Part Eight

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I walk into the house. The music is loud, but not loud enough to shut out my thoughts. In the end, Zayn got invited by Liam too, so he should be here as well. I really don't know how to act around them both because they're best friends and well... I was actually getting my hopes up with Zayn. I enter the living room where my eyes fall on Zayn and Liam both drowning quite a few shots. I smile seeing Zayn laugh after he finishes his shots before Liam. I walk up to them. Liam drowns his last shot and his eyes turn to me.

"Izzy! My darling!" he shouts happily and gets up. Zayn also looks at me. I give Liam a hug and then I look at Zayn. He looks unsure about this, but I still open my arms for a hug. He gets up and gives me a hug. "Since when are you two so friendly? Haven't noticed before," Liam comments. I let go of Zayn and smile at Liam. Here it goes... The truth.

"School does its own thing," I answer. Liam's eyes widen. He points at me.

"You're going to school now? What happened with Violet's threats?" he laughs. I just roll my eyes. "I'm serious. She was right though, that's why I'm back on online classes. People are just assholes," he adds. I point at Zayn to show him as an example.

"Not him. He actually was nice. Is nice. And his friend," I answer, "Though Harry is the real bitch," I grimace. He laughs. He knows Harry, I just know it. Since Harry knew him, he must know him too.

"I already talked to him. He said you sent someone to beat him up," he raises both his eyebrows, "How is Michael?" he grins. I wiggle my eyebrows. He sure does know my men. As well as acquaintances and friends.

"He's good, he misses you around actually," I answer and then I look at Zayn, "You already drunk?" I ask. He slowly looks at me and shakes his head. A bit slowly. He might be tipsy. I look at Liam. He gives me a pout. He also might be tipsy.

"That's my goal for tonight. To get him wasted," he tells me, "Because he told me he likes someone and when I asked him who it is he said he wouldn't tell me," he squints his eyes at Zayn, "I swear, if it's the Lilith girl..." he tilts his head. I place a hand on his bicep and look at Zayn. The fact that I do know this... It's really scary.

"Good luck. I want to know too. I really do," I grin. Zayn gives me a smirk. Oh, he's not the shy one anymore. He's going for it. That's how I know for sure that the alcohol in his system is doing its job.

"You know, so why you lying to him?" he asks. Liam now turns to me and crosses his arms. Okay, what do I say now? He lifts up his chin and gives me a look that says he'll get me drunk if neither of us speak. And that is my weakness. I know he'll get me drunk and I do talk.

"You realise what you just did? I speak when I'm drunk and he's getting me drunk tonight!" I now look at Zayn. He gets up from the couch again and comes closer to us. I'm waiting a stunt from him. Something. But I'm once again surprised by him.

"What, you scared to get drunk?" he asks me and gives me and Liam each a shot glass. He takes himself one too and takes a bottle of vodka. Pours us all a shot. We all drown it. I frown when the burning sensation runs through my throat. Down to my stomach. I take a deep breath. It's been a while since I've done neat shots.

"I might as well speak now then, no?" I ask Zayn. He chuckles and shakes his head at me. "You do have lots of confidence in drunk me," I giggle. He nods. Since I'm not in alcohol's influence just yet, I take a one last good look of him. A sight of him being so relaxed.

"I'm not better," he answers. Someone taps on my shoulder, so I turn around. My eyes widen and I pull him in a hug. Louis. I haven't seen him in ages! When I pull away, I turn back around and pull Louis closer to us. I let him stand between me and Liam, so I'd stand closer to Zayn. He grins and greets Louis like they're good friends. Right. Of course. They know each other. They're friends. I should've expected that.

"You've grown, man! I remember when you had a baby face!" Louis greets him. Zayn gives him a nod. "Let's not talk about you, Izzy. Still fucking Liam?" he asks and looks at Liam curiously, "Though I heard you two broke up, no?" he adds. I nod because he looks at me. He gives it a laugh because he knows how toxic we were. He then looks at Zayn. "And how's it with you? Still not giving it a try?" he asks. Zayn shakes his head slowly. The way he's looking at Louis... He doesn't want to talk about it. Or they both know something that I don't.

"He likes someone and they both know who. They won't tell me so I'm getting them drunk," Liam points at us. I look at Zayn. He pours himself another shot. I hand him my shot glass so he'd pour me too. He looks at me and then pours me some. He offers Liam too, but Liam declines. He continues to talk with Louis meanwhile me and Zayn look at each other. I wrap my arm around his so we'd have to drink arm through arm. We do that. He chuckles when we pull away.

"Wanna do some tequila shots?" I suggest. He nods and puts down the bottle of vodka as well as both our shot glasses. I go where I saw tequila bottles and shot glasses. Thank god it's not too crowded, so I can easily pass people. When I get to the tequila bottles, I take one and walk back over to Zayn. I get on my knees, so I'd be the same level as the table. I pour in a few shots and look up at Zayn who is standing next to me and looking down at me.

"Hey! Isa! I know I said I want to get you two drunk, but I didn't mean it like so fast... Zayn just took like ten shots of vodka alrea-" I stop Liam with a glare. He gives me a look that says to stop. Zayn crouches down next to me and almost falls so I grab his arm to help him steady up. There are six shots here. I give him three and take three myself. We both drown them all together. He drops on his ass and looks at me. I can see through his eyes that his head is spinning and he feels the drunk phase come on. I giggle. That's a cute look on him.

"More or stop for now?" I ask him to make sure. He shakes his head and looks up at Liam. I pour myself another three and drown only two. Liam takes away my third and the bottle of tequila. I try to take the vodka's bottle, but Louis gets that one before me. I sit next to Zayn and look at both Liam and Louis. "Boring! You two are boring!" I shout at them. They nod and continue their conversation. I look at Zayn with a smile. "You okay?" I ask to make sure he isn't like about to throw up. He looks at me and laughs. Nods.

"I'm good, you?" he asks. I nod as well. I'm surprised that I'm still not out of it. Damn, I just drowned five shots and I'm not out? A new record, that's for sure.

"Talking about you liking someone..." I start a conversation, "Is it me? Like for real?" I ask him because I'm dead curious and right now is the best time to ask. He takes something out of his pocket. A lighter. And a joint. My heart skips a beat, but then I just take a breather.

"Yeah." he simply answers and puts the joint between his lips. Lights it up. After he's taken a blow he offers it to me. I take it and take a hit. He places his head on my shoulder. "Fuck, I feel like an idiot now that I know you're fucking Liam. Were fucking him," he mumbles. I take another blow and give it back to him. I blow it out and lie my head against his.

"Don't do that to yourself. Me and Liam are over. It's just you and me now," I answer feeling the joint make my head spin much faster. He hums. Now, this is what I wanted to tell him, but never got myself to say because it would've made it weirder than it had to be.

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