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It was the dawn of a new day when the maesters presented an urgent matter to Princess Rhaenyra. The Targaryen wondered what matter would be so important as to require her attention at that time of day but once she was handed the letter from the raven, she understood.

Rhaenrya expected a raven from Driftmark as she requested for her daughter to be escorted to Dragonstone at the earliest possible time. She was hoping that the letter would inform her of Princess Levana's arrival in the hours to come.

With a deep breath, Rhaenyra unraveled the letter and read its contents only to be taken aback at the revelation from Princess Rhaenys.

Her daughter will not be joining her in Dragonstone. Instead, Levana had made the decision to travel to King's Landing.

Rhaenyra was distraught. She quickly summoned her Lord Husband, Prince Daemon who came knocking at her chambers soon after.

Princess Levana has decided by her own accord to travel to King's Landing to be with her Grandsire and betrothed. I will be escorting her and Vermithor at dawn.

Daemon chuckled in amusement as he handed the letter back to his wife, "well, she's better off there."

Rhaenyra looked at him in disbelief, "Levana is my daughter and her place is here in Dragonstone."

The male raised a brow, "and yet you made the decision to leave her in High Tide so she could be a reprieve to Ser Laenor's death."

"I did that for Levana, she at least deserved to be around Lord Corlys and Princess Rhaenys after Laenor's death."

"You still abandoned her."

The princess looked at Daemon in disbelief, "I will fly to King's Landing and retrieve her."

The Rogue Prince shook his head, "let Levana go."

"She's my daughter!"

"And she's made her own choices," Daemon interjected, "young as she is she already made this decision for herself and it's one that you should also respect."

Rhaenyra sighed, "no one is going to help her there, Daemon."

"She has my brother," Daemon reasoned, "I doubt Viserys is going to allow anything to happen to his favorite grandchild."

"You cannot remove my worry," Rhaenyra began, "Levana is my daughter too and the regret I feel is deep for leaving her in Driftmark when Laenor died."

"I left her when she needed me the most, Daemon."

Daemon raised a brow, "then you'll be there when she needs you again, on her wedding day."

"Daemon, that's years from now," Rhaenyra reminded, "I do not intend to be apart from my daughter for that long."

"Do you believe that she'll want to be around you after you abandoned her?" Daemon asked, "Levana might not take this as lightly as you think."

Rhaenyra took a deep breath before looking at the letter again and holding it close to her heart. She looked toward the window of her room and watched the rising sun. Levana would be nearing King's Landing by now and while a part of her did find it hard to be apart from her daughter - maybe Daemon was right.

Maybe Levana didn't need her as much as she thought.

Still, she was the child's mother and she just couldn't leave her daughter alone. The decision itself to be with the King and Aemond was something that utterly shocked Rhaenyra. It made her remember the conversation she had with Queen Alicent the day that she proposed marriage between their children.

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