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King's Landing was a short flight from Harrenhal.

Yet, the Gold Queen felt that it must've been forever. She looked down from Vermithor and watched at the soldiers marching toward the capital - it was a sight to behold as a sea of red and gold marched through the path with banners of Houses Targaryen, Velaryon, Martell, Strong and Greyjoy.

The Targaryen banner of red, black, and gold flew high as Levana and Aemond flew ahead of them. Besian and Baela flew behind them as the Gold Queen took in a deep breath.

"Aemond, secure Blackwater Bay," Levana stated, "Baela and Besian, secure the parameter of King's Landing."

"And yourself?" Aemond asked, "surely you don't plan on going there alone."

Levana shook her head, "I'll have my Queensguard."

"There's only one of you," Baela stated, "take me with you, sister."

The Gold Queen shook her head as she gestured for the three dragons flying above them, "I think you're all forgetting that I have four dragons."

The three riders beside Levana kept silent as the Queen looked at Aemond, "I'm not going to change my mind, at the moment, I need dragonriders to secure the perimeter because our soldiers will not be quick enough to spread out."

"As you wish, Your Grace," Baela responded as she flew ahead of Besian, who bowed his head before following after the Velaryon lady.

"Go, my king," Levana said as she turned to Aemond, "the fleet needs you."

"If you think that, for a moment, I will leave you," Aemond began, but he was interrupted by the bellow of Cannibal who then flew beside Vhagar.

"Go," Levana said, "before my dragon decides to make a meal out of you."

Aemond looked at his wife in disbelief, but followed orders, nonetheless.

With her husband gone, Levana pushed towards the Dragonpit, jumping off of Vermithor when the dragon landed by the stronghold. The first that the Gold Queen noticed was the mob making its way towards the Dragonpit.

They were armed with what seemed like torches and blades - a sign that they were not there to simply seek refuge while her forces attacked the Blacks. The Queen took out the Conqueror's Sword from its sheath before walking towards the main gate of the Dragonpit.

She met the crowd halfway, standing tall as they stopped just a few feet away from her.

"It's the traitor," a man in the front of the crowd shouted, "how are you coming back to King's Landing?!"

"And you are?" Levana asked, "you are certainly no lord or soldier."

"I am the Shepherd," the man revealed, "and we are here to purge the land of those vile creatures."

"Dragons are not vile," the Gold Queen defended, "you are vile because you are rallying all these good people into a battle instead of allowing them to seek refuge."

"We don't converse with traitors to the crown!" The Shepherd shouted.

"Killing these dragons will make you an enemy of the crown," Levana stated, "and I am the crown."

"The crown is your mother," one of the smallfolk responded, "you are the traitor to the crown!"

"I am not a traitor when my grandsire, King Viserys, wanted me to inherit the throne," Levana shouted, taking Aegon's Dagger from her waist and holding it up for everyone to see.

"This is Aegon the Conqueror's dagger and embedded in it is his prophecy," the Gold Queen shouted, "from his blood I will rise as the Queen who will save this realm from the cold and the dark."

"You are a fake," The Shepherd shouted, "you are a fake Queen!"

Just as Levana was about to respond, Vermithor landed behind her - earning gasps from the crowd. Soon after, Silverwing, Sheepstealer, and Cannibal would join them; the three dragons perched on the stronghold.

"If I were not meant to be the Queen," Levana looked at her dragons and then at the crowd, "I would not have the power to control four dragons at once."


""I will not allow you to risk the lives of my people," Levana stated, "if you want to storm the Dragonpit, you will have to go through me."

There was a short pause as the crowd began to whisper among themselves. The Shepherd turned to them and then back at Levana who was glaring at him. From where she was standing, the Gold Queen could hear a mixture of conversations - from ones believing her to those asking how she could acquire her dragons.

All seemed to be well until the Shepherd raised his blade, "you cannot believe this woman!" he shouted, "she cannot sit on the Iron Throne!"

Levana took a deep breath, "if you do not believe that I can be Queen, that is fine," she said, "but I will not allow you to bring harm to my people."

"They do not care about you," the Shepherd stated, "you are nothing but a fake."

"It matters not to me if they care," Levana said, "I will not allow harm to come to them."

"She is right!"

A loud voice said from behind the crowd as the smallfolk began to move away, allowing a tall figure to march towards Levana.

Lord Corlys walked to his granddaughter with his sword drawn, "she might not be the Queen that we expected but she is the one that will save our realm."

Levana smiled at her grandsire, quickly sheathing her blades and running towards him to embrace him tightly.

"I'm sorry, Ana," Lord Corlys whispered, "I wish I arrived sooner."

"You do not have to apologize, grandsire," Levana responded, "you have done nothing wrong."

"Will you forgive me for lifting a sword to you?" Lord Corlys asked as the Gold Queen nodded.

"You are on my side," Levana stated, "that's all that matters."

The smallfolk watched on as the Velaryons reunited. The Shepherd, on the other hand, grunted in anger as he rushed towards Levana, shouting the names of the gods.

"In the name of the Seven," the Shepherd shouted, "you will die today!" 

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