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Levana and her entourage arrived at Pyke just as the sun began to rise. They flew nonstop from Harrenhal to the Iron Islands just so they could be out of harm's way by morning. It was an easy journey - especially on dragonback.

The princess rode on Vermithor while Cannibal, being one of her largest, carried the cage with horses, and Grey Ghost was left to carry the cage that contained her entourage. Levana couldn't help but chuckle in amusement as he watched Ser Nandor panic as they took to the sky - not everyone was born with the urge to be among the clouds, it seems.

Just as they were about to land, they were greeted by the sight of Galatea on Seasmoke. Just seeing both of them gave Levana relief as they finally landed. As soon as the princess unmounted from her dragon, Galatea rushed to her with an embrace; the former handmaiden, now a Lady of House Greyjoy, cried as the princess returned her embrace.

"I'm so sorry, My Lady," Galatea sobbed, "I wasn't there when Princess Aemma and Prince Baelon were--"

"Galatea, it's alright," Levana assured, "what matters most to me is that you are safe and that you have reunited with Lord Besian."

Lady Galatea broke the embrace as Seasmoke shrilled in delight. Levana approached the dragon, her hand outstretched as Seasmoke bumped his snout against her hand; a feeling of nostalgia enveloped the princess as she stroked the dragon's neck.

"I missed you so much," Levana whispered, placing her forehead against Seasmoke's snout, "I trust Galatea has been treating you well."

"The dragon has been spoiled, Your Grace."

A tall man appeared from behind Seasmoke Galatea rolled her eyes. They shared the same features but what stood out the most were their violet eyes - similar to what her family has. They were dragonseeds, after all.

"Princess Levana," Galatea began as she approached the male, "please allow me to introduce my older brother, King Besian of House Greyjoy."

"Princess," King Besian bowed deeply, "there are no words that will allow me to express my thanks to you after what you have done for my sister."

"You need not thank me, King Besian," Levana smiled, "I owe much to Galatea for standing strong by my side through thick and thin."

King Besian bowed his head again before looking at the entourage behind the princess with a chuckle, "they traveled in style, I see."

"We didn't have a choice," Ser Nandor responded, "they were being tracked and it was only a matter of time before King Aegon's troops reached Harrenhal and captured the princess."

"King Besian," Levana stepped aside, "this is Ser Nandor my sworn sword, and with us are Maester Priamos and my dragonkeepers, Anam and Vad."

King Besian smiled at them, "House Greyjoy originally swore to Princess Rhaenyra but as I am the High King now, I will take our banners and fight under yours, Princess Levana Velaryon."

There was a slight pause as Levana looked at the ground, she was still so unsure of what to do at this point - especially with the fielty of two Great Houses. She wasn't certain if she wanted to start a war against her mother and uncle but she also knew that she couldn't let them continue fighting.

It would break the realm that her grandsires had worked so hard to build and maintain.

"King Besian," Levana took a deep breath, "I have nothing to offer you for your loyalty and your banners, I am nothing without my mother and I will not be able to repay what you give me."

Galatea smiled and looked at her older brother who knelt in front of Levana.

"Your Grace," Galatea knelt beside her brother, "it was never about what you had but what you are willing to do."

"I..." Levana trailed off, "I cannot ask you to risk your lives for a cause that we don't even know will succeed."

"You need not ask for it," King Besian looked up at the princess, "because I am giving it of my own free will and so are the other Lords of our House."

As King Besian spoke, a group of people began to advance toward them from the castle. Levana took a deep breath as she watched, she was overwhelmed by the action that brought her to tears.

"House Greyjoy's sworn houses are yours to command, Levana Velaryon," King Besian stated, "what we do is of our own will, and repayment is not required for our service to your cause."

Levana looked around her; those around her slowly began to bend the knee to her - a princess - she didn't have the same title as her mother or Aegon and she didn't know what she was about to do nor know what she was getting herself into but King Viserys entrusted her with a mission to find peace.

That was something that she was determined to achieve.

"If I am to be Queen," Levana began, "I would like to be crowned here in the Iron Islands and in front of those who will be supporting me."

"The Triarchy is on its way and so is Prince Sorin from Dorne," Ser Nandor stated proudly.

"The Triarchy?" Levana raised a brow, "we managed to acquire the support of The Triarchy?"

Galatea stood up and nodded, "with the acquiescence of Prince Sorin, we were able to have a discussion with Airell Drahar," she explained, "though, she requests to have an audience with you, Your Grace, before The Triarchy can fully commit to you."

"The Crabfeeder's sister?" Levana asked, "why would she want to help me when my stepfather and grandsire championed against them at the Stepstones?"

"Because you are not Corlys Velaryon or Daemon Targaryen," Besian responded, "you are your own person, and the fact that you have decided to champion against the impending war has forced us to choose sides."

"Princess," Galatea began, "we also have someone who wants to support the cause as a member of your Queensguard."

"A Queensguard already?" Levana chuckled, "I haven't even been crowned yet."

"Queen Levana Velaryon."

Levana's eyes widened as she turned around, tears immediately falling from her eyes as she saw Ser Harrold standing by Ser Nandor. The two knights bent their knees and held up their swords, offering them to Levana:

I swear to ward the Queen with all my strength and give my blood for hers.

I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall guard her secrets, obey her commands, ride at her side, and defend her name and her honor.

Levana rushed towards Ser Harrold, embracing him as she cried, "old friend, I thought you had died."

"I swore that I would serve you again, Your Grace," Ser Harold responded, "I intend to do good on that promise."

With this number of people by Levana's side, everything was coming into place - all that was left was to crown the Queen.

The Golden Queen.

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