Part Thirty Four

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"Yeah, it didn't sound like that when he told me he's done dating psychos after he walked in and saw me with his ex. The worst of them all," I answer her, "I'm afraid I've ruined our relationship way too badly to fix it," I whisper. She lets go of me and takes out her phone and taps on it. Probably texting him. But I know it won't work. Not when he's still angry at me.

"You did mess up. Bad. But he's a sweetheart and he'll forgive you when he's done being mad. He's just pissed because of the ex part. She messed him up and he still has trust issues because of her," she explains when she puts her phone away, "I just texted Zayn to come here so we could talk. The three of us," she tells me what she did. I sigh. I'm afraid he won't come even if I beg on my knees.

   And I'm right. He doesn't. He texted Lilith that he won't talk to me. She went back to the lesson because she didn't want to miss too much. So I sit alone again. Harry also went past me, but he didn't speak to me. He just ignored me, like I wasn't even here. And I rather have him ignore me than talk to me any more. I've had enough of drama with him.


   I get in the car and look out the window. I see Zayn and Lilith both walk home. When my chauffeur doesn't start driving, I look at him. He cocks an eyebrow at me. What, he thinks we're waiting for them? I'll be sad to disappoint him, but it's not happening. Not in the near future.

"Who are we waiting for?" I ask him because at this point it could be someone else that my mother requested to pick up. He looks behind me. I turn and try to find who he's looking at. When I notice Louis talking to Harry, I frown. "Are we waiting for Louis?" I question. When he doesn't answer, I look at him. He nods. Well, he's extra quiet today. I guess mother had a bad mood in the morning.

"He asked to pick him up, I hope you don't mind having him as well," he tells me. I just smile and shake my head. I don't mind him, of course. I look back out the window to see where they both are. But I only see Louis coming our way, meanwhile Harry is nowhere to be seen. Probably went to his car. He waves at me. I wave back. When he gets in the back, I look in the mirror to see him.

"Hey," he greets both of us, "I know that you know, Isa. And yes, I did lie about talking with Harry about it. I really appreciate you not telling him that I know," he admits that he knew what he did. I buckle up and Gabriel begins to drive. I turn to Louis.

"I figured when he thanked me for not telling you," I explain how I know that he lied. He grins. At least I've still got him. And I'm scared to lose him too, now that I've stopped digging further.

"Well, I knew he would because I left you two alone," he says, "Anyway, it's pretty weird, his ex's body was found today. It was dumped in a lake, I don't remember which one," he updates me. My eyes widen a bit. But I then remember what Harry told me this morning.

"Lou, I really care about you, I do... So please, be careful with him," I express my concern, "Also, this morning he told me to not bother, that I wouldn't succeed. And nobody would believe me or something," I tell him. He nods.

"Nobody would. Because he has strong alibi. Unfortunately," he explains, "His parents held a gathering that included a few real rich men and they all have testified that Harry was at the gathering," he gives me some information to process. I nod and look out the window.

"I decided to drop it. I won't dig any deeper," I admit to him that I gave in. I look at him through the mirror because I have to see his reaction even if I'm embarrassed about it. About stopping. He looks kind of surprised, but not in a bad way.

"You and give in this fast? Crazy," he comments, "But I get it. I don't want you to get hurt, so I agree with you that you shouldn't dig any deeper," he agrees with me, "But I will. So that's why I told you to look for me if something ever happens to me," he says. I think about it, but then nod. I hope it won't come to that. Because if it does... I don't care if I'm going to jail or prison, but I'm going to murder Harry if he doesn't give Louis back alive and well.

"If you ever need any help, you know you can come to me. You're my friend and I'd do anything for a friend," I remind him. He gives me a smile and a nod.

"Thanks, Izzy. I know you would and that's why I love you so much," he places his hand on my shoulder. The driver stops next to his house. "Thanks a lot. See you later," he says before getting out of the car. I wave at him when he looks back at us. He waves too. Then we leave. I'm not really in a mood to chitchat, so I don't bother talking to the driver. He also doesn't interrupt my silence.

   Except for when we're home and he wakes me up from the small nap that I just took. When I get in the house, I go straight to my room. The fact that I really need someone to be here with me and I don't have anyone... Really bites me in the ass. I just lie in my bed looking at the ceiling and wondering about whether Zayn would ever forgive me or not. I guess not. I hurt him way too badly.

   Someone knocks at the door and they open. I'm already under the sheets trying to fall asleep which doesn't work, but since there's someone here I just pretend I'm asleep. Whoever is here, I want them gone. I want to be alone. That someone sits on the bed and leans in. Or at least it seems like it based off of the warm breath on my face. When I feel a kiss on my forehead, I almost smile. I don't do it, but it's hard because I can feel Zayn's cologne. I know I'd recognise it anywhere.

"You are a total crazy girl. But still my sunshine," he whispers, "Which means you sometimes burn others," he quietly adds. I don't get it. Is he talking because I'm supposedly asleep or is he talking because he knows I'm not? He gets up, so I think he's about to leave, but I hear him undress. Then he lies down next to me under the sheets. I willingly let him pull me closer to him. When he does, I cuddle up to him. If I didn't know his past, I'd say it's very brave of him. But I'm scared that he's going to do the same to me that he did to girls before me. I see the pattern. After I talked to Natalie, she told me he wasn't always wearing a condom so she was forced to get on the pill. And that means it was no accident when Perrie got pregnant.

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