She loved her grandchildren and the fact that she was there when they were killed only added to the grief that she shared with Levana.

"They will pay for this," Levana muttered, "I'm going to make them pay."

"Eva," Aemond looked at her, "you can't go to Dragonstone alone."

"I have Vermithor," Levana said, "they stole my children from me so I'm going to steal all their chances of ever winning this war."

"Eva, Aemond," Alicent called, "it's time."

Aemond nodded at his mother before approaching his wife and escorting her to the side. Levana looked at the pyres with an expression that no one would be able to understand.

Losing a child was a different kind of pain and suffering.

"Dracarys," Levana and Aemond said in unison as their dragons unleashed flames upon their children's pyres.

Just a few days ago, Levana had to send her younger brother to the pyre and now, she had done the same for her children.

The Dowager Queen, of course, did as any grandmother would and ordered the arrest of the assailants. She commanded the City Watch to look day and night for the men who took her grandchildren and it was only a matter of time before they got caught.

"Will you still leave?" Aemond asked as Levana nodded, "if I am to save myself, I will have to leave King's Landing for greener pastures."

"I'm not stopping you," Aemond responded, "but will you at least allow me to help you?"

"Help me with that?" Levana raised a brow, "you've done enough, Aemond."

"I can help you get to the Dragonpit, at least," Aemond offered, "consider it my farewell."

Levana smiled slightly, "it's only a farewell if you don't have an intention of saying hello to me again."

Aemond chuckled, at the very least, he knew there was a slight chance that he would be welcome in his wife's life again - whenever that would be and if he survived the impending war.

"Ana," Alicent called, "we'll be returning to the palace."

Levana turned to her with a small smile and nodded before turning to Aemond, "are you not going to join them?"

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