Part Seven

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"I'm not. If they don't want it, I find a cheap way to hang out," I answer her question as simply as I could, "And if you really think I was serious about the dragging Zayn along part, please... Do me a favor, get to know me better before you jump to conclusions,"  I smile at her. She turns to me and raises both her eyebrows. I was trying to be polite, but it looks like she doesn't want to be polite herself.

"Really? And do they feel the same? Like you aren't pushing it on them?" she questions me. I lean in closer to her. I quickly gather my thoughts, find an answer within myself. I have to be smart about this.

"It's their feelings, so you should ask them and not me," I answer her silly question. She gives me a fake smile and then looks at Zayn. I look at him too. He's looking at me, but then his eyes turn to the other girl. Okay, he's on my side. Good.

"She has never forced me to do anything expensive. As well as if she sees I'm not sure about something, she even tells me it's okay if I say no. And she doesn't treat me any different because I don't want to do something," he answers the question and looks at Lilith. I do too. Now, will she agree? She's harder to read than him.

"Honestly, I already agreed in the beginning, so I don't get it why we're having this conversation. Haven't had the time yet to tell her no about being paid for," she answers which surprises me. She agreed. She was unsure though. But I still look at the girl while hiding my little surprise. She looks defeated at me. As if she isn't the one to admit her defeat, she straightens her face and squares her shoulders.

"Well, I'm sorry then, rich person who should've stayed online," she gives me a smile and turns away. Okay, she's starting a war here. I shall not let her talk to me this way just because I possess more than she.

"Watch your mouth, girl. I may be rich, but I don't whore around like you. Or as I've heard from Harry," I tell her. Immediately her attention turns to Harry. I risked it all here. I bluffed. I just did it, holy shit. And I think it might've worked.

"You motherfucker! I covered for you when you cheated on Maria and now you go around telling people that I'm the whore?" she shouts at him. The girl in front of Harry turns around. I look at Zayn. His look at them is magnificent. I love it. Somehow it gives me both adrenaline and happiness.

"Oh dear," I laugh at her, "What a snitch you turn out to be just because someone is bluffing," I tell her. She turns to me with a curious look. "See, that's the difference between us. I know when to keep my mouth shut. You don't," I say it to her face, "So next time you think about eavesdropping and jumping in a conversation that didn't ask for your opinion, just be quiet and leave your useless comments about rich people to yourself," I smile after I've said it. She doesn't say anything else. I look at Harry who's looking at his phone. I look back at Lilith. She's now looking at me. There's something in her eyes that I can't pinpoint. Something like... Anger or disappointment.

"Remind me not to ever get on your black list," Zayn mumbles. I look at him with a frown. It worries me that he's afraid of me at some point. He shouldn't. I like him and even if we get out of touch, if we ever get on bad terms... I wouldn't mess with him. It'll be bad for my reputation... No matter how bad it sounds as I think of it now.

"It's like they say. Don't mess with rich people," Lilith tells him. I don't even look at her, I keep my eyes on him. "Of course, not that I complain. You're cool, Isabelle," she adds. I smile. The bell rings, so I turn around to face the front and sigh. Finally I'm having a normal experience in school. Having people around and sitting in a school's chair. Having some quarrels with my classmates. What a great first day.

We walk in the cafeteria. I see the same girl that yesterday went past us. Who told Zayn hello virgin. She's walking towards us. I see she has the same intentions. The way her lips curl up before she speaks up.

"Hello, virgin." she greets him again like that. It just boils my blood in anger. My thoughts get all hectic and I don't control myself as I speak up.

"Hello, whore," I look straight in her eyes as I blurt it out. She frowns. We walk past her. I look at Zayn who has a frown playing on his face. He doesn't say anything, but he wraps an arm around me and looks at me with a smile. I smile back and look at the cashier. We get ourselves lunch and go to their spot. Our spot. It feels great, but unusual to call it our spot. It's always been their spot and if I ever find myself in a situation where they hate me... This won't be our spot anymore. It'll be their spot again.

I take a bite of my salad, when Harry sits next to me. Both Zayn's and Lilith's conversation silences. I look at Harry who eyes Zayn from his seat. And it's not a good look. It's a threatening look... Coming from Harry.

"Hi, virgin," he grins and then looks at me. His eye looks much better than it was in the morning. Or rather it's just up close. "I get it, you'll be defending him now and bowing down to his fake innocence," he tells me and then looks at Lilith and Zayn, "But I'll invite you anyway. There's a party this weekend. Mostly the rich ones come, so it's not a poor people hangout. Landon Breecher," he invites me. I frown and nod. It's weird though... How does he know about the Landon party?

"I already know. I'll be there," I answer, "I'm already invited by someone else, so don't think I'll go because of you," I smile at him. He hums. He's curious now, it's in his eyes. He looks me up and down.

"Who invited you?" he asks and squints his eyes, "Was it Hunter?" he takes a guess. I giggle and shake my head. Good guess. But not right. I straighten my back.

"Liam," I give him a short reply. His face drops and he looks at me like I just blew up something. He shakes his head and looks at Zayn. Then back at me. Why did he just look at Zayn? Wait... Was this intentional? To point something out? Throw me under the bus?

"You really do have a great taste in men," he quietly comments with a small grin. I cock an eyebrow at him. He looks at Zayn again, so I do too. Zayn's looking at me. "She's talking about Payne. That's all I'm saying. See you later," Harry pats my shoulder and gets up. Leaves. I don't even look at him, my eyes are focused on Zayn. Why does he look like...

"You know him?" I ask. That's going to be awkward. He slowly nods. Oh shit. I swallow. So he must know who I am then. At least something. If he knows Liam, then there's no way he hasn't heard of me.

"He's his best friend," Lilith says when Zayn doesn't answer my question right away, "What did Harry mean when he said you have a great taste in men?" she questions me. I look at her. This is not good.

"Now this is going to sound bad," I sigh knowing now that he's Zayn's best friend, "Liam is my ex. I'm pretty sure that's what he was talking about," I answer. She chokes on her water. I look at Zayn. "We're just friends now though. To be honest, we both were toxic in a relationship, so we're better off as friends," I say and continue eating.

"You and Liam?" he asks, still trying to absorb the new information. I nod. "Oh my god... So that's where I remember you from..." he quietly groans. I frown. He doesn't talk at first, but then he sits up straight. "There was a party at his friend's place. You two were wasted that night and I walked in on you two. I just didn't realise it was you," he says it like he's not even surprised. Lilith lets out a laugh, but immediately covers her mouth with her hand. I close my eyes and sigh.

"Right, not weird at all," I mumble and look back to find where Harry went. That little asshole is the reason why we're even having this conversation. When I don't find him, I look back at Zayn and Lilith. She's already red from silent laughing. I look Zayn in the eyes. What a fun way to find out you've met someone before.

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