Part Twenty Nine

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It's the last week of school until Christmas holidays. I haven't spoken to Zayn yet, that's what scares me. It's been a day without contacting him. But it's not because I was scared, I had to go to the court yesterday and testify against Liam. My father pressed charges and accused him of forging my signature on the contract that we had, so right now he's facing rape charges and forgery. That's twenty years of prison. I feel bad for his parents, but there's nothing I could do.

I sit down and look at Zayn. He's looking at me curiously. When I found out who he is and what he's done, I was angry. I was really angry because that's really a huge part of him. But now I'm not angry because I do understand him. He doesn't know if he can trust me and maybe he really came here to change.

"Can we talk?" he asks. I give him a questioning look. "Please? Like, right now," he fiddles with his fingers. I nod. We both get up and leave the classroom. He pulls me to my spot on the windowsill. I sit there. Then I look him in the eyes as he gets comfortable in front of me. When he makes eye contact with me, he sighs.

"What's up?" I ask him. He was the first one to suggest talking, so his matters come first. He hesitates for a moment. He begins to fiddle with him fingers out of stress.

"Did I do something wrong?" he asks with a small frown. And it confuses me. "Yesterday, you didn't answer to my calls and I just feel like I did something that hurt you or anything... I don't know," he bites his lip. I shake my head at him. I can't even smile at him right now and it makes me sad.

"Well..." I take a deep breath, "I was in court yesterday... Against Liam. So that's why I didn't answer," I say. He nods and visibly relaxes. "But there still is a reason why I didn't call back later," I add. He frowns and shifts in his seat a bit.

"Why?" he quietly asks. I'm not really sure how to say it so that he doesn't think I despise him now. I try to find the right words fast because I see the panic in his eyes grow each second more and more.

"The day before yesterday I found out about Las Vegas. About your name and past in Las Vegas," I start off as I carefully watch his eyes to control the situation, "I just had to process it all because I thought you were trying to just do the same here... With me..." I admit to him. He slowly shakes his head. I can see panic in his eyes getting out of control.

"Isa, I would never do that to you!" he whispers. I nod and smile. The smile seems to calm him a little. I hope so.

"I know. I hope," I answer, "But your past doesn't matter because I trust you. I believe that you're really here to change and well... That you're not hooking up with every single girl in this school," I grin. He lets out a chuckle and shakes his head.

"That's the reason why I made everyone think I'm a virgin. So that I'd have a reason to hold back," he explains, "My sisters don't know this, so I'd really appreciate if you didn't tell them. I don't want to hurt them any more than they already are," he asks of me. I nod. Besides, that's his story to tell... Not mine.

"Of course. I won't tell anyone. I just had to tell you that I know because I want us to work and I've figured that honesty is what helps me in relationships," I whisper, "To change the topic a bit... How about our date? After all, I said after I've dealt with Liam," I smile wide. He smiles back and gets off the windowsill. I turn to him in my spot.

"After the lessons? I'll just have to go home and change. You should too. Wear something warm and comfortable," he gets excited. I jump off the windowsill. We slowly walk back to the class and as we do, he carefully takes my hand and locks our fingers. I smile again.

"What do you have in mind for this date?" I ask him, "And don't try to get me in bed, you're a virgin, remember?" I giggle. He laughs and looks at me. He will be getting a lot of this teasing from me now.

"I'm in for a punishment for not telling you, aye?" he quietly asks. We go back in the classroom. I give him a slight shake of my head and then I look at Lilith. Though, I instantly look at Harry who's sitting on my table. "This does not look well," Zayn mumbles under his breath. I let go of his hand, so he moves to his seat. But I stand in front of Harry.

"Why are you here?" I ask him. He raises both his eyebrows. Oh, please. He's going to taunt me about Liam.

"You know how interesting it is to see you here? At school. All happy and holding hands with Zayn. Meanwhile Liam's facing double the time he actually should," he answers my question without hesitation, "Makes me think, did he really do it? Or you threw a tantrum and made your parents pay the judge?" he throws accusations. I smile and reach for his hair. Play with his curl. That little bitch is getting on my nerves already.

"The reason why he's sitting in prison for twenty years is because I brought proof. And I didn't even know about the contract, I just got told about it when it was already done, so how'd my sign get on it?" I question him, "The videotape didn't lie, I promise," I whisper and drop my arm down by my side. He frowns.

"You really had proof? Jeez, you have cameras in your guest rooms? That's bold, no?" he grins. I tilt my head and think for a second. How the hell does he know it was in the guest room? He's a friend of Liam's? Or Louis's? Who is he even getting this information out of?

"Hello, my loves," Louis greets, "Didn't know you two were friends. You told me that you don't like Harry," he comments. I look at him and tilt my head. But then I give him a hug. It's definitely a surprise to see him here. He never shows up at school.

"Hi! What are you doing here?" I question him, "Me and Harry are not friends, just to be clear," I say as I pull away from him, "You friends?" I ask another question. He chuckles and looks at Harry.

"Best friends actually," he answers, "And to answer your first question, I'm here because of tutoring. Came in a little early because Liam asked me to tell you he wants to talk to you. Probably curious how you and Zayn are after... You know," he hints about what we talked with Liam. I nod.

"It was Liam? Out of everyone, he's the one who spills it for you?" Zayn sounds disappointed, so I look at him. Shake my head. Harry jumps off my table and sighs. I can see he's getting uncomfortable.

"I'm just gonna go. This is getting weird and unnecessarily uncomfortable," he mumbles and leaves to his spot after fist-bumping Louis. I sit in my seat and look at Louis. He's smiling at Harry. I know that look. I definitely know it.

"Are you two a thing?" I whisper. He immediately looks at me and his smile disappears. He shakes his head. "Okay, chill. I'm just observing your smile. You never smile at someone like that just because," I grin. He rolls his eyes and shows me his middle finger.

"You sometimes annoy me, but you know I love you," he slowly shakes his head at me and takes something out of his backpack, "This is from Liam. Technically from his parents, but he asked them to give this to you," he gives me a little box which reminds me of something. And when I open it I gasp. No, he didn't...

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