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"Levana, you should be asleep," Laenor stated as he walked inside his daughter's room, the princess could only chuckle as she set her book aside and walked towards her bed. The knight walked up to the bed and sat on it, ensuring that his daughter would be settled in before she retired for the night.

"I was reading about dragons," Levana smiled, "wouldn't it be nice if I got to ride Balerion the Black Dread?"

Laenor chuckled, "I have no doubt that you would make an exemplary rider, Levana."

"Grandsire got to ride Balerion," Levana began, "it's unfortunate that I never got to see him."

"But you have Vermithor," Laenor stated, "and your betrothed has Vhagar," he continued as Levana adjusted her sheets.

"You and Prince Aemond ride the two largest dragons," Laenor reminded her, "once you two learn to fly properly, you will be formidable."

Levana smiled as Laenor tucked her in, kissing her forehead as he went to fix the books that she had left on her table. His eyes wandered to the ring on his finger that once belonged to his lover as he looked at his daughter in the mirror.

"Levana," Laenor called as he returned to her side and took her hand in his, "you know that I love you, yes?"

The princess nodded, "you always told me that you loved me and that you were immensely proud of me even if I get in trouble most times."

Laenor chuckled as he removed the ring from his finger and held it up for his daughter to see, "this ring is very important to me and it once belonged to someone very close to my heart," he began as he held Levana's hand and slipped the ring on her finger, "I give it to you."

Levana looked at the ring and smiled, she had never seen a piece of jewelry that was as beautiful as it.

"This way," Laenor smiled, "you will have a piece of me wherever you go."

The princess sat up from her bed to hug her father. Laenor held back tears as he embraced her, "you grow up so fast."

"Maybe tomorrow," Levana smiled, "I'll be as tall as you!"

Ser Laenor chuckled as he slowly let go of his daughter, kissing her forehead as he walked towards the doors of her chamber.

"I love you, Levana."

"I love you too, father," Levana smiled, "I'll see you in the morning."

Laenor looked at her with a small smile before nodding. He blew out the candle by Levana's door before making his way toward his chambers. A million thoughts went through his head as he looked back at his daughter's door only to continue walking away.

It was going to be a long night.

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Levana awoke to the rapid steps of people running past her room. She looked out her window to see that the sun had just begun to rise. She climbed down from her bed and rubbed her eyes to help her wake up.

The princess wore her shoes as she made her way out of her room. She looked around to see that the servants were frantic. No one had bothered to greet her as they made their way to the Hall of Nine; Levana, seeing as no one was stopping her, headed for the hall as well.

As she neared the hall, she could hear shouting and screaming from who she could identify as her grandmother. Levana could feel her heart beating loudly as she carefully made her way down the steps.

Princess Rhaenys was screaming and crying as Lord Corlys scolded his guards. Not one of them bothered to notice the little princess who managed to walk past all the servants and the guards to see the sight in front of her.

Levana's eyes grew wide as she saw her grandmother kneeling on the floor, "grandmother?" she called as Rhaenys turned her head. The older princess was quick to wrap her arms around the little princess, blocking her view of the scene in front of her.

"Grandmother, what's happening?" Levana asked as Rhaenys shook her head, "don't look, little one."

Levana wouldn't have it. She tried to remove herself from Rhaenys' grasp only to be held by Lord Corlys.

"Don't look, little ocean," Lord Corlys whispered as he carried Levana, escorting her out of the room.

"What happened, Grandsire?" Levana asked as he tried to look over Lord Corlys' shoulder, she could make out a burnt body on the floor in what she recognized as her father's clothes.

"What happened to my father?" Levana asked as she tried to escape from Lord Corlys' grasp, "what happened to my father?!"

The princess managed to jump out of her Grandsire's arms before making a beeline back to the Hall of Nine where Princess Rhaenys knelt beside the body of whom Levana finally recognized as her father. The princess' knees grew weak as she saw what her father had become; Princess Rhaenys wrapped her arms tightly around her as she began to sob.

"That's not my father," Levana muttered as she buried her face into Rhaenys' arm, "my father is still alive," she tried to convince herself but the Princess Rhaenys could only do so much to comfort her granddaughter who soon became a sobbing mess.

"I want my father!" Levana shouted as Lord Corlys rushed back to her and carried her in his arms.

"My Lord," one of the knights called as Lord Corlys nodded towards him, "Princess Rhaenyra, Prince Daemon, and the children are nowhere to be found," the knight whispered but Levana heard him. She lifted her head slightly as she looked at the knight, "my mother is gone?"

"Has my mother abandoned me, Grandsire?" Levana asked as Lord Corlys shook his head, "we will have the truth of this, Levana," he promised as he opened the door to the princess's chambers.

"For now, you will need to rest," Lord Corlys gently placed the princess back in her bed, "your grandmother and I will discuss what will happen from here."

Lord Corlys placed a kiss on top of her head before leaving the room. Levana, still in a state of shock, sat in her bed with her knees to her chest. She was quickly understanding the situation now.

Her father was dead.

Her mother was nowhere to be found.

For the first time in her life, Levana felt that she was truly alone. She was trying to make out possible reasons why her mother would abandon her in High Tide.

While there were questions better left unanswered, Levana wanted answers to hers.

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There isn't a day that I am not thankful for all the support, views, votes, and comments that you guys leave on this fanfic. We are now at 6K and my heart is so full <3 We have a couple of chapters coming up and we're just getting started with the exciting parts!

In case anybody is also interested, I also made a TikTok account to post snippets and whatnot! Feel free to give me a follow @ateliereos ! Thank you, everyone, once again, for all your support and for taking the time to view QUERENCIA - Levana and I are excited to take everyone on this journey!

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