Part Seventeen

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I walk in the classroom with a huge headache. Shouldn't have drunk so much, I guess. I frown when I sit down in my seat. A few heads turn towards me. I sigh and turn around to look at Zayn. He's looking at me with both his eyebrows raised. Why the hell is he surprised?

"Your mother let you come to school?" he asks without even greeting me. I point at him with a wicked smile. He squints his eyes waiting for me to speak.

"I told her to go fuck herself and that if she ever threatens me again I'd pull another stunt like what I did back in the ball," I answer, "So yes, right now I have my total freedom. I guess my mother does feel when I spend a million in one night," I mumble. He nods and smiles. Okay, now I don't feel so bad for doing it.

"I thought you said you want to party so hard that you don't want to wake up in the morning," the girl in front of Lilith speaks again. She has a grin on her lips. "Oh, sorry, I forgot about the no talking rule of yours. But honestly, sad that you can't even keep your word," she pouts at me. I'm really growing tired of her shit. Who is she really?

"Ana, just shut up for once," Lilith groans getting tired of her as well. I look at Lilith for a brief second and then look back at her. Her eyes are on me, she doesn't even pay any attention to Lilith.

"Ana. Is that a short way of calling you Anastasia?" I ask her. She frowns and nods. "Well, Anastasia Victoria Kamber, you whine all around about rich people staying as online students, yet you yourself are here. For once, can you stop being an absolute pain in the ass?" I ask her. Her face drops. I guess she didn't expect me to recognise her, not when she doesn't show up as a very important person in meetings and balls.

"How do you know my full name?" she asks. I frown and then laugh. How do I, interesting. Possibly because her parents run their mouths about her all the time.

"God, you really are something. First of all, what I said about the party is only known by those who were there and, second, my mother is your parents' CEO. So please, shut it, or else you're really going to cost your parents more than I did mine yesterday," I pout at her like she did to me before. She once again shuts up and turns away from me. How does she not learn from her mistakes? Did she really expect me to not recognise her if she spoke up about it?

"Who knew the one who was running her mouth and whining about rich people turns out to be one of them," Harry joins in the conversation, "I guess before... when you fucked Louis nobody really realised, but finally somebody outs you," he chuckles. I look at him. As much as I'd like to tell him something right now, I don't. I keep my mouth shut. Though... I frown as I think about it.

"So that's how Louis knows I called her a whore and whatnot rumours. We've got Ana here, spreading the rumours to those online students that she pretends to hate," I add and sigh. Ana takes her things and just runs away. I don't understand, what for? I look at Harry. He wiggles his eyebrows. Now, what's his problem? Does he have anything else to say?

"I'm not even gonna start with you and trying to jump off buildings," he tells me. I flip him off. "What? The pictures are everywhere. Why else do you think everyone looked at you like you're a ghost? The internet's full of news that you're on a suicidal track again. Pay attention to the last word. Again." he tells me. I just sigh and think of something to answer because I'm not running away and I'm not letting him get away with it too.

"Why would anyone care if I am suicidal or not? I didn't jump after all, did I?" I ask him, realising that there's nothing I can tell him that would score me some points. He shrugs. "I guess everyone hoped I would so there would finally be some real drama to talk about, no? That is, talking about rich people like myself," I raise both my eyebrows, "But hey, what do I know? I'm not poor, right?" I add. He chuckles. Shakes his head at me and turns a little more to me.

"Damn, you know well how to answer these kind of things. Bravo. I'll give a point for you," he tells me. I nod and look back at Zayn and Lilith to see their reactions. Zayn doesn't look so surprised because he was there and he heard about it from Liam, but Lilith looks shocked by me again. She looks at Zayn.

"Why do I feel like everyone except me knows this already?" she asks. I shrug and look at Zayn. It might be possible if she doesn't read the news.

"Zayn was there himself, he knew it a few minutes after it all happened," I answer her, "Though, when it happened nobody asked me if I was okay. Nobody even bothered to ask where I disappeared, they only wanted to hear the rumours about me cheating on Liam or something," I give her a smile, "Besides, I wasn't suicidal. I just sat on the ledge and looked at the view. Yeah, I was crying, but it was because me and Liam got into an argument. Again," I defend myself on why I was even up there. Gosh, I couldn't even get myself to jump off just like that.

"Why are you even together with him if you argue all the time?" Lilith asks me, "It's like you two are at each other's throats, you abuse each other and then you two get together again as if nothing ever happened," she explains why she's confused. I can't tell her, that's what makes me feel like shit. Though, thankfully Zayn knows. I give him a look, then turn back to see Lilith.

"Call it rich people love," Harry tells her, "They're not together because they like or love each other. They're together for fame," he raises both his eyebrows at me and takes a sip of his water. I tilt my head at him. Why and how does he know this? "Oh, sorry, you keep calling me one of the poor, but I'm just like you. Only I don't date for fame," he answers my unasked question. Okay, I have no clue what to tell her because eventually she'll find out. She has already found out.

"I'm pretty sure you don't know how it works then. Since, you know... You don't do it," I say and grin, "You know, it's pretty funny how you claim to not do it and yet know so much about it. I wonder how it would look if somebody found out your history," I say. He smirks. Oh, he's come prepared. He knows how to reply to this one.

"Obviously not as interesting as yours and Liam's," he answers, "I've had only one relationship for fame and that turned out to be a disaster. After that we figured we can get much better reputation by doing good deeds," he tilts his head. I laugh. Not as good as a reply that I thought I would be getting.

"Yeah, well... I'm happy you've got great parents," I tell him, "Although, how's the attention that they give you? Not enough, I see," I comment on the attention. His face drops. I see I've hit a weak spot. Great. I want him to burn.

"You shouldn't talk about somebody else's parents when you've barely got your own. Gosh, your parents sell you out to men for money," he spits back making me laugh about him. Okay, I really did hit a nerve.

"I see I've hit a nerve," I grin and shake my head at him, "You have absolutely no clue why me and Liam are together. And it's not because my family needs more money. I wouldn't have gifted a million to Liam's family if we had any problems," I peacefully clear his thrown accusations. He frowns. The bell rings making it an end of our conversation. And it's good because I had the last word. Which means... I've won this argument. Though, I feel like this won't be the end of it.

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