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Vermithor flew just above the ship where Corlys Velaryon stood with a spear in hand. Levana unsheathed the Conqueror's Sword as she looked at her Grandsire with a sad yet determined expression.

"Why are you doing this?" Levana asked, "it shouldn't have come to this."

Corlys stared at her, "where is your grandmother?"

"She's in Harrenhal with my father," Levana said, "lower your spear and let us talk properly, Grandsire."

Corlys glared but relented. He lowered the spear while Levana sheathed her sword. The Queen ordered for her dragon to fly lower so she could unmount him and board the ship.

"Why are you still with Queen Rhaenyra?" Levana asked, "I had thought that you would accept my proposal of sanctuary, Grandsire."

"I have to protect the Velaryon name, Ana," Corlys responded, "I cannot see it end on the account of this war."

"Why side with the Black Queen?" Levana asked again, "you knew that my fleet and dragons could easily overwhelm you but you still came."

"Ana, this is how we can keep our House safe."

Levana glared, "Grandsire, you've already lost a grandson because of this war and you nearly lost your own wife and son."

Corlys kept silent.

"So long as you side with Queen Rhaenyra, our House will fall," Levana said, "is that what you want, Grandsire?"

"What am I to do, Levana?" Corlys asked, "I swore an oath."

"So did my mother when she married my father, but look at where it has brought us," Levana said, "it doesn't have to be like this."

Corlys took a deep breath as Silverwing and Cannibal emerged from the sea with Sheepstealer. The three dragons made their way back to the shore as Levana walked towards her Grandsire.

"I will not force you if this is not what you want," Levana said, "but I am giving you a choice, Grandsire."

"A choice?"

"Just as I gave it to my grandmother," Levana said, "I will not force you to switch sides, but know that there are more ways to honor the Velaryon name than to stand with Queen Rhaenyra."

Levana turned her back and mounted Vermithor, "Pyke and Harrenhal will be open for you and my brothers, Grandsire."

"Are they really alive?" Corlys asked as Levana took a deep breath.

"I have never lied to you, Grandsire," Levana said, "I have never lied to anyone."

Corlys stared at Levana as Vermithor ascended to the sky. The Bronze Fury laid fire on what remained of the Velaryon Fleet before disappearing into the Pyke stronghold. The Lord of the Tides ordered for his fleet to retreat. Jacaerys, on the other hand, watched as his sister retreated into the castle.

The Velaryon prince looked at the ocean for a short while, hoping that Nettles would rise from the ocean, but as luck (or misfortune) would have it, she was best left in the depths.

"You can stay," Corlys said, "if you want to be with your sister, you can stay here."

"Mother won't take it kindly," Jacaerys responded, "she'll further blame my sister for it."

"I will take the blame," Corlys said, "I am her Hand and if anything, I can say that you chose to die a valiant death by attacking the fleet."

"I can't leave Joffrey," Jacaerys stated, earning a sigh from his Grandsire. Lord Corlys looked at his eldest grandson with a sad expression before shaking his head.

"We best get back to King's Landing," Corlys sighed, "your mother will be worried."

Jacaerys gazed upon Pyke one last time before ordering his dragon to flee. He would have to reunite with his older sister at a different time.

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"Where are my children?!" Levana demanded as she unmounted from her dragon. The maesters greeted her and explained that the children had been sent to her quarters in the Sea Tower to defend them from the attack.

Almost too quickly, Levana rushed to her chambers where the nurses sat with the children. Aegon and Viserys were visibly afraid and Rhaenys wouldn't stop crying in the nurse's arms.

As soon as they saw Levana, the two young princes immediately rushed to her and wrapped their arms around each of her legs. The Queen took a deep breath as she knelt down to meet their height.

Aegon and Viserys had tear stains down their cheeks - a sight that tugged at Levana's heart. She wiped their tears away and wrapped her arms around them.

"I'm here now," Levana said, "I won't let them get you."

The two boys wrapped their arms around her as the nurse approached Levana. The Queen stood up and took Rhaenys in her arms, trying her best to calm the babe down.

"Mother is here now," Levana repeated, "you're safe."

The babe in the Queen's arms began to settle as she took a seat on her bed. The nurse left the room to collect meals for the children, while Levana assured the children that no harm would come to them. Aegon found comfort in leaning his head against Levana's shoulder while Viserys stayed on the floor by her leg, hugging it tightly.

"Children," Levana said, "I will have to leave you again."

"Please don't!" Viserys stood up abruptly, "what if they come back and take us?"

"Besian will be here," Levana explained, "he will protect the three of you."

Aegon began to sob again, "please stay."

Levana looked at the three children and sighed. She leaned her back against the pillows of her bed while Aegon and Viserys made themselves comfortable beside her. The Queen whispered words to soothe the boys and the babe in her arms before looking out the window.

It was only a matter of time before Levana had to bring the battle to Queen Rhaenyra. But for now, she was going to make sure that the children were safe and calm. She wasn't about to leave them after such an encounter.

She wasn't about to be like the mother that abandoned her. 

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