Part Four

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I step out of the car holding Zayn's hand. What a gentleman. He insisted. I can see he's looking at the house scared. And when he agreed to come to my house, I knew immediately that he's stepping out of his comfort zone. That's very admirable. I know that he's scared of what might happen because he did ask if I just want to get him in bed.

"Isabelle, your mother called. Said she'd be home earlier. To be precise, around ten tonight," the butler tells me. He's greeting me outside today. I look at him and give him a little nod. Me and Zayn walk in the house where I take off my shoes and jacket. So does Zayn. I look at him to make sure he's okay.

"Does your mum not call you? Isn't it like more complicated to tell it to someone else rather than directly you?" he asks curiously. I smile and motion for him to follow me. I begin to slowly walk as I decide on the way where to go.

"She doesn't bother calling me. She tells something to our butler and he then tells me everything," I answer his question. I stop when there's a choice to either go to living-room or upstairs to my bedroom. So I turn to him. "Do you want to go to the living room or my bedroom? Or you want something to eat?" I suggest him options. He tilts his head.

"Can we make something together?" he asks with a grin. I squint my eyes and nod. I bite my lower lip. That's going to be tricky. To get the cooks out of the kitchen.

"We also have a gaming room if you're interested," I whisper. He tilts his head. I can see he's interested, so I motion for him to follow. "Come. I'll show you," I say and turn around. Instead of going upstairs, we go downstairs. I open the game room's door and go in. Then I turn to him to see his reaction. And thank god I did. His face is priceless. He looks so happy.

"Oh my god! Is this a dream?" he quietly asks as he looks around. Honestly, I've always dreamt of having this feeling. Taking a friend down here and feel the joy of sharing this with them. "You even have a VR set!" he notices. Then he looks at me. I nod.

"We can play anything we want. However long we want," I tell him with a smile, "So, what do we do first? Food or games?" I ask. He thinks about it. He squints his eyes.

"Wait, do you have like... people who cook for you?" he questions. I nod. "But they'll let us cook without them, right?" he asks. I shake my head. Well, if I really beg... Maybe they will.

"Well, they won't go away entirely because my parents don't trust me in kitchen and since they don't know you they'll probably make sure we don't mess something up," I explain. He nods. At least that. He thinks of something as his face lights up.

"We can make pizza," he grins. I laugh and nod agreeing. "You can't mess that up, can you?" he laughs now to which I nod. I certainly can do just that. And I've done it.

"I have actually. That's why my mother told the staff I'm not allowed to cook," I pout and then laugh with him. He slowly nods. At least now he's not looking at me like I'm actually a spoiled brat who doesn't want to do anything themself.

"Okay, we can do it now, so that we have snacks and if we get hungry later, they can make something for us," he says after he's stopped laughing about me. I nod and we both together go back upstairs. In the kitchen. Ronan gives me a look as if he instantly knows what I'm about to pull off.

"Hello, Isabelle. Lunch?" he still asks. Just to be polite. I smile at him and shake my head.

"We want to cook ourselves. And please, please, please! Can we work alone? I swear, he's a good cook and we won't mess anything up here!" I pout and press my hands together as I plead Ronan. His face drops. He doesn't look too happy. And he just realised that he was right about whatever that he thought I was going to do.

"Isabelle, you know what your mother said. You and the kitchen is a no go," he answers. I look at Zayn for a brief second and then back at Ronan. I need a way to convince him. If only it will be for Zayn.

"I know! I know, but please! If we mess anything up I swear I will never in my life ask again!" I still try to plead. He raises both his eyebrows. Then he looks at Zayn. He's willing to take this risk. But I know that if I do mess up and my mother finds out, he's going to find an excuse and in the end I'll be on the losing team.

"You better watch her. Last time she burned down the cooker. And not to mention, got a food poisoning from her own made pizza," he tells him after a moment of silence. I look at Zayn to see him grin and nod. He didn't have to know that last fact, but I suppose nobody in this house will do something to help me make a good impression.

"I will. And I promise, she won't burn down the cooker again," he promises making me laugh. I was eleven then, how was I supposed to know how a cooker works if no one told me anyway? Ronan motions for the cooks to leave. Every single one of them leaves. Now we'll be alone in the kitchen.

"I'll come to check if everything is alright after some time. I hope you two won't let me down," Ronan warns us before he leaves. I look at Zayn and clap in excitement. I did it. I got him to leave us alone! I look around to really take in the empty kitchen as it's now free for us to do anything.

"We're alone now! Yay!" I cheer, looking back at him. Then I turn to the kitchen fully. "Now, what do you need? I'll get you everything." I say and walk deeper in the kitchen. I wash my hands before we do anything. Zayn does it too. I can see him looking at me as if he approves of my manners.

"We have to make pizza dough and chop the ingredients that we'll put on the pizza," he says. I hum. "Do you want to make the dough with me or-" I don't let him finish as I swirl around to face him.

"Yes," I answer before he even finishes. He smiles at me. I open the fridge and look at him. "We need what?" I ask and point at the ingredients. He begins to take whatever that he needs and puts it on the table. Now this is what I call a real man. He doesn't shut me out even when he knows I poisoned myself with my own handmade pizza. Which, for me, was very embarrassing.

When he puts the pizza in the oven I look at him proudly. I just made a pizza and nothing went wrong! Yet... He sets the timer and then looks at me with a grin. It only boosts my ego. My happiness.

"You did a pretty good job, Isa. I'm proud of you," he tells me. I just can't control my excitement, so I hug him. He wraps his arms around me hugging me back. When I pull away, I smile and look at the oven. I excitedly look at him.

"Thank you," I thank him and then look at the little mess that we made, "Let's clean this up," I say while taking the dirty dishes and begin to put them in the dishwasher. He helps me and we clean everything up in just a few minutes. So now we have around fifteen minutes until the pizza is ready. I lean against the counter and grin at Zayn. He's checking the pizza. Even Ronan will be proud of me. Proud that I didn't break or burn down the oven.

"Isabelle! Hello?" a man's voice calls out my name. Zayn looks at me. I don't look away from Zayn. And I don't answer. "Isabelle, there you are!" Michael finds me. Only then I look at him. I called him earlier. "I took care of-"

"Not now, Michael," I stop him because it's something for Zayn to hear from me and not some stranger, "Thank you very much," I smile at him. He nods, his eyes turn to Zayn. "We're even now. You're free now," I say. He nods and grins at Zayn before leaving. I look at Zayn and slightly lift up my chin smiling. He looks at me curiously because I just didn't let Michael finish his sentence. And curiosity looks kind of cute on him. So I might torture him a little bit.

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