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[Italics denote Valyrian speech]

The memory of her tenth Name Day would be one that became a distant memory as many moons passed through the sky.

Though, the memory of her visions would remain to be a continued sight in the princess' dreams. The visions would come and go - they'd become more frequent as the princess became older but she would have little to no memory of the other visions that she saw as she matured no matter how vivid they would be.

Still, what would not leave her is the memory of the figure wearing a gold crown adorned with rubies and the sight of her dragon flying with two others.

Levana supposed that it would be better for her to forget them. After all, it was only the King who heard her stories about her visions as she grew - her mother dismissed them when she reached the age of ten and four. Urging her that it would be best if her moonlit visions are forgotten and done with.

The princess was now ten and seven, practicing embroidery alongside her aunt, Helaena. The two have become closer as the years went by. Levana saw her as someone that she could confide in with no question.

"Your embroidery is beautiful, Levana," Helaena commented, "you've embroidered the Godswood exquisitely."

Levana turned to her and smiled, "thank you, Helaena," she said as she looked at her piece, "your embroidery is just as exquisite."

"I'm sure that your future children with Aemond would be glad to have you as a mother," Helaena smiled, "you would be able to embroider such beautiful cloths."

Levana smiled at the thought though it pained her.

As they grew, Aemond and her would grow distant from each other. Maybe it was due to their varying interests as the prince now also allotted time to the sword while Levana spent her time with the Queen and Helaena.

While they did find common ground in reading and dragon riding, it was simply not the same as they would only exchange a few words with each other. Levana thought it to be normal as they had to keep their distance as with custom but this was surely too much as they were such good friends prior to this.

"Speaking of Aemond," The Queen cut in, "I wonder where he is about."

Levana sighed, "I believe he was in the library earlier today as he was with Septon Salvi."

Queen Alicent noticed the discomfort in Levana's tone and placed a hand on her shoulder, "he will come around, Levana."

Levana turned to the Queen and smiled, "Your Grace, I do not wish to bother Aemond with this yet as we both have priorities and duties about us that we need to care for."

"But you are his betrothed," Queen Alicent stated, "it is also his duty to make sure that you are safe, well, and protected."

"I require no protection from the prince, Your Grace."

"Levana, my sweet daughter," The Queen sighed, "I refuse to have this argument with you again."

This, as a matter of fact, was not the first that they had argued about the duties of Aemond to Levana. The princess was content with the distance between them as she is quite capable of holding her own but Queen Alicent believes that Aemond should be available at all times to aid the princess.

Just as Levana was about to reply, the doors to the Queen's chamber opened to reveal Aemond. The prince bowed his head slightly at the ladies in front of him and turned his attention to the princess.

"Mother," Aemond said, "I ask to have a moment with Princess Levana."

The Queen chuckled, "it is not I that you should be asking permission from."

"Princess," Aemond held his hand out, "I would like to request for your company in the Godswood."

"Pray tell what are we to discuss there that we cannot discuss in the presence of Queen Mother and Helaena?" Levana smiled as the prince chuckled a response, "'tis a matter that I wish to discuss with my betrothed."

Queen Alicent looked at his son and then at Levana before smiling, "very well then, Levana, you may go."

The princess nodded and stood up from her seat, leaving her embroidery on the table before taking Aemond's hand and walking out of the room. Ser Westerling followed closely behind them as he is accustomed to

"I do wish that your sworn protector would leave distance between himself and us," Aemond whispered, "this is a delicate matter that I wish to discuss with you."

Levana nodded and turned to face the knight who had a brow raised, "if you are to tell me to leave, Princess Levana, I will refuse as ordered by King Viserys."

"I simply wish for a safe distance, Ser Westerling," Levana responded, "Aemond and I are to discuss a delicate and personal matter."

Ser Westerling sighed before nodding his head, "a safe distance is what you will receive, Your Grace."

With that, the two royals would proceed to the Godswood while Ser Westerling stayed by the castle door, watching as the two walked farther from him and nearer to the Weirwood tree.

"What do you wish to discuss, Aemond?"

"A matter of our betrothal," Aemond began, "I wish to have it broken."

Levana was taken aback, "does the Queen and King know about this?"

"They do not need to know unless we have decided," Aemond stated, "you do not wish to live a loveless marriage, do you?"

The princess raised a brow, "Aemond, what do you know about love and what I feel toward you?"

"I know that you do not love me," Aemond stated, "and whatever feelings I may have for you will wither away with the end of our betrothal."

"I refuse."

"Do not make this hard, Eva."

"How dare you assume my feelings for you and ask for this?" Levana asked, "we've prepared our entire lives for us to be wed, Aemond."

"You're not supposed to prepare for marriage for that long, I know that now," Aemond responded as Levana held back tears, "I refused to set foot on Dragonstone again to be with you."

"Levana, we were children."

"You would rather see me marry a different lord?" Levana asked, "a lord that I do not know?"

Aemond shook his head, "I am protecting you this way, Levana."

"From what, Aemond?!" Levana raised her voice enough to alert Ser Westerling who proceeded to walk towards them.

"Princess," Ser Westerling, "perhaps you should retreat to your chambers."

Levana raised a hand, "what are you protecting me from, Aemond?"

"It is better if you do not know, Levana," Aemond stated, "you will be kept safer that way."

"What is it that I should not know about you, Aemond?" Levana asked, "we are friends, are we not? You can share this burden with me."

"No," Aemond replied bluntly, "Levana, this is the only way to protect my honor and yours."

"The King and the Queen will know about this," Levana warned before running back into the palace. Ser Westerling turned to bow at the prince before following after the princess.

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Let's all trust in the process, they will be together - this just needs to happen HAHAHAHA Trust in the process but not in Daemon because he's the proprietor of whatever this is that might potentially bite both Levana and Aemond in the front HAHAHAAHAH

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