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Aemond would sit with Levana in their chambers the entire afternoon. Even when the princess was sitting in her bath, the prince never left her side. Levana would talk to him from time to time but the conversations were always short and then silence would follow right after.

This was the first time that Levana had seen something like this and was in shock. The shaking went away after she hopped into the bath but she still couldn't get the imagery of Ser Vaemond's death out of her head.

By the time that Levana was to dress, Aemond was sitting in the nursery with their children. He got dressed first and was now overseeing the dressing of his children by the maids. He had a book in his hands, it was his and Levana's favorite growing up and he still hasn't found the heart to let it go.

"Pa," Baelon called as he waddled up to Aemond, the prince set his book down and looked at his son, "yes, Baelon?"

"Ma, where?" Baelon asked as Aemond picked him up and placed him on his lap, "your mother is still getting dressed. The prince looked over at Aemma who was in a green dress, a contrast to the yellow that her brother wore which made Aemond raise a brow.

"Change Aemma's dress," Aemond instructed as the nurse looked up at him, "the Queen ordered for the princess to wear green, Your Grace," she responded as the prince shook his head.

"Change it," Aemond stated in finality, "Princess Levana will not like that."

The nurse finally conceded and bowed before walking out of the room to fetch a new dress for the princess. Aemond returned to his book as Baelon took a seat on the floor and played with some of the toys that were left scattered on it. Aemma, on the other hand, resigned to taking a seat beside her father and looking into the book that he was reading.

"Pa," Aemma looked at the book, "wanna read about gramma!"

"Which one then?" Aemond chuckled, "though, I doubt there is anything about my mother or Princess Rhaenyra."

"Name!" Aemma pointed to herself.

"Oh," Aemond said in realization, "Queen Aemma, is it?"

Aemma nodded but Aemond shook his head, "I don't think there's anything on her in this old book either but we can ask your mother for stories about her."

The little princess nodded as she joined her older twin on the floor to play with him.


Helaena walked into the room, looking around for this brother who stood up from the couch and crossed her arms, "what is it now?"

"Eva wants to see you," Helaena smiled, "she has something that she wants to talk to you about."

Aemond nodded as the nurse walked back into the room to help Aemma get dressed in something different. The prince instructed the nurse to keep an eye on their children before heading back to their chambers. There was a sense of uneasiness in Aemond's chest as he arrived at their door.

"Eva?" Aemond called, knocking on the door thrice, "may I come in, love?"

"Come in."

Levana's response was quiet as the prince opened the door. Levana sat on their bed, a look of worry in her eyes as Aemond sat beside her and took her hand in his.

"What is it, Eva?"

"Do you remember what I asked of you at the dinner after the birth of our children?"

Aemond was dreading that. He didn't speak much of it nor did he want to remember it. In truth, he had hoped that Levana forgot about it but as it turns out, she hasn't, and now it's come back to haunt him even more.

"I do," Aemond sighed, "you asked me if I would be willing to run away with our children if things ever went south with your mother's coronation."

"I want to run away now, Aemond," Levana sighed, "I have a bad feeling that the death of my granduncle will lead to consequences that will affect us greatly."


"I don't want our children to suffer," Levana stated, "I want us to live a free life, Aemond, we're facing consequences of actions that we have no direct involvement with."

"Levana," Aemond placed a hand on her cheek, "we cannot do that."

"I want to protect our family, Aemond."

"As do I," Aemond stated, "you are my priority and as your husband, I have a duty to all of you but to abandon our extended family?"

"My father once told me that a wise sailor flees the storm as it gathers," Levana stated, "we need to flee, Aemond, before everything turns to madness."

"My love," Aemond sighed, "we are not sailors, we are dragons."

"You are the dragon," Levana stated, "I have the blood of a sailor in me."

"Eva, be reasonable."

"Aemond, I fear for our lives," Levana reasoned, "I don't want us to be collateral damage to a war for the crown."

"Why do you believe that there would be a war?"

"I see it in my dreams, Aemond," Levana responded, "my dreams become more vivid every time and I do not want to reach a point where I dream of the death of my own children."

The princess began crying and Aemond took her into his arms, embracing her tightly as she sobbed into his chest. The prince knew for a long time how the princess' dreams would affect her but he did not expect them to hold this much weight over her.

It pained him to see his wife like this.

"Tell you what," Aemond began, "the moment that things go south, we will run away."

"Can't we just do it now, Aemond?"

"Eva, they will be suspicious and they will send for us," Aemond sighed, "they'll be able to find us easier if we run now."

The princess took a deep breath. As much as she wanted to run now, Aemond was right.

"You have to swear to me that we will run if things go south," Levana said, "swear it on our marriage and on the lives of our children."

"I swear it," Aemond promised as Levana broke from his embrace to look into his eye, "I swear it, Levana," he repeated before pulling his wife into a kiss.

It was a comfort to Levana that Aemond was willing to grant her request. Though, only time will tell if they're able to push through with such a plan.

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