Part Forty Seven

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I'm surprised when I see Zayn standing in front of me, leaning against a car. Smoking a cigarette. He doesn't look surprised. Instead, I can see the disappointment in his eyes.

"Hi," I greet him just to be polite. Even if our friendship's hurt. He frowns. I feel a little uncomfortable because of this. He wasn't supposed to know I'm out and that the first place I go to is Isabelle's.

"Good evening, someone who lied again," he answers, "Or was it Isabelle who lied again?" he looks away and takes another blow.

"Lied about what?" I ask, "Because if it's about me getting out, then neither of us lied. I was supposed to get out only next week, but her mother bailed me out tonight. Which I hope you won't tell anyone. Only you and Isabelle know," I quietly explain. He looks in my eyes.

"I don't get it. She told me what you did to her, why would you keep coming back in her life? Why is she still considering you a friend?" he questions me and my intentions. I take out a cigarette of my own and look at him. He understands me by my look and lights up the cigarette for me. I inhale one smoke cloud.

"What exactly did she tell you?" I ask curiously, "She has a habit of not telling the full story," I add. He rolls his eyes.

"I've noticed," he mumbles, "She told me you hurt her. Daily. And that she had depression," he tells me, "She also mentioned going to rehab before that," he looks at me. Okay...

"Wow," I whisper, "Okay, that covers pretty much it. I thought she'd leave out the rehab part. She doesn't really like when people know about it," I reveal. He looks at me curiously.

"What, you're telling me she told me the full story?" he asks. I shrug. I can't really figure if she told him about how it ended the first time.

"Did she say anything about our breakup?" I ask. He rolls his eyes and nods. I laugh. "Was it a petty argument that she likes to describe it as?" I ask him precisely. He shakes his head.

"Something more serious containing her spending a day in hospital. Oh, and once again with no one believing her over you, as always," he gives me a sarcastic smile. That's when I get serious. She actually told him...

"She told you the whole thing..." I breathe out in disbelief. He frowns. "Dude... She can sometimes get quite... handful. But please, she's trying for real," I still can't believe she told him. She never does... It's the first time she's told anyone this. Not even her parents know the full story which he does now. He nods.

"I figured. Though, I was a mess when she finally told me. And that's when I asked her. I don't know if she would've if I hadn't asked," he doubts her. He throws the cigarette butt in the nearby trash can and then looks at me. "Is she okay now? Safe and sound?" he questions, "Because I don't really want to wake her up," he explains. I nod.

"She's alright. I accidentally gave her a scare, didn't know she was awake," I answer. I look up at her window. She's looking at us. "Well, you won't wake her up if she's already awake," I chuckle, "Seriously, I'm happy that you two are working it out," my eyes go back to him. He's also looking at her. When he looks at me, he gives me a nod. "Though, I should warn you... If your father ever dares put his hand on her again, consider him dead," I tell him, "You can pass that on to him," I add. His eyebrows slightly lift up.

"That's what I told him before I came here. So yeah, sure. I'll remind him tomorrow," he shrugs and enters the house. I grin. I'm glad they're actually working it all out for each other. I suppose I should've given her over to Zayn back when she cheated on me with him.


I look at Zayn. He slowly approaches me.

"Just talked to Liam. I thought he was getting out next week, no?" he questions me. I slowly nod. He can't keep his smile hidden any longer. "I'm gonna be honest and tell you that we talked about you," he admits. I frown. Why would they talk about me? About what?

"Why?" I ask. He sits on the couch, so I join him.

"Because I asked him why he would come back all the time if he hurt you," he answers my question, "Then he thought he'd out you for not telling the full story which turned out that you did tell me," he tilts his head. It saddens me a little bit. I get it, I've fucked up a lot and it gave him a reason not to trust me completely... But it still hurt. And now I get how he feels all the time.

"I'm sorry," I apologise while I lean against him, "For-"

"Don't talk, please," he stops me, so I raise my head to look at him. Why would he do that? I didn't do anything! "I don't want you to hurt. You can text me. You've talked quite a lot today comparing to how much you should've. To not hurt your jaw more," he explains, "Shit, now it sounds so mean," he groans making me smile. I open my hand and wait for him to give me his phone. For a second he hesitates, but he does give me. I open the text messages. Open to text myself. I grin when I see that I'm saved as 'Isa' with a red heart.

   I text him that I'm sorry for not talking to him. That I'm sorry for not telling him the whole story all the time. For making him choose between someone when he has no clue who's actually right. For putting up with me. And I'm sorry about him having to doubt me.

   When I give him his phone back, he immediately begins to read what I've written. It's quite a lot, I just felt the need to tell him all that I had inside me. He reads it all while I watch his face as he reads. His brows furrow as he continues to read on and on. Once he's finished, he deletes it all. Literally. He puts his phone aside and looks at me. Pulls me to straddle him in his lap which is painful for me, so I wince in pain. Because of the bruise on my ribs. He freezes in shock.

"It's okay, I'm good," I whisper to him. He slowly nods. He rests his hands on my thighs.

"I never want to see or hear you apologise about these things! You hear me?" he never breaks the eye contact. I slowly shake my head, not agreeing. I open my mouth, but he places his hand on it. "No talking anymore and definitely no apologies. You've got trust issues, so do I. We understand each other. But it's also affecting our relationship, so we have to make it work. You were scared to trust me fully, sure, but you still took a step forward to save our relationship and you just talked to me when I needed you to," he leans in closer. I give him a kiss completely ignoring the pain. This man deserves much more than I give him. And I believe that we can really make this work if we try hard enough.

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