Part Forty Four

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My eyes fall on Harry sitting on the couch. I startle when Zayn wraps his arm around my waist. He quietly apologises and makes me go to the bed. I obey because right now I'm too weak not to. I lie down and look up at him. Something about all of this makes me scared, but when he looks in my eyes I feel safe.

"Who did you piss off so much?" Harry questions. I look at him. My jaw still hurts way too much to be talking, so I just look back up at Zayn. I don't want him to know it was his father, but I'm scared that he already knows.

"It was my father," he confirms my fear. I close my eyes and turn to my side, facing away from them. And I don't even care that it burns and feels like something's broken. Hot tears escape my eyes. He sits down next to me and places a hand on my hip. "Where are Lilith and Louis?" he asks. And I understand it's not for me.

"They went to clean up. I offered to help, but they told me to sit here and wait for you two," Harry answers, "I heard that Liam's leaving prison next week. Looks like someone is in bad luck this Christmas," he comments. I open my eyes.

"I know," I whisper, "He's on my side," I quietly get it out of me through pain. Zayn softly squeezes my hip. They're quiet... As if they're waiting for me to speak more. But I can't. I turn on my back again and get up in a sitting position because I don't want to sleep. It scares me. I was passed out and I have no idea for how long. Zayn frowns as he brings up his hand to my face. I slap it away when he touches a spot which hurts a lot. I frown at him.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to," he apologises, "It's just... A bruise," he tells me. He carefully wipes my tears away which I let him, but he touches another sensitive spot which is my lip making me want to slap his hand away again, but he catches my hand and brings it up to his lips. He kisses my knuckles. "How do you know about Liam?" he asks while looking in my eyes. Do I even want to answer that? No. Will I?

"Prison," I whisper and frown at the pain it caused. I carefully place my hand on the place it hurts the most. He sighs and nods.

"You went to see him today?" he asks to make sure he understood right, so I nod. I startle when Louis and Lilith comes in out of nowhere and they both laugh at something. I look at Harry to see his reaction. And I can see that he's jealous. He looks at me. He's telling me to not even start, so I just smile. Motherfucker. The pain makes my smile disappear. Both Louis and Lilith quiet down when they look at me.

"Hey. You alive?" Louis grins at me. I barely nod because it hurts when I move my head too much. He cocks an eyebrow at me. Probably because I don't answer.

"She needs to see a doctor. She can't speak properly without pain and it might be because of a broken jaw," Harry speaks up. He actually sounds like he doesn't hate me right now. Louis looks at him for a second and then looks back at me concerned.

"Let's get you to the hospital," he motions for us all to follow. Zayn gets up and offers to help me. I accept the help and get up with pain. I think I have another bruise on my ribs. I slowly lift up my shirt. "Fucking hell. That does not look good," Louis whispers. I look up at him. Everyone looks at me to see what he's talking about. I pull the shirt back down because it just got weird.


I lie down as I feel the pain slowly disappear. I got some x-ray scans and a few more tests done. They told me it's just a bruise that hurts and nothing's dislocated or broken, so that's what calms me down a bit. It's the same with the ribs. None are broken. It's just the bruising. Everyone decided to go home, but Zayn's still sitting with me. It's like ten pm and he looks so sleepy. The nurse comes in. She takes my temperature and my pulse.

"Are you feeling any better? Is the pain the same, worse or lighter?" she asks. I think about it. I don't feel it as much.

"It's easier," I quietly say, "It hurts when I talk, but not at all when I don't," I slowly answer because the pain doesn't let me talk any faster. She nods and writes it down. She checks in with my catheter and then changes the bottle since the last one is empty now.

"Try to sleep now. We'll be checking on you all night if you need anything, but the big checkup will be only in the morning when the doctor comes in, okay?" she smiles at me. I give her a small nod. "He can sleep next to you, by the way," she whispers and then leaves me and Zayn alone. I slowly turn my head to him. He's asleep.

"Zaynie?" I try to call him. I frown when he doesn't wake up. I take my phone and turn on an alarm sound waking him up pretty fast. He looks at me with a frown.

"Is everything okay? You need a nurse?" he quickly recovers from his sleeping state. I smile a bit. It's so cute how he cares so much about me. He yawns while I just look at him.

"No. Come sleep here," I quietly say and pat next to me. He sighs in relief. He doesn't say anything else and just gets in the bed next to me. I let him cuddle up to me, but I also watch out so that he doesn't hurt me. He sighs when he gets comfortable. "Did you tell your parents where you are?" I ask him. He quietly hums. So he's talked to his father too. It kind of scares me, but I know I'll be fine as long as Zayn's next to me.

"Don't talk, get some rest," he mumbles. I think about answering him, but I do just that. I don't talk. I decide to rest. Now that I have him here, next to me, I can close my eyes and at least try to fall asleep. After quite some time I fall asleep while playing with his hair.

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