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[Italicized text denotes Valyrian speech.]

Levana didn't have the time to react when she saw that her brother had run in front of her. She didn't even have the luxury of time to register the look on Rhaenyra's face when Jacaerys began to fall.

The Gold Queen cried loudly as she took her younger brother in her arms, tears falling down her cheeks as she sank to her knees.

"Jace," Levana called as she held her brother's hand, "please, Jace, stay awake."

"Ana," Jacaerys lifted his head to look at her sister and smiled slightly, "I never got to meet your daughter."

"That's why you have to stay awake, Jacaerys," Levana choked on a sob as she looked at the wound. It appeared to be too deep and while she would have attempted to pull the blade from Jacaerys' side, she feared that it might have lodged too deep.

"Ana, please look after Baela and Rhaena," Jacaerys requested, "you and Joffrey are the only ones that they have left."

Levana nodded as she hugged her brother tighter, "Jace, I'm sorry," she apologized, "I'm sorry that I was never there for you when you needed me the most."

"It's not your fault," Jacaerys responded, "you did what was right."

The prince winced in pain as Levana sobbed, "please, Jacaerys, don't do this to me."

"Ana," Jacaerys laughed heartily, "someone has to look after Lucerys in the next life."

The Gold Queen could only watch as life left her younger brother's body. Jacaerys, who was just laughing moments ago, fell limp in Levana's arms as she cried into her brother's chest.

Rhaenyra couldn't move as she watched them. Watching as Jacaerys took his last breath in Levana's arms.

"Jacaerys loved you dearly," Rhaenyra said, "all he ever wanted was for us to reconcile."

"You've taken Jacaerys away from me too," Levana glared at Queen Rhaenyra before setting her brother's corpse gently on the ground. She picked up the Conqueror's Sword and began to make her way towards the Black Queen who looked up at her with sorrow.

Rhaenyra took one last look at Jacaerys before shifting her position so that she was kneeling in front of Levana. The Gold Queen watched as the other Targaryen looked up at her again.

"I surrender," Rhaenyra began, "I have nothing left."

"Come with me and I will see to it that you are tried fairly," Levana said but Rhaenyra chuckled and shook her head.

"I have killed my two sons," Rhaenyra admitted, "the blood of Lucerys and Jacaerys Velaryon are on my hands."

Levana could only stare as Rhaenyra continued.

"The blood of Aemma and Baelon Targaryen are also on my hands," Rhaenyra stated, "that is a fact."

"What would you have me do?" Levana asked as Rhaenyra turned her gaze towards the sword in the former's hand.

"You know what you have to do."

Levana took a deep breath before looking at the sword and nodding. There was a long pause as Queen Rhaenyra smiled at Levana, "will you grant me one last request?"

"If it is in my power," Levana responded.

"Will you call me mother one last time?" Rhaenyra asked, "will you grant me that selfish request?"

Levana thought for a while before shaking her head, "the mother that I once had in you is long gone and you are no mother of mine."

Rhaenyra nodded simply as Levana raised her sword.

"I'm proud of you, Levana," Rhaenyra spoke as she bowed her head. The Gold Queen choked back on a sob as she brought down her sword with a force that she didn't even know she had.

The crown of King Jaehaerys fell first, rolling towards Levana's feet as watched while Queen Rhaenyra's body fell and her head rolled to the side of her lifeless body.

Levana fell to her knees and shouted towards the heavens. From afar, she could hear her dragons roar as well - many more followed at what she could just assume were the other dragons in King's Landing.

Syrax appeared by the Iron Throne and slowly made its way towards Levana, sneering at the sight of her lifeless rider.

"I'm sorry," Levana looked into Syrax's eyes as the dragon bellowed before lowering its neck. The Gold Queen reached out and placed a hand on the she-dragon's snout before standing up. She picked up her grandsire's crown and mounted Syrax, instructing the dragon to take to the skies. As Syrax flew out of the Red Keep, Levana looked at the bodies left in the throne room before closing her eyes.

She would give them the burial that they deserved later but there were things to be done first.

━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦━━━━

There was a loud cry that erupted from the Great Hall. Aemond heard it from the skies, prompting him to fly towards the gaping hole left by Vermithor and Cannibal by the Red Keep's throne room.

The Gold King's eyes widened in shock as he saw his Queen kneeling on the ground with Jacaerys in her arms. The Black Queen stood by them, her sword discarded on the ground as she slowly sank to her knees.

Aemond commanded Vhagar to fly towards the Dragonpit with Lord Corlys stood with Ser Harrold and Ser Qarl. Before unmounting from his dragon, the Gold King watched as more of their banners entered the city - at the very least, they could conquer the capital.

"Where's the Queen?" Ser Qarl asked Aemond who unmounted from Vhagar. There was a long pause between the men before the Targaryen king walked to Lord Corlys.

"Jacaerys," Aemond said, "he's dead."

Lord Corlys was taken aback.

"Levana wouldn't let that happen," Lord Corlys approached Aemond before placing his hands on his shoulders, "tell me the truth of it, boy!"

Aemond sighed deeply, "Prince Jacaerys Velaryon was killed by Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen."

The revelation took all of them by surprise. The Black Queen has truly gone mad.

"I will tell the fleet," Lord Corlys stepped away, holding back tears, "House Velaryon surrenders to the Gold Queen."

Aemond nodded before turning to Sirl Qarl, "have the maesters send ravens to Lady Jeyne Arryn and to the other houses who supported the Black Queen."

"What shall we inform them of, My King?" Ser Harrold asked as Daemon took a deep breath.

"The Black Queen bent the knee to the Gold Queen and gave herself to Queen Levana's sword."

The two knights nodded before bowing their hands. Aemond mounted Vhagar once again, bracing himself to deliver the news to their House.

"Someone will have to send word to House Stark as well," Lord Corlys said, "he was Rhaenyra's strongest ally."

Aemond nodded as Vhagar spread her wings, "I'll go."

"You're not going anywhere."

Aemond watched as Syrax landed in front of Vhagar - Levana's other dragons followed after as the Gold Queen unmounted from Rhaeynra's dragon.

"You will see to it that the fighting in King's Landing and all other areas are done," Levana ordered.

"And you?" Lord Corlys asked.

"I will be the one to inform Lord Cregan that Queen Rhaenyra is dead," Levana stated before turning her back and walking towards Vermithor who lowered its neck for his rider.

"Eva-" Aemond was cut off by his wife's cold stare.

"That is an order from the Queen."

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