Part Twenty Five

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   Liam takes my face in his hands and looks me in the eyes. But I'm not scared anymore. I know that everyone here is against him. Everyone and everything.

"Liam, leave it," Louis warns him. I look in Liam's eyes with a threatening look. Liam just squints his eyes and pushes my face away, then steps back. He leaves the kitchen. I look at Louis. He looks very confused, probably because he had no idea. "Did he really hit you?" Louis asks me. I hesitate to answer, but I nod. It looks like he doesn't believe me. I take my iPad and unlock it. I press watch again and turn it to him. Hearing how I apologise to Liam again and again makes me tear up. Louis flinches when Liam slaps me in the videotape. I stop the tape when Liam pushes me down on the bed. It's enough. He doesn't need to see the worst part.

"And no, I'm not going to police with this. I just thought his parents should know the real reason I broke the contract before they sue me. Knowing Liam, he'd do that in spite," I say, "I let him humiliate me long enough, I won't let him do that to his parents," I whisper and then turn to Karen and Geoff. His dad looks angry, but mother disappointed. "It was really nice seeing you, but I have to go now," I tell them. Karen gives me a hug first, then Geoff. He hugs me tight.

"I'm sorry for what my son has done to you!" he whispers to me. I smile a bit. It warms my heart, but I don't think he should be the one apologising.

"Thank you. It means a lot," I say when we pull away. Then I turn to Louis and give him a hug. I go out of the kitchen where I meet Liam again. He looks at me. Only this time he doesn't look like he wants to murder me or destroy the evidence. That's new of him. But I'm pretty sure it's because he knows I wouldn't come here with the original.

"Thanks for not going to the police," he mumbles and looks down for a brief second, then looks up. I frown. "And I'm sorry," he apologises. I nod. He doesn't offer a hug like he'd usually do, he just leaves to his room upstairs. Louis follows him. I wear my shoes and leave the house. I feel so much more relaxed when I realise that they won't sue me and I won't have to be my parents's puppet for another decade. They'd probably do that because if Liam sued us and I wouldn't have proof of what he did to me... It'd cost us quite some money and reputation.

When I get home, I get in the living room. Both my parents are sitting there, talking to our lawyer. I frown. When they see me, my mother stands up and gives me a soft smile. But I'm not sure she's so happy with what's about to happen.

"We have our lawyer here who is ready to fight back with all our force. That is if Payne decides to sue you. Us," she tells me. I look at my father who just keeps talking to the lawyer. "She is the best in field," she points at the lawyer. I smile a bit and then look in her eyes. My mother's. Finally she's fighting for me and not against me. I've grown tired to the latter.

"Thanks," I thank her. Well, both of them to be honest. "But that won't be necessary. Liam won't sue us," I say and sigh, "I dodged that bullet just now," I admit what I've been doing. Though, she doesn't look too happy. I get it. She shakes her head a little, then frowns.

"You went to him? Are you out of your mind? Do you know what that can cost us? What if someone saw you going over to his house?" she begins to ask me loads of questions. I nod a little. "How did you get him to step back?" she continues to question me. At least she's not yelling or throwing accusations my way.

"I went to his house to talk to his parents. And show the tape of him slapping me. And forcing me to... Well, sleep with him," I answer her questions, "If anyone saw that, I'll take care of it myself. I don't want to cause you any more problems," I say and look at my father who's now looking at me. He gets up and comes closer. He doesn't look too pleased about any of this. I know he's tired of taking care of me. He's waiting for me to earn him the millions that he's spent on me.

"You're letting him go this easy?" he asks with a frown. I think about it and then nod as I bite my lip. "So all of this was for nothing?" he scoffs. They wanted the drama? I mean, I can't just tell Liam's parent's that I'm not suing him and then do the exact opposite.

"I'm not letting him go this easy, dad. It's just that-"

"We're suing him. No excuses," he interrupts me, "He's not getting just a slap on the wrists for it all," he mumbles and turns to the lawyer. "Get the papers done and send them in," he demands. I sigh, but I don't insist. My phone begins to buzz, so I pick it up. It's Lilith on facetime. I accept the call and wait for the call to connect.

"Yes?" I answer, seeing her outside, walking somewhere in a fast pace. Almost running. Is she alright? Does she need help?

"Hey... I'm going over to Zayn's, you wanna join?" Lilith speaks fast. I frown. Why is she in such a rush? I exit the living room and hum. Is Zayn okay then?

"Sure. Why do you sound like your life depends on it?" I ask her as I go upstairs. She lets out a sigh. I don't get it. What's the problem?

"He's out of mood and I am terrified of him when he's angry. So I'm dragging you along," she answers. I giggle. Now that's something... What am I supposed to do about it?

"Basically you didn't want to die alone, yeah?" I ask and get in my closet. I pick out a sports costume. "Listen, where are you? Maybe I can pick you up and we can go together?" I suggest. She clears her throat.

"I, uhm... I kind of lied a bit when I said I'm on my way to Zayn's because I'm on my way to yours, actually," she answers. I raise both my eyebrows. I place my phone on a table and undress. "Oh, la la. Let me screenshot this and send it to... Okay, he's calling me, do I add him on the call?" she asks. I don't get to answer when I see her add him on the call. I wear my sweatpants.

"Oi..." I hear Zayn mumble, "Lilith, where the hell are you? You said you'd be here in ten minutes and it's been already like fifteen!" he really does sound angry. I wear my hoodie. He's so impatient.

"I'm on my way," she answers, "I just hope you won't murder me... I told Isabelle to come along..." she tells him. I wear my shoes and look at the phone to see them. He doesn't look too happy.

"Oh, I'll murder you anyway because you're fucking late!" he hisses back, "And I didn't text her because I thought you feel like she's coming in between our friendship," he adds. I take the phone. It strikes me. I really hope she doesn't feel that way... It just makes me feel nervous about it all.

"Isabelle, I never said it to him," Lilith mentions, "And no, Zayn. When you do start to leave me behind because of her, then watch out, I'll castrate you," she threatens him. My eyes widen. My sweetheart? How about children?

"Fuck off, whore," he groans. I look at him. What the hell is going on? He smiles when he notices me, but neither of them tells me anything. Lilith also doesn't look offended or anything. So it's okay, I guess. I slowly walk downstairs.

"Okay, guys, you two are super weird and I'm not even going to question it. Now, Lilith, where are you? I'm going to the car," I say. Lilith shows me my house, so I nod. "Got ya. I'll go then. Bye, kisses," I say and send them both air kisses before I hang up on them. I don't wait for them to reply.

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