Part Fourteen

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   We finally make our way back downstairs where people are already talking about today's main goal. That is the auction. Liam's family is hosting this I suppose because my eyes immediately fall on Liam's mother standing on the stage. She's looking for someone, but her eyes stop when she sees us. I'm guessing she was worried if we got in a fight because of what I said before. I mean, not that we didn't...

   I look around to find some familiar faces and I smile when I see Louis sitting at his family's table. I turn to Liam and make sure he knows I'm going to greet Louis. He nods. I walk over to Louis and place both my hands on his shoulders from behind. He looks up like he always does. He smiles a little.

"Hey! I guess congratulations on getting engaged?" he congratulates which sounds more like a question. I sigh and nod. He has to get it, there's no way he believes all of this. Though, I have no intention to talk about it now, so I change the topic.

"Thanks, Lou. How are you doing today?" I ask him. He gets up and gives me a hug. "I'm personally dying inside today," I let out a laugh as I quietly say it. He pulls away and frowns. Okay, now he understands. He thinks about it for a second.

"Oh no... Not again..." he whispers as he begins to think about it out loud, "Is this a public stunt you had to pull?" he whispers again, now next to my ear. When he pulls away to see my reaction I don't even dare to nod. I look back to see if Liam's looking at us. He is. And so are my parents. I look back at Louis. Damn, they're really monitoring my every move. I take a deep breath.

"Don't make it obvious," I smile, "Me and Liam are on good terms, so it's not as bad as it sounds," I say. I see people trying to move closer to hear what we're talking about. They think we can't notice it, but it's too obvious. "He's sweet and we've both changed. So it's just a few days until I turn eighteen and then we can get married," I give him a fake smile and then look at a woman who's literally a few steps away from us. Louis looks at her and then at me, giving me a grin. He knows I lied. He knows it's bullshit and that we're not on good terms, not even closer to marrying each other.

"Got that one," he laughs, "So, how's public school going? Any friends? Enemies besides Harry?" he asks making me giggle. Enemies, huh. He's not really an enemy, is he? He's just an asshole who shows up in my life from time to time.

"Harry is not an enemy of mine, but I'm not entirely all over him as well. I suppose you know who Lilith is?" I say in a questioning voice, "She's cool. Like really, she makes me feel included all the time and she's protective," I tell him, "And the other friend is Zayn which you already know," I add. He nods. "No enemies for now. And I don't intend to make any. Just ruins my rep," I mumble. He chuckles.

"You know I've heard already rumours about you even if I'm an online student there," he tells me. I raise both my eyebrows. He is? How did I not know this? How on earth has this happened? Under what rock have I been if I don't know this?

"Wait what?" I ask him because I really didn't know. He nods confirming it again. He actually is in our school, wow!

"Me and Liam are in the same class as you, only we're in business and economy not arts and music," he tells me. I look back at Liam. I did not know he's in the same school as me as well... I turn back to Louis. "So yes, I heard rumours. All about Michael beating him up, you calling Ana a whore and whatnot. I know that people there are telling you that you should've stayed as an online student," he gives me a look of 'don't even try to lie to me'. I roll my eyes and nod. I can't really figure if he's keeping tabs on me or there's someone who really likes to gossip about me to him.

"Fine, yes. People aren't as nice as I thought they'd be. And it was nicer when they didn't talk to me, but right now I prefer them talking to me rather than being all alone every single day with no one to talk to," I tell him, "That is except Liam, of course. As always," I add. How can I not when everyone is listening for me to mess up? Louis nods. His eyes fall behind me. And it's not the sweetest look. He looks somewhat worried.

"Hello," the sweet voice fills my ears. I turn my head a little to see Zayn stand beside me. He puts an arm around my shoulders. "I heard you and Liam announced your engagement, huh?" he asks. Now people's eyes are on me. He raised attention to us. Because of the photos. I offer him a smile. How do I fix this though? I did know how to mess it up, of course.

"Yes, you missed it. You're a bit late, no?" I smile. He chuckles and nods. He gives Louis a handshake and nods at him. "You look great," I compliment him. He looks at me and smiles. Like, genuinely smiles. It hurts me to know that I'm not going to be the one who sees it every day. Or the one who makes him smile every day.

"Thanks. No better than you, of course," he answers and looks behind me. I do too. Liam's coming towards us. "I saw the photos that were leaked. The responsible was found as I've heard," he looks at me. I can see it in his eyes that he knows it's me. Liam comes up to us. Instead of standing between me and Zayn, he stands on my other side. He greets Louis and then wraps an arm around my waist. I give Liam a look that says we need to talk. He frowns. He must think I'm angry at him again. I am, but that's besides the point.

"How does everyone figure out so easily who leaked the pictures?" I whisper in his ear. He then smiles and looks in my eyes. "What? Is it really that easy to tell?" I whisper and smile. He nods and chuckles. I shake my head at myself. How could I be so stupid?

"What, you rebel all the time. You think it's not visible for others?" Louis asks. I look at him and shrug. How am I supposed to know that? Besides, why would I always have to be the villain? Why can't it be someone else?

"When everyone keeps pretending like they don't see anything, what else am I supposed to do?" I sigh. We all know that it's just my personality. I'm stubborn and I don't like to obey people. Liam, most of all, knows it the best. I'd rather stab myself and die rather than obey what I'm told. Though, nowdays I'm starting to obey because I've got everything to lose.

"Not jump off a building, let's start with that," Liam says and clears his throat. I frown and push his arm away from my waist. Both Louis and Zayn looks at me with curious looks. "I wasn't saying you were doing it. No need to get all angry now," he tells me like it was nothing at all. Like it wasn't supposed to hurt me. I give him a glare. Oh, how I want to kill him now. I should've pushed him off that roof.

"Yeah, and I cheat on you every Sunday with your father," I mumble back, "I'm not suicidal, guys, he just came when I was having a breakdown. I didn't want to jump off," I tell Louis and Zayn. They don't look like they believe me. Liam pulls me closer to him and places a kiss on my temple. Right, now he's giving me kisses. Well, guess what! I am pissed at him! "Don't you give me kisses when you know I'm mad at you," I hiss pulling away from him. He chuckles. I meant it, but I guess we have to play it off for others. I can't just scream and push him away like he's forcing this on me. I frown at the thought.

"Yes, talk back like you usually do," he riles me up even more. I look Zayn in the eyes. It's the only thing that keeps me from making a scene. If I do that, I might lose him. And I don't want that. Even if I don't know him for long, he's what I want. Nothing and no one else.

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