Part Fifteen

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Me and Louis make our way to the stand where champagne is. He looks like he has something bothering him. And I'm guessing it's about Liam.

"You knew about Izzy's breakdowns?" Louis asks out of nowhere. I take a glass of champagne and look at Louis. Shake my head. If I knew, I would've stayed with her in that walk-in closet. If I knew she was ready to just end her life because of Liam... I wouldn't have left her.

"Well, I heard her yell at Liam yesterday and I saw her crying. But like a huge breakdown... No, not really. I have an impression of her as a strong woman, not someone who easily breaks down." I answer his question. He nods. So he thinks that of her too. Good because now I don't feel like an asshole that I didn't notice it.

"Honestly, she's stronger than that. That's why it shocked me when Liam said that comment about not jumping off a building. I didn't expect something like that. She's always been strong against her parents and even him. That's why they both were toxic when they were together before. I actually believe that they are the same way right now, they just haven't gotten to that point yet. They keep a strong posture for now," he explains, "He's what's breaking her. She has never been like this. When they broke up and became just friends, that's when I saw her stronger side and I knew she's really strong, not like I've always thought. Liam's the breaking point," he looks at them. I look at them as well. She's looking up at him with crossed arms. How come she let him be the breaking point? I know she can be strong, that's for sure... But does she let him break her because she loves him?

"I miss her even when she's next to me. She seemed so carefree and even... happy when she started school. Now, today she didn't even talk back when someone said she should've stayed online or that she's a whore. She silently took it. And she's not like that," I frown as we slowly walk back towards them. Though, I notice Isa's parents looking at us. Her mother begins to walk towards us. "Do I run now or-"

"They won't make a scene here. Liam's mother would cut the contract about ever inviting them to these events." Louis interrupts me. I chuckle and look at Louis. Great. At least some protection here. And a friend.

"Hey, Louis," her mother greets Louis, "And whatever that your name is," she looks at me. I look in her eyes. Is she serious? She decides to do this while knowing very well that I have her daughter's heart in my hands?

"I suppose there's no need to tell you my name because even if it's everywhere, you just act that you don't remember it," I answer her, "But yes, hello Violet. See, not that hard to remember a name," I tell her with a grin. She squints her eyes at me. Thinks for a moment.

"Fine, Zayn. If we're playing the hate game, just you wait for what I have in store for you," she quietly answers, "Don't forget to tell your goodbyes to Isabelle tonight, because you're not seeing her again," she adds. I shake my head at her. She's not closing her off. Isa won't let her. She'll rage. And I think that will be my next move, to make her rage.

"And you're surprised that she hates you?" I ask and walk past her. Time for a show, ladies and gentlemen. Isabelle is about to show.

"She's definitely not going back to that school where poor people are. She finds the worst of them all, it's disgusting," I hear her talk to Louis. I walk up to Isa and Liam. Look in her eyes. Her eyes soften at the sight of me which only confirms my previous thought. She's with me.

"Your mother just told me she's taking you out of the public school," I update her before she hears it from her mother. She looks at me surprised and then at her mother. She gives Liam a glance and turns to the stage which is way too close to us right now because we realise it a bit too late that it's where she's going. I mean, that's what I wanted, wasn't it? She's rebelling. She walks up the stage and walks up to the microphone. Taps on it to see if it's on. Everyone turns their attention to her when they hear the taps.

"Fuck," Liam whispers. I glance at him before looking back at Isabelle. She's going to do this subtly. She won't fuck this up. I believe in her.

"Hello again to everyone!" she smiles all around for everyone, "So, now that everyone's really here, I hope you're having a great time tonight!" she finds someone to look at. I find whoever she's looking at. It's Liam's mother. "Thank you for hosting this amazing night," she thanks. Liam's mother smiles and places a hand on her heart, saying thanks back. "Well, since it's about to be Christmas and you're really close to our family... And we've heard you're in need of a little help... We decided to gift you a check of one million pounds," she says it with ease. My eyes widen. I hear people gasp around. I look at Liam. He doesn't look too surprised.

"She went off the rails," he tells me, "Next thing she'll do is leave," he folds his arms over his chest. I look at Isabelle. He knows her well, so I'm just going to believe him. She might do that, to be honest.

"Yes, I know it's a lot, but we were feeling very generous this year," she tells Liam's mother, "The sad news are that I have to leave now because something unexpected came up and I wanted to be the one to tell you that. I'm sorry for the inconveniences," she says it and then comes back down while everyone applauds her. She walks up to us. She takes the glass of champagne from me and drowns it in one go. "Who's up to have a real party? I'm down to not waking up tomorrow as well," she looks at me and Liam, "No one? Sad," she begins to walk away. I look at Liam.

"Izzy! Wait! We'll join," Liam begins to walk with her. I join as well since he said we... We walk past her parents who are not even surprised about what she did. They've gotten used to it I guess. And I bet they have more than just a million.

Liam just texted quite a few people that there's a party at his house. We were in an alcohol shop where they both bought quite a few bottles of alcohol. I'm surprised that the cashier let them buy because neither of them are twenty one, but I guess their reputation lets them. Right now we're seated on Liam's couch. Except Isa. She's somewhere upstairs. When she walks back in the living room, I only now admire the whole look that she has. She's wearing a silver dress with white eye shadows to match. And high heels that are silver. The dress is split on both sides and loosely falling down to her ankles. Liam sets up speakers and connects them all to his computer.

"I hate all of this. Why can't I have normal parents?" she asks, taking a sip from the bottle of... Vodka? I get up and take the bottle from her, so she frowns.

"Let's drink together. When some people arrive," I suggest because I don't want her to fuck something up just yet. I can feel it coming, so I rather make sure she does it when people don't really notice it.

"It won't take long for her to break down. She won't even be up when people arrive," Liam says not even looking up from his computer. I look in her eyes. She takes the bottle away from me and looks at Liam.

"Hey, thanks for throwing shade while I'm here. Cause it would be worse if I wasn't here, right?" she talks to Liam with tears in her eyes. I take her hand making her look in my eyes. I know it's coming and there's nothing we can do about it. I take the bottle away from her again and begin to pull her away.

"We'll be back in a few. At least me," I tell Liam. We go upstairs. I make sure to not pull her too fast since I don't want her to break her legs with those heels. We walk in the guest room. I make her sit in the bed and I get comfortable in it as well. She gets what I'm doing so she just lies on me. I feel her heartbeat going way much faster than it's supposed to be. But I guess that's because of the panic attack that I notice coming on for her.

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