Part Twenty Four

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I walk in the house and immediately hear Liam's voice in the kitchen. I kick off my shoes and go there. Doniya is practically drooling over him. I know she likes him... She's always liked him. But now that I know what he did to Isabelle, I just can't let him do it to her. And besides, he's always flirted with her even though he was with Isabelle.

His eyes fall on me. And I know he knows I'm angry at him. He gets up and tilts his head. I look at Doniya who looks very disappointed in me. I'm guessing he told her something. That little fucker. I feel anger boil in me. But I don't think I can do anything about it.

"I talked to your mum. Turns out she didn't know Isabelle was my girlfriend," he mentions, "I kind of had to tell them that you're fucking her while I'm not around. I guess your mother doesn't take well a story which contains you losing a best friend over a simple girl," he comes closer to me, "Drop a bomb and it'll still land in your territory," he quietly threatens me. I know what he's talking about. It's about him hurting Isabelle. But that's the funny part. I'm not hurting Isabelle. But I sure as hell will hurt him on the first chance I get.

"Oh, don't worry, Liam. I'm not dropping any bombs. I won't hurt Isabelle like you always do," I answer him, "But I won't let you hurt my sister, too. So don't drop any bombs either. It may land in my territory, but then don't weep when I destroy your whole life," I threaten him. I can see anger in his eyes because he wasn't waiting for me to respond like this. I've never talked back to him. I always stay in his shadow, but no more. He turns his head to side to take a brief glance at Doniya. He then leaves with no other word. When I hear the door close, I look through the window to see him walk away.

"What the fuck was that about?" Doniya questions me, "What has he ever done to her? She was the abusive one! She fucking hit him and mentally abused him for years!" she shouts at me. I turn to her. Mother has walked in as well. She doesn't even look at me. So I look at Doniya. I don't answer. I just said I wouldn't hurt Isabelle. And if I talk, I'll be doing just that. "Why aren't you answering?" she frowns. I know she was expecting that because she knows I'm on her side.

"Because I can't," I quietly answer her next question, "I just hope one day you'll understand how big of an asshole he is," I tell her. She nods. But it's not her agreeing to what I just said. She's angry at me.

"Yeah, he's the asshole one for having a girlfriend and best friend going behind his back," she mumbles, "He didn't deserve it. You're a piece of shit!" she grabs her phone and leaves the kitchen. I sigh. Look at mum. She doesn't look too sure what or who to believe. I might still get her on my side.

"For your information, he's the one who ruined our friendship. And I didn't fuck his girlfriend, we've never had sex," I tell her, "But who cares, right? He's always been right in your eyes," I say and leave to my room. When I'm in my room, I close the door and lock it behind myself. I don't want to see anybody right now. At least it looks like Isabelle's mother has accepted me. Let's just hope it isn't her way of fooling me into trusting her fully just to throw me under the bus. Just when I sit down in my bed, someone knocks at the door. "What?" I shout angrily. When I hear the secret knock, I immediately get out of the bed and open the doors. It's Safaa. She's crying. I pull her in and lock the door behind. "What's up? Come here," I say and sit back in the bed. She joins me. I let her cuddle up to me and I hold her while she cries. It hurts me to see any of my sisters or Isabelle cry. And yet... I sometimes still don't know how to help them.

"Momma yelled before, when you weren't home. I'm scared she's angry," she whispers. She's always been emotional, so I was waiting for something different. But mom... She never yells. So it must've scared Safaa a lot.

"She's not angry at you, sweetheart. She's angry at me," I tell her, "And if she yelled at you, know that she still loves you, it's just that she's upset because she found out some bad news. You did nothing wrong," I whisper and press a kiss on her forehead. She doesn't say anything else. We just lie in my bed in silence and peace.


   I can't explain how good it feels for some reason. Right now his parents are looking at the tape that I got from the guest room. It's all recorded. How he slapped me. How he forced me into sex with all the threats he made. And this is a copy so that it doesn't get destroyed. His mother places her hand on her mouth as she watches in horror. When the tape ends, I lock the iPad and take it back.

"I'm sorry," I quietly apologise because they've been very good to me. His mother gets up and pulls me in a hug. I don't hug her back. My ego doesn't let me because I just hurt them and I don't deserve their hugs and love.

"Don't apologise, sweetheart! It's us who should apologise for what he's done to you!" his mother whispers back. I just break. I hug her back and sigh. When we hear the door open and close, she lets me go. I'm a little hurt when I hear Louis. But then again, Louis did nothing wrong. Unless he's been on Liam's side all along. They both come in the kitchen. Liam's eyes immediately fall on me.

"Hey, Isa! I thought you two broke up again, no?" Louis greets me. I nod. I watch him carefully to see if he slips any information that he's been on Liam's side all along.

"I'm just visiting Liam's parents," I answer, "After all, they are like my second family," I frown because that's really how I feel. Louis nods and looks at Liam. I can see Louis' confusion in his eyes.

"Or you just missed him," Louis points at Liam, "So why did you two break up? Another stunt?" Louis asks and makes himself feel like home. I look in Liam's eyes. So Louis isn't with Liam on this. I straighten up a little.

"Mmm, no. Apparently I'm just a problem," I answer Louis' question. Liam comes closer to me. I feel my heart start to race.

"You take another step closer to me and you're going to prison," I warn him. He chuckles. Finally I'll be the one who will have the last laugh. I don't move though.

"Like hell I am. You can't do anything, darling," he answers and puts his arms on the table behind me, trapping me in between. That's when my heart begins to beat faster than before as fear sets in.

"You step back from her," his father now says, "Because if she speaks to the police, your whole life is going to be destroyed," he explains why. Liam curiously steps back a bit. At least he listens to his parents.

"So she lied to you too. About what I apparently did to her, which she can't prove," he shrugs. It makes me feel better about myself. I can prove it, I never go in without proof.

"Well, that's where you're wrong, Liam," I tell him, "Because I just showed your parents a tape of it all. It included the many sorries I told you for which you slapped me and then how you forced me into-"

"Shut up!" he stops me. I can see Louis's reaction. "How the fuck?" is all he asks now. And that's what he should've thought about. We have cameras. And yes, even in the bedrooms and guest restrooms. We have them there because it's more secure. Liam quietly swears. And right there we have it. He's always been one step ahead with fucking around with me, but not this time. I'm done. It's my turn to be one step ahead of him.

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