Part Nine

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    I take another shot and look at Zayn. He's barely keeping his eyes open. I straddle him and wrap my arms around his neck. He chuckles and places both his hands on my hips. I lean in closer to him and close my eyes. He kisses me making me smile during the kiss, but then I answer with the same.

"Okay, you two, please! Get it together!" Liam weakly says and I feel his hand on my shoulder. I groan not pulling away. "As much as I'd love to see Zayn getting laid, but not when he's super drunk and won't probably even remember it," Liam comments. I pull away and look at Liam with a frown.

"I'm not doing that to him. I am not Danielle, okay?" I frown. He immediately freezes. Then he nods. "I'm so sorry, fuck. I shouldn't have said that," I apologise because I know she fucked him over. And did it pretty bad. He nods. Now he looks guilty.

"It's alright," Liam answers and looks at Zayn, "Just take care of him. Don't let him drink anymore. He's too out of it already," he tells me and gets up, "I'm going to bed now. I'm serious. You two should too," Liam says as he stumbles to the exit. I don't think that leaving us alone is a great idea, but... We'll manage.

"I'm going home, Liam. See you whenever you invite me again," Zayn tells him. Liam stops and looks at us. I get off Zayn's lap and look at Liam. I still feel bad for what I said to him. He didn't really deserve that.

"I'll take care of him. Go to sleep," I say and slowly get up. When I'm up, I look down at Zayn and tilt my head. He's looking up at me with a smile. "What?" I ask. He slowly shakes his head. He lies his head back and relaxes. I just watch all of him. Bite down on my lip.

"It's just cute. You taking care of me," he answers and makes it obvious that he likes it. He then gets up as well. I catch him before he falls and help him keep his balance. "I don't live far. I can walk, I'll be fine," he tells me. I shake my head at him. There's no way I'm letting him leave here alone. So I tell it to him not letting him go. I tell him I'll get him home myself. He sighs and then nods. We both walk out of the room. He's really wasted and on top of it, we smoked another two joints. But he drank way more than I did, so he's in a really bad shape right now. We walk out of the house and he wraps an arm around me. His phone begins to vibrate and even I hear it. He groans and gets it out. He doesn't bother answering, he wants to put it back in his pocket, but I take his phone. It's someone named Safaa. I pick it up. "Yeah?" I answer.

"Uhm... Hello? Who is this?" a girl's voice asks. She sounds a lot like a kid. I frown. What, does he have a child? Or who is she? And why is she calling so late?

"I'm Zayn's friend. Why?" I ask back and look at Zayn. Maybe he'll give me an answer to my unasked question. When he looks back at me he grins. It's as if he understands my question.

"It's my little sister," he whispers. I nod. Okay. His sister. Right. What do I tell her though? It's not like I can tell her he's super wasted and high.

"Why are you up? Aren't you supposed to be asleep?" I ask her. She hums. She sounds like a child, so I'm guessing it's way past her bedtime. She doesn't speak for a moment. It's as if she's listening to someone else other than me or Zayn.

"I just woke up and went for a night snack when I saw Doni and Wali sitting in the living room. They couldn't reach Zayn, so I'm staying up with them calling him. He said he'd be home by three. It is five." she explains. I frown. Check his phone for the time. Great, she wasn't really joking. It is five.

"Yeah, he'll be home soon. You can go to sleep, sweetie. He's alright," I tell her. She hums and just hangs up then. Zayn takes his phone back and puts it in his pocket. "Why wouldn't you pick up? They're worried," I mumble. He chuckles. Right, what did I expect of him? He's not in the shape to answer a phone call.

"Wait, they? Who is they?" he asks with his smile wiped off his face. I look at him and shrug. Does he not know his sisters or...? I try to remember what his sister just said. The names of those who are waiting him.

"She said Doni and Wali. Don't know who that is," I answer. He swears quietly. Then he points at one of the houses. I suppose it's his. He groans.

"Well, I'll be surprised if I'm alive by Monday because Doniya is definitely chopping my head off," he mumbles. When we get to the house, he pulls away from me and turns to me. "You're coming in? I don't really want you to go anywhere wasted like this," he murmurs. I smile. He thought it's cute of me to take care of him, yet look at himself trying to take care of me. I just slowly shake my head.

"I'll be fine. You get some sleep and text me in the morning that you're alive," I giggle. The doors open behind him and a girl appears. Three of them. "Hello. I brought him home. We kind of lost track of time," I tell them. Zayn slowly turns to them. I see a little bit of fear and excitement playing in his eyes, so he should be fine.

"Zayn! Are you fucking kidding me?" one of them whisper-yells at him. He looks at me and sighs. "I'm so sorry you had to put up with him like this! Do you need a taxi or anything?" she asks and gets out of the house grabbing his arm. I look at her and shake my head again. I think I don't. It won't be a problem for me to go back, right?

"I'll be fine. I'm gonna go back. Not far," I smile and point at the side which we just came from. She nods. "When he's sober, tell him that I'm waiting for a text saying that he's alive," I add. She laughs and nods. "Okay then. Bye!" I look at the other girls and wave at them. They wave back.

"Bye, Isa. And thanks," Zayn wraps his arms around me hugging me tight, "I'll see you tomorrow!" he tells me and then lets me go. I slowly walk away now. I walk back to Liam's place. I don't intend to go to sleep yet, but I have to think of something to do. Maybe take a few more shots?

   When I'm back, I see Louis sitting on the couch having a glass of something. I drop next to him and lie against him. There has been one time when I got super drunk and he had to take care of me. He said he didn't mind, but I felt so embarrassed after that.

"I hope you don't mind me sleeping on you," I mumble and look up at him. He shakes his head. I continue to sleep like this. Until I realise I don't feel well. "Ah, fuck, not again," I whisper. He puts his glass down and gets up, pulling me up with him. He practically pulls me to the bathroom. I try to escape him, but he's strong enough to keep me in his hold. He knows the drill. But I beg anyone that could help me not to have to do this.

"Get it out of your system," he tells me pushing me down next to the toilet. No, no, no... Please, not this. He softly takes my hair back because he knows what's coming. And I'm not too happy either because I know it too. I throw up. "I know how much you hate this, but, sweetheart, you'll feel better after this," he quietly tells me and softly rubs my back. Fuck. Really, not again! I was embarrassed enough the last time. Now this... Why's it every time with him?

   I sit back and just close my eyes. I hear him shuffle around. He wipes my face with a warm wet towel and flushes the toilet. He picks me up and carries me somewhere, but I don't get to see where because it's a total blackout for me there. A black picture. So much for having a bit of fun before I go to sleep.

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