Part Forty Five

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I wake up to someone quietly chatting in the background. Zayn's not with me anymore, but I hear him talk, so he's still here. I open my eyes slowly and take a look around. My eyes stop at Zayn and my mum sitting on the couch and talking.

"Morning," I quietly say and frown. The pain is now worse than it was last night. Both of them look at me. I fight back the tears that are threatening to fall.

"Hey. Are you okay?" Zayn asks. I slowly shake my head. "I'll call the nurse," he gets up from the couch and leaves to call someone. I look at my mum.

"I hope you won't be too angry, but me and your dad decided to transfer you back to the online studies," she decides to ruin my mood even more, "It's for your safety. I told this to Zayn too. But I promise, we'll let you see Lilith and Zayn," she tries to make it better. Honestly, it does, but I'm still disappointed.

"You're telling me this now because I can't really talk?" I ask it all through pain. She drops her shoulders and almost pouts. Though I think she's trying to gain back her control over me, she does look worried about me.

"No, sunshine. This situation did make us decide that, yes, but we wanted to tell you before we went through with it," she answers, "It's for your own good, Isa," she quietly says. Before I could answer, Zayn comes back with a nurse.

"Good morning, miss Miller," the nurse greets me, "How are you feeling this morning? He told me it's bad, yes?" she asks. I slowly nod.

"It's worse than last night," I tell her hoping that maybe if I talk more I'll get used to it and it won't hurt as much. She nods.

"The meds have worn off. So, it should take about one to two weeks of healing. We'll be letting you go home today, but you'll have to rest. No school and it would be great if you had a talk throughout the day, but not too much so that you don't damage the muscles here," she points at herself so I'd know where it is on me. I slowly nod. "And as for food... Foods that you don't have to chew for at least a week and a half. Cool?" she smiles at me. I nod again. "The doctor will prescribe you some painkillers, too," she adds before she leaves. I sigh. Zayn comes closer to me and takes my hand. He brings it up to his lips and leaves a kiss on my knuckles.

"You'll be okay, my love," he whispers. I frown. No, I won't. It's going to be a nightmare. Especially now that I'll have to stay home like being locked in a cage.

"But I won't go to school anymore. I feel like a prisoner," I mumble as I look at mum. She somewhat looks like she feels guilty. As she should. Zayn just observes us before speaking up again.

"It's only for your own safety, princess. And I'll visit you. You'll visit me," he smiles, but then his smile disappears, "Or not. I'll visit you and we can visit Lilith," he quietly corrects himself. I carefully shake my head.

"It's alright, Zayn. I can visit you, too," I tell him. He nods and squeezes my hand a little.

"Honestly, when I saw him come in with bloody hands, I went into shock and panic mode. I prayed to god he hadn't killed you," he admits, "Now you're here and safe... It gives me strength to keep going. Because I would've lost it if I were to lose you," he tells me. I now bring his hand to my mouth so I could give him a kiss. He chuckles. "Such a sweetheart," he quietly says. I look at my mother who's observing everything that's happening right now. I sigh and close my eyes because I can't talk anymore. It hurts way too much.

   It takes an hour until the doctor comes to see me. He tells me exactly the same that the nurse told me. So right now he takes off my catheter and tells me I'm free to go. He adds that I should do a checkup with my doctor after a week. When he leaves, I get up from the bed and look down at my phone in my hands. There are no missed calls or texts. So for now I just sit in silence.

"You coming?" I hear my mother call from behind. I slowly get up. Follow her outside. We walk to the car. I notice people staring at me. It gets uncomfortable. I never stare at just anyone like this, why would they do that to me? Weirdos.

   I take back my words when we exit the hospital. There are reporters and just people who take pictures of me. I try to hide my face while my mother wraps an arm around my shoulder and leads me to the car. I hate when this happens. It's like I'm a million dollar celebrity... Which I am not. They're only after the drama. When we get in the car, I sigh and look out the window. Zayn went home because his mum called and it was an emergency, so I'm alone now. And I don't really feel safe.

"I checked the cameras. They're wiped. There is no proof of what he did to you," my mother tells me, I look at her, "Vincent has disappeared too. I'm scared that he's being tortured or something," she looks at her hands, saddened that something like this has happened.

"Liam's out next week," I say. Her eyes immediately flies up to me in shock. "Apparently because I'm lying about what he did or something," I explain. She frowns.

"We had proof! What the hell?" she's confused, "No! We're not letting them do that!" she insists and takes her phone, but now I stop her. I place a hand on hers. When she looks up at me, I shake my head.

"He said he'd help me," I whisper and flinch in pain, "And I need him on my side," I add just one more sentence until I'm really done. I turn my head straight and close my eyes as I lean against the back of the seat. She sighs.

"Fine. But only because we need someone on our side," she agrees, "I'll talk to him," she mumbles. I really want to tell her that she shouldn't, but I can't open my eyes anymore. I'm so tired, I can't move a muscle. In a small period of time, I fall asleep. I don't even notice, not until someone wakes me up with words "We're here". I open my eyes, a bit confused and disoriented. I slowly get out of the car. My mother wraps an arm around my waist and I press against her as we go inside the house where I go upstairs to my room. To get undressed and instantly go to sleep.

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