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It was late in the evening when Levana gathered with her advisors and Small Council in front of the Painted Table. Galatea placed a goblet of wine in front of the Queen before taking her seat beside Laenor towards Levana's left.

"We have been in discussion on what to do with Prince Aemond Targaryen," Rhaenys began, "because of the insistence of our Lord Commander of the Queensguard and myself, we have ruled out any punishment that would equate to death."

"That includes gouging his other eye out," Airell huffed in disappointment, "the Lady Hand forbade that as well."

"What is your consensus?" Levana asked, "have you come to an agreement on what to do with Aemond?"

"He can fight for the cause," Laenor began, "but he can't do so on dragonback."

"Aemond is a capable dragonrider," Levana defended, "and we need Vhagar."

"That's what Besian and I said," Prince Sorin leaned forward, "Vhagar is still one of the largest dragons in the realms and we need her if we're going to capture the capital!"

"Queen Levana," Nesrin called, "if I may?"

Levana nodded as Lady Strong stood up to examine the Painted Table, "Queen Helaena and her children are still in King's Landing, yes?"

"Yes," Levana responded, "I don't think Otto Hightower has any intention of leaving the capital."

"What if," Nesrin began, "we sent Prince Aemond back to the Red Keep to retrieve Queen Helaena and her children?"

"You mean to send my husband on a suicide mission?" Levana asked, "they have branded him a traitor the moment that he left the capital."

"That would be a good way to prove his loyalty to you," Nesrin said, "by sending him back to where he came."

"He'll die the moment that he sets foot in King's Landing without Vhagar."

"Not if he knows the passages," Galatea brought up, "but he probably has no knowledge of that when Queen Levana didn't either."

"I forbid it," Levana stated firmly, "you said you have ruled out every other punishment that would equate to death and yet you want me to consider this?"

"The other alternative was to send him to Dragonstone," Laenor said.

"I forbid that as well," Levana responded, "the Blacks still think that Aemond killed my younger brother and I delivered Daemon's head on spike to them."

"Perhaps if one or two of us decided to accompany Prince Aemond to the capital, it would be a much easier task," Galatea said as she turned to Ser Nandor who stood by the doors. The knight walked towards the table and stood beside Galatea's seat, bowing his head.

"Nandor," Sorin began, "you can't be serious."

"I know those passages," Nandor said, "so does Lady Galatea and we are their best bet to slip into King's Landing undetected."

"You're not going back there, Galatea," Besian spoke, "it was already a challenge to get you out."

"I only got out because of the Queen," Galatea reminded, "I don't mind going back inside if she wants me to."

"I just said that I forbade it," Levana looked at her Small Council in disbelief, "are you all not listening to me?"

"Your Grace," Laenor sighed, "this is a chance to infiltrate King's Landing."

"Not to the expense of a knight of the Queensguard, one of my advisors, and my husband," Levana responded, "try again."

"Well then, Your Grace," Laenor turned to his daughter, "what do you ought to do?"

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"I already sent a raven with instructions to Rhaena and she will meet you at Harrenhal," Jacaerys stated as he led Baela through the woods and to the Dragonmont where Moondancer was resting.

"What about you and Joffrey?" Baela asked as she pulled her coat closer to her, "why don't you just come with us?"

Jacaerys turned to his betrothed and shook his head, "I need to be here and my mother would throw a fit if anything happened to Joffrey."

"When are you going to join us?" Baela asked, "I'm sure Ana would prefer that the four of us go together."

"We can't go together, Baela," Jacaerys said, "it will be much safer for you and Rhaena as well if I didn't come with you."

"What will happen when we reach Harrenhal?" Baela asked, "Ana won't know that we'd be coming."

Jacaerys took a deep breath, "show your Velaryon sigils to the people at Harrenhal and give them this," he said as he handed a scroll to Baela, "this is my letter to Ana."

"Jacaerys," Baela placed a hand on the prince's shoulder, "you have to swear to me that you will join us in Harrenhal or wherever soon."

Jacaerys sighed and nodded slightly. In truth, he also doubted if he'd be able to join them — he was dead set on the fact that he was not going to survive the siege of the capital. Moondancer, Baela's mount, approached them with a low grumble as the female looked at Jacaerys one more time, pleading for him to escape with her.

The prince shook her head.

"When Levana sees you, tell her that the siege of King's Landing is to happen in ten days time," Jacaerys stated, "that should be enough time for my sister and her forces to travel from the Iron Islands to King's Landing."

"Please stay alive," Baela requested, "please don't let Levana lose another brother."

"I'll try my best," Jacaerys promised, "but I cannot swear to it."

The female sighed and mounted Moondancer. Baela gave Jacaerys one last look before commanding her dragon to take flight.

Jacaerys watched as her betrothed took to the sky and disappeared into the clouds. The prince took in a deep breath as he began to walk back to the castle. His heart skipped a beat in nervousness as Lord Corlys stood by the entrance, looking into the woods.

"Where's Baela?" Lord Corlys asked as Jacaerys approached. The prince remained silent as he continued his trek back into the castle.

"What you did is treason," Lord Corlys stated, "but it is the right thing."

Jacaerys stopped in his tracks before turning his head to look at his Grandsire who bowed his head, "thank you for finding a way to get Baela out of harm's way," Lord Corlys said.

"It's the least I could do," Jacaerys responded, "Ana would've done the same thing." 

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