28 Lace Panties

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Xin Keyi packed up her things and went downstairs, and Gu Shuzhou was already waiting for her in the carport.

The young man stood under the twilight, the street lamp in front of him had been lit, pulling out a slender shadow behind him, and the white sportswear on his body was dyed twilight red, and the whole person looked like a comforting warmth.

Probably hearing footsteps, he raised his head and looked in the direction she had come.

"Sister. The moment

he saw her, a smile appeared on the young man's indifferent face, and even the corners of his eyes rose slightly.

Xin Keyi ignored the disobedient heartbeat, walked over and handed the bag to Gu Shuzhou.

She stepped into the electric car and started: "Let's go." The

body sank, and the boy's warm body was pasted, like every day before, he had just exercised, and there was still a faint smell of sweat on his body.

In fact, Xin Keyi didn't like this smell on boys before, but for some reason, if it was Gu Shuzhou, she didn't reject it.

The electric car drove slowly, and the two chatted idly without a ride.

Xin Keyi remembered the morning's events and asked with a smile: "How is it, have you thought of asking for any reward?"

Gu Shuzhou was obviously stunned, and the hand holding her waist tightened, silent for a long time: "Not yet." "

He lied.

When he made this request, he thought about it, he wanted her to touch herself again, he wanted to in her hand again.

But if she said it now, she would refuse, right?

"Yo, so cautious. The smile at the corner of Xin Keyi's mouth became stronger, making her look forward to what this person wanted more and more.

Soon, though, she couldn't laugh.

She felt that in the back of her hips, something seemed to be waking up.

She moved her body a little unnaturally, but she felt it more obviously.

The hard one, with a temperature that was difficult to ignore, poked her, and Xin Keyi's face suddenly burned, it was Gu Shuzhou's penis.

Fortunately, the sunset was red enough and gorgeous, and everything as far as the eye could see was covered with an orange red, and no one would find out how red her face was.

When he arrived home, Gu Shuzhou had returned to normal, and the two served dishes for their grandmother, and ate dinner without risk.

Grandma has recently become obsessed with square dancing, and after eating, she went out to the citizen park, leaving only two siblings at home.

Gu Shuzhou consciously went to the kitchen to wash the dishes, while Xin Keyi took a change of clothes to the bathroom to take a bath.

When she entered, there was just a message jumping in the work group, and she was anxious to check it, but did not notice that her panties had landed on the floor outside the door.

When Gu Shuzhou came out of the kitchen, he just saw Xin Keyi after taking a bath, probing his head out, and wanted to pick up the white strip on the ground... Panties?!

So, now, she's not wearing anything underneath? The teenager's breathing was instantly chaotic.

He didn't have time to think about it, quickly stepped forward, picked up the small pair of three-corner panties, and looked at Xin Keyi, who was hiding behind the bathroom door: "It's dirty, I'll help you change one." Xin

Keyi originally thought that the floor at home was clean, and she could wear it with a shake when she picked it up, but when Gu Shuzhou said so, she didn't want to appear unhygienic, so she could only nod.

"Okay, on the second floor of the chest of drawers in my room.

Her face turned red again, silently praying that her brother would not see the sexy lace panties that her best friend gave her.

Unfortunately, Gu Shuzhou still saw it, and after thinking for a few seconds, he decided to take one of the purple ones with bows.

"Thank you, thank you. When

she saw the almost transparent lace fabric, Xin Keyi felt that her face was all familiar, and her words were incoherent.

Taishe is dead!

What she didn't expect was that there were more social deaths.

Just as she took her underwear and was about to close the door, Gu Shuzhou flashed in.

"!!! Xin Keyi looked at the boy who was half a head taller in disbelief, and pushed him out forcefully: "What are you doing here?!" It

was at this time that there were footsteps outside, and she looked out through the crack in the door, and it turned out that it was her grandmother who had returned.

How did you come back so early!?

At this time, push Gu Shuzhou out, how to explain when he is seen by grandma? Moreover, she glanced at the crotch of the teenager's pants, which was already cocked.

How can this still go out?

After half a second of consideration, Xin Ke closed the bathroom door with a weak heart.

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