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"Queen Levana Velaryon."

The Targeryen Queen turned to face her husband who walked towards her and Vermithor with a torch in hand. The Bronze Fury bellowed at the sight of the King who simply took a step back.

"Why are you here, Aemond?" Levana asked, "I thought you were in a deep sleep."

"I was never asleep," Aemond confessed, "I noticed how often you stirred and kept a close eye on you the entire night until you found your way to the Dragonpit."

The female cussed under her breath before sighing, "I couldn't find sleep at the off chance that Aegon could still be alive."

"If he were, what do you intend to do?" Aemond asked, "he'd honestly be better off dead at his condition."

"He is still your brother," Levana reminded, "he is still family."

"Brother?" Aemond scoffed, "he saw nothing but ruin for this House."

Levana kept silent as she stroked Vermithor's neck, "he needs to be found lest someone decides to claim the throne in his name."

"The only claimants that he has are his children," Aemond said, "I doubt Helaena desires the throne."

"It's not Helaena."

Aemond's eyes shot wide.

"You mean my mother?" Aemond asked, "we are over this, Levana."

"I know that we are," Levana said, "but is she?"

"Do you not trust Lady Alicent?" Aemond probed, "she's been loyal to you."

"I know that she has, but she was also loyal to Aegon," Levana reminded, "and Aegon is her son."

"What would you have me do?"

"Fly with me."

With a grin, Levana mounted her dragon and commanded for it to take to the skies. Aemond grunted in disbelief before making his way towards his own dragon. The Targaryen King cussed under his breath as Vhagar took to the skies, following after Vermithor, who was flying away from King's Landing toward Dragonstone.

"Levana!" Aemond called, "this is going to get us in trouble with your Small Council!"

"The most that they can do is scold me about it, Aemond!" Levana responded as Vermithor flew faster. The Gold King groaned as Vhagar followed after the Bronze Fury who landed just a few meters away from Dragonstone Castle.

Levana was quick to unmount from her dragon, stroking his neck as she waited for her husband to unmount from his own.

"We left the children in the dead of night," Aemond huffed, "no one knows where we are."

"Vad and Anam do," Levana said, "they're always watching us when we're at the Dragonpit."

Aemond approached wife and wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him as they walked towards the castle.

After the civil war, Dragonstone Castle was bleak and nearly lifeless. There were plans to scout the area but no one fully entered the castle for fear of an ambush by those who are loyal to the Black Queen.

Prince Sorin has, since then, made sure that there were no more loyalists to the Black Queen after. Levana asked they not be killed as a show of amity, but the Martell had other plans - he wasn't going to let anyone go past him.

"I will scout the Outer Bailey," Aemond stated, "where shall I find you, Eva?"

"The Great Hall," Levana responded, "if I were Aegon, that would be an obvious hiding place."

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