【𝟑𝟒】- 𝐦.

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[This chapter contains smut towards the end, you may stop reading if such makes you uncomfortable and skip to the next chapter. There will be a breaker before the smut chapter so you know where to stop.]

Levana's dress for the wedding party was a very special gown - why?

It was Queen Alicent's wedding dress. The exact same one that she wore during her wedding to King Viserys. Aemond wore a black and gold garment - very similar to what Levana's father wore during his own wedding to her mother according to Princess Rhaenys.

Levana kept her circlet but Aemond chose to forgo the halfhelm for the wedding party. It obscured his view and he didn't want that - especially when he wanted an undisturbed view of his wife who sat beside him at the banquet table.

For the wedding reception, the Queen chose to have their most prestigious attendees dine with them in the throne room while lesser nobles dined at the yards and small halls. Among those in attendance in the throne room included the lords of the Great Houses.

Levana watched as the nobilities conversed over dinner. She also listened in on her siblings' conversations, all of whom were seated on their side of the table while their parents sat on the opposite end.

"Ana, will you dance with me?" Jacaerys asked as the King turned to them with a small smile, "the bride's first dance is reserved for her groom, and her second, for her father."

"We can dance after the formalities, Jace," Levana smiled as her younger brother nodded excitedly before taking a seat again. Aemond looked at his wife before taking her hand in his, "would you like to dance with me, my love?"

Levana turned to the crowd and nodded, "might as well begin the festivities while it's still early," she giggled as Aemond stood up from his chair, escorting his bride to the center of the room as the musicians began to play the traditional tune for weddings.

The dance that the two of them were to perform was one that they had been practicing for years. It was only a few minutes long yet for the both of them, just to be in each other's company felt like a lifetime.

"We must have performed this dance numerous times for Septon Gygax and Septa Amaryllis," Aemond began, "yet I still feel as though I might make a drastic mistake."

Levana chuckled at her husband's remark as they stood with their backs to each other, arms raised before separating - a part of the dance that must've taken them months to perfect when they were much younger.

And at the end of the dance, Levana and Aemond bowed to each other as the crowd clapped. The nobilities would then walk to the dance floor as the band continued with another song.

The newly married couple made their way out of the floor to rejoin their family at the banquet table. From the corner of her eye, Levana spotted Galatea in one of the corners with a man who she was able to identify as the Lord Besian of House Greyjoy. As she returned to her seat, Levana couldn't help but notice the slight resemblance between the two of them — especially with their lavender eyes.

"Your Graces."

Levana snapped her head from Galatea to the man standing in front of their table. He had with him a knight of the Kingsguard — one that Levana recognized to be one of the newly inaugurated additions.

"Congratulations, Princess Levana and Prince Aemond," The man bowed his head, "House Nymeros Martell and Dorne wish to offer gifts of jewels and our finest fabrics," he said as the knight signaled for servants to come up to the table to show the exquisite fabrics and jewels in large boxes.

"Prince Sorin," Princess Rhaenyra spoke up, "thank you for gracing us with your presence."

"We would never miss a celebration," Prince Sorin smiled, "especially since the prince and princess are also in line to inherit the throne after King Viserys and you, Princess Rhaenyra."

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