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"I don't want to go," Levana complained, "I don't want to go to Dragonstone!"

Rhaenyra took a deep breath as she looked at Levana with patient eyes, "Levana, my love, there are things that we have to do and this is one of them."

"I don't want to leave the Red Keep!" Levana stomped her foot as her siblings were loaded onto the boat that would take them to Dragonstone, "all my life, I have lived here and I do not want to leave!"

"Levana," Rhaenyra said sternly, "do not test me."

"I am not testing you, mother," Levana responded, "I just do not look forward to leaving my life in the Red Keep."

"Life in the Red Keep or Aemond?" Jacaerys asked from the boat as Levana glared at her younger brother, "be quiet Jace!"

"Oh, so it's because of Prince Aemond?" Rhaenyra raised a brow as Levana shook her head and grabbed her luggage from Galatea before running towards the boat, pinching Jacaerys' cheek as she passed by him.

"So it is Aemond," Rhaenyra chuckled as Laenor approached them with Joffrey in his arms, "Prince Aemond is here," he whispered to his wife as he boarded the boat. The princess looked at Ser Westerling who had the said prince by his side.

"The young prince would like to bid farewell to Princess Levana," Ser Westerling said as Princess Rhaenyra smiled slightly before nodding her head and calling for Levana.

Levana walked back to the deck from one of the rooms with Lucerys trailing behind her. She looked from beyond the boat and waved at Aemond. Rhaenyra gestured for her daughter to come closer to which Levana obliged and walked to her mother.

"I am sad to see you go, princess," Ser Westerling said as Levana smiled, "will you still be my protector when I come back to King's Landing?" She asked as the knight nodded.

"I am sworn to you, princess," Ser Westerling smiled, "I will protect you for life."

The knight then gestured for Prince Aemond to step forward to say his farewells to the princess. Rhaenyra did the same thing, pushing Levana forward a tad bit so she could talk to Aemond.

"The Red Keep will be boring," Aemond began, "I won't have you to nag at me all day."

Levana pinched his cheek, "I won't have you to disturb all day at Dragonstone," she giggled as Aemond handed her a book. The princess recognized it as one of the history books that they always read at the library.

"Septa Adara and Septon Tarian won't be happy that this book is missing from the library," Levana lectured as she took the book from him with a smile, "but thank you, Aemond."

The prince smiled and turned her back to the princess, "will you come on my Name Day to visit me?"

Levana turned to her mother for approval who smiled at her and nodded. The princess hummed an approval, "as long as you will have cake then I will be there, Aemond!"

Aemond turned to face her slightly before nodding and walking back to Ser Westerling's side. On the other hand, Levana bowed to the prince before heading back to the boat. Aemond and Ser Westerling stayed as the boat started to sail away from the port.

"Farewell, Aemond!" Levana waved as the prince waved back. Laenor walked to his daughter's side and placed a hand on her shoulder, "we'll visit."

The princess looked up at her father and nodded, "I will miss my Grandsire," she stated as Laenor nodded in agreement, "we will be in Dragonstone, we will be closer to my mother and father."

Levana nodded, "father?"

"Yes, princess?" Laenor asked as Levana looked at the book in her arms before shaking her head and walking away from him.

"What's the matter, Levana?" Laenor asked but the princess would remain silent, instead, she would proceed to her cabin to sit on one of the beds. The former could only follow her and sit beside her as the princess set the book aside and sighed heavily.

"We will return to King's Landing when we can," Laenor promised, "you'll have more time to spend with your brothers when we arrive in Dragonstone."

"Will mother be okay if she is away from Grandsire?" Levana asked, "I know that they care for each other very much."

Laenor wrapped an arm around his daughter and pulled her closer to him, "we will be alright, Levana," he assured, "your mother is a strong woman and your Grandsire will always have us in his heart."

Princess Levana sighed and embraced her father. Deep inside, Laenor knew that moving to Dragonstone would be a big step for his daughter who spent most of her life in the Red Keep. Contrary to her brothers, she would have the most attachment to the place and the people there.

"Tell you what," Laenor began, "we can go to King's Landing on dragonback every once in a while."

Levana's eyes lit up.

"But I don't have a dragon," The princess' smile quickly turned upside down, "will there be dragons in Dragonstone?"

"There are," Laenor began, "but Levana, you are far too young to approach any of those dragons."

"Vermithor resides there," Levana stated, "Grandsire once told me that he was much more tolerant to men which means that I might have a chance!"

Laenor smiled slightly, he didn't want to get her hopes up - especially when he was sure that mounting a dragon at her age wasn't going to be an easy feat. Prince Laenor hopes that his daughter would be willing to wait just a bit more to claim a dragon.

But of course, Princess Levana had other things in mind - she wasn't about to let the opportunity to claim a dragon for herself pass her by.

She would just have to wait for the ideal timing to be able to sneak off to the Dragonmont where the Dragonkeepers of King's Landing said Vermithor resided.

That, in itself, was no easy feat.

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