Part Twenty Seven

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"Zayn is all over her, it's so gross," Doniya groans, "And she actually is such a liar! She's got both Lilith and Zayn wrapped around her finger!" she seems surprised, so I frown. I give her a questioning glance. She sighs. "Lilith is the type of girl who easily tells the truth and lies apart. This time she's choosing her side which is very weird," she explains. I nod. Now, this is going to end bad.

"Doni, I did it. She's not lying," I finally say it out loud, "She's not suing me and I don't know why, but she's never lied about such a thing," I look down at my hands. I feel disgusted with myself because I swore to myself I would never hit her again or force it on her. Doniya gives me a look. A judging look.

"What do you mean you did it? What has she done to you, why are you suddenly admitting it? Because if she's blackmailing you, just tell me. I'll deal with it," she still believes I'm innocent. I look at her and shake my head. I can see betrayal in her eyes.

"She has proof. Her house has cameras and it's on a tape. If she talks, my hands are tied and I'm going to jail," I mumble, "If she wouldn't have had cameras, then she couldn't blackmail me because, if I sued her, she'd go down in flames," I check the time. Then my eyes flick up and I'm greeted by Louis entering the cafe.

"Why did you do it then?" she questions me like she's trying to find a reason why to blame her. I give her another look. A look of sympathy. She really did believe me and feels bad about not believing her.

"Because I got out of control. It's what happens when I'm with her. So that's why we were much better when we were just friends. Neither of us hurt each other and we didn't spend each day together so we didn't get exhausted by each other," I answer her question truthfully so that she doesn't find another way to excuse what I did. Louis sits next to me. I give him a handshake.

"Hello, Doniya," he greets her as well. She nods at him and then looks at me. She's still not over. I just know it based on her look at me.

"Louis, do you believe it?" she asks him now, "Because it doesn't make sense. He told me before that Isabelle is lying around about him raping her and now all of a sudden he's telling me that she isn't lying," she explains it to him. She looks very skeptical. I look at Louis. He knows what really happened. He gives me an unsure look and then looks at her.

"He slapped her and did force her to sleep with him. And as much as I've seen, there is proof and I heard that she doesn't want to sue him, meanwhile her father is doing that. Also, that's what I came to warn you about. He's not stopping until you're locked up because it's not the first time and last time you got away without any consequences," he updates me. I groan. Well, fuck. I can even bet that she didn't try to stop him as well.

"Will there be much suing if there is proof?" Doniya asks, "Because like... What else does she want to prove?" she shrugs. I'm surprised she's even still here, but whatever. I shrug as well.

"I guess not much suing. Though, they can. About the contract," I answer her question honestly. At this point I'm done hiding anything that happened between us. "We had a contract about being together and it was against her will. Technically it was her parents who forged her signature, but they can pin it on me because the contract is only between me and Isabelle. No parental interruption. So that means no signs from them. They can say that they didn't know about the contract," I run my fingers through my hair realising how fucked I am. They're really going to destroy me. Doniya frowns. I just wonder if my relationship with Isa is so ruined that we can't be friends anymore.

"Will you admit to it all?" she asks. I think about it. Then shake my head. I'm not ready to admit to forgery. Not when there's no proof that I did it.

"Only about the slap and forcing part because they have proof of that," I answer, "Other than that, I'm staying dead silent," I add. She gets up slowly and looks at me like she's willing to fight for me. I just don't get why. She has all the reasons not to.

"I've got to go now. I'll see you later?" she takes her phone. I nod. "Bye then. It was nice talking to you," she tells me and just leaves. I look at Louis who is quietly observing her. He then looks at me and frowns. I know what he's thinking. And I already got my scolding from him.

"That girl is head over heels for you. I literally told her you forced a girl to have sex with you and even hit her... Yet, she tries to find excuses for you," he is just as confused as I am. I shrug and look at the exit. It's really weird. Why would she let it go? Hasn't her parents taught her that she should run from men like me?


I lean in and give him a kiss on the cheek. He grins. I watch him as he moves around the kitchen. I then lean against the counter.

"What?" I smile, watching him carefully as he wears the kitchen mittens, still grinning. He looks so cute while cooking, I can't take it. He takes out the chicken and puts it on the cooker. Then he closes the oven leaving a small gap for it to cool down. He now looks at me and cups my face with the mittens, making me giggle. They're warming my already warm cheeks. He presses a kiss on my forehead.

"Guys, please. I start to feel like I'm third wheeling," Lilith groans, "You two do look adorable, but like... I'm jealous, okay?" she mutters quietly. Zayn lets go of me, so I sit beside Lilith. She gives me a glance. It's not even an angry or jealous one...

"Why are you jealous? You like him?" I whisper to her. She cocks an eyebrow at me and points at Zayn. I nod. Who else? It wouldn't surprise me though... That she'd like Zayn. But I don't believe that she'd be so chill about this.

"Me like Zayn? Girl, he's not my type. He looks like he could be my brother," she answers, "Also, if I liked him so much, I wouldn't have introduced you two. Why would I create headache for myself?" she giggles. I shrug and smile. I look at Zayn. He's smiling as well.

"Well, who knows. Maybe you wanted to destroy me slowly and show him how bad I am," I say making it a possibility. I look at Lilith to see her roll her eyes.

"Wow, now you know my plan. What do I do now?" she grins at me. I can't stop myself from grinning back. That would be fun though.

"Girls, stop fighting over me. I'll feed both of you," Zayn comments in between making my mouth fall agape. He looks at me and chuckles. It takes him a second to continue, "With food, not any other way, Isa. Keep it together," he figures out that I misinterpreted what he said. I squint my eyes at him and shake my head slowly.

"I'll be watching you, Malik. Closely," I whisper, "If you dare feed her in any other way, I'll make sure to haunt you in your dreams and make them into nightmares!" I threaten him. He bites his lower lip and leans in closer to me. What is he doing now?

"Now you've made it more interesting," he whispers to me, "I'll make sure to test your threats," he winks and then pulls away. He looks at Lilith and grins. "You want some-"

"EW!" she shouts, "NO!" she disagrees even before he's asked his question, "I'll make sure I'll be the one haunting you if you even dare touch or look at me weirdly," she grimaces. I laugh. Well, that's settled then. He's all mine.

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