Part Two

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I sit down and place my phone down on the table with the screen facing up while she looks at her friend. I look him in the eyes. He's looking at her and I can see the fear in his eyes. The shock that he's feeling. He wasn't aware of me coming. Or he hadn't agreed to that, that's for sure.

"So, this is my friend. His name's Zayn," Lilith introduces us finally. I look at her like I did before, questioning her if it's him. The guy she said likes me. She grins at me. So he is. I look back at him. Maybe that's why he looks so shaken, so scared to even move.

"Hi. I'm Isabelle," I introduce myself. He frowns looking at me. He then nods. "Which class are you in? You look around my age, no?" I ask and look at Lilith for answers, since he's probably not going to talk now. She nods and is about to answer, but stops.

"We're in arts and music. Twelfth." Zayn finally speaks up. I look at him surprised. Not because we're in the same class, but because his voice sounds like an angel's. I smile. His voice was a little shaky and soft. I play it off cool so that he doesn't have to stress over it too much.

"We're in the same class. Cool," I say and look down, "Though, I'm an online student. Except, I'm going to speak to my mother and come to the public school itself," I add when I look back up at them. He looks somewhat intrigued for some reason. I mean, apart from the obvious. He relaxes a little.

"Isn't online school like... Two hundred a month? I've heard rumours that it's that expensive. Well, they're probably just that, rumours, but I'm quite curious," he slowly speaks letting me listen to his voice. I look in his eyes and shrug. I play over his voice, deciding on how to answer the question.

"It's actually three hundred and fifty five per month," I answer his question, "But who's counting, right?" I ask with a grin. His gaze slowly shifts from me to Lilith. Okay, they do judge. Panic runs through my veins.

"She's a rich daddy's girl," he whispers to her. I can visibly see that she just kicked him under the table by how he jumps a little. He looks at me like he isn't even sorry. I look down at my water bottle that I just bought.

"It's alright, Lilith. He doesn't have to know," I tell her and look in her eyes. She gives me an apologetic look, but I don't pay much attention to it. My phone vibrates. I check it. "Okay, it was nice meeting you, Zayn, but my chauffeur has arrived. I'll see you tomorrow maybe," I say and get up. I want to leave them and just go cry because my parents were right. People will judge me. A lot. But then again, I want to stay with them and I want to show them that money isn't what's important for me.

"Bye. See you later," Lilith gives me a smile, but Zayn doesn't. He looks pretty embarrassed, he doesn't even look up at me. Lilith kicks him again. He frowns at her, then he gives in. He forces himself.

"Bye," he finally looks up at me, but it's for a brief moment. I nod and begin to walk to the exit. The worst is that my mother was right and I hate to admit it. I'm just a spoiled daddy's girl. I live off of their money and I don't do anything to change it. But what's the point, right? Even if I did that, nobody would know and they'd still call me that.

When I'm home, I get out of the car and walk towards the house. Inside I am greeted by the butler. I make my way to my room and change into my home clothes. It's something that I love to do. Somebody knocks at the door, so I shout 'come in' and wait for who has anything to tell me. The door opens and my mother comes in. What a surprise of her.

"Hello, darling. I got Gabriel to get you home faster, because we have to fly to Florida and I wanted to see you before we go." she tells me with a big smile plastered on her face. I sit on the edge of the bed. I know that the smile isn't real, but I still smile back. I try.

"May I ask you a question?" I ask for permission because that's how I'm taught to be. She nods, giving me the permission. "Can you transfer me to a public school?" I ask her, "I promise that-"

"Fine. Bye, bye now!" she interrupts me in mid-sentence and just leaves. I sigh. I don't even know how to react. Be happy, because she agreed or be pissed, because she doesn't even care what I do with my life anymore? I decide to just brush it off and do my own thing.



"You really are something," I scold him, "When I talked to her, she said she feels lonely, that's why she comes to school even if she's an online student," I frown and look at him. He looks up from his phone and looks in my eyes. He looks angry. That's what confuses me most. He's angry at me, her or himself?

"I got it, I fucked up. I do that a lot, I'm sorry," he mumbles. I shake my head at him. He doesn't really apologise ever. He must be really sad or mad about it. "She probably doesn't like me already. And just because of what I said, she probably won't even come to public school anymore," he drops his phone on the table, "I found her on instagram and I sent her a dm. Apologised," he tells me. I raise both my eyebrows and quickly take his phone. I want to see her pictures. When I see the girl in the pictures, my mouth falls agape.

"Okay, she's filthy rich, that's for sure," I whisper, "But she didn't really show it off at school, did she?" I frown and look up at him, "I mean, she'd easily get the attention if she tried," I shrug. He nods. I look down at his phone. She texted back, so I open her message. Oh. "She says it's all cool with her," I tell him. Then she texts again. My eyes widen a bit. "She asks if you'd want to hang out with her," I tell him. He just tilts his head and gives me a sarcastic smile.

"Ha ha, funny. Now give me my phone back," he snatches it out of my hands. I shrug and look at the waitress. We're in a small cafe as per usual. Our favourite one. "Oh god, you weren't joking..." he whispers when he sees the message from her. I look at him with a serious expression. "Well, I'm sorry that sometimes I don't believe you because you do have a reputation of lying to me," he rolls his eyes. I scoff. What an asshole! I did it for him.

"How dare you!" I laugh, "You are very mean right now. You should be thankful that I introduced you two in the first place or else you'd still be drooling over her from far away," I tell him. He looks at me and grimaces. "I'm serious. You talk about her like she's your girlfriend and then every time that we go past her you can't take your eyes off her. Like she's-"

"Okay, you can stop now," he whispers, "She just walked in and I beg you to not make a fool out of me," he looks behind me. I turn around to make sure he's for real. And there she is. There's a guy next to her. But he looks a tad older than her. He gives her some money and a kiss on her cheek, and then leaves, meanwhile she turns to the cashier. "She has a boyfriend, cool," Zayn mumbles. I sigh and frown.

"Isa?" I shout. She immediately looks at us. "Hi!" I wave at her. She smiles. The cashier gives her a coffee which she pays for and then she turns to us. I motion for her to come over. She begins to walk over.

"You're really doing this? You told her I like her and now we find out she has a boyfriend, why can't-" he stops when she's close enough to hear, "Hi, Isabelle," he greets her. She doesn't sit down though. Is she in a hurry? I mean, her boyfriend is probably waiting for her right now.

"Hello. Listen, I've got to run right now, but I wanted to say... I'm transferring to public school. So maybe next week I'll see you in class?" she smiles. Her smile is genuine. I nod at her. She looks at Zayn now, to see his reaction. He just smiles, so she looks at me.

"Was that your boyfriend? Looks older than you, but handsome," I grin at her. Her eyes widen and she gags. Well, that's quite a reaction coming from her. She gives me a terrified look.

"Sweet home Alabama," she mutters, "That was my father. He's dragging me along to the airport so I could show my parents a proper goodbye wave," she answers and laughs. She then places a piece of paper on the table. Pushes it towards me. "I'll see you tomorrow. Bye!" she makes her way out of the cafe now. I look at Zayn who's looking at the paper in front of me. I just called her father handsome... Jesus Christ!

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