Part Eleven

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Isa sighs after a moment of silence. And right now the silence isn't something that soothes me.

"And what do you think?" she asks me. But I honestly don't know. I don't know if all of this is right. Maybe she's the one, maybe not.

"I want to believe you, so I do when you say it's not because of that," I answer her question not really thinking about Doniya pulling on my arm and now pulling on her hair with a really scared face pulled on. Isa giggles. Okay, good. I made it out without fucking up.

"Thank you. I appreciate it," she thanks me, "Anyway, Liam made me breakfast. I'll eat and then I'm going to pick you up," she tells me. I frown, but I let it go. I hate that she's with Liam now. It makes me insecure. They're exes and she might have feelings for him still.

"See you then. Have a good meal, Isa," I answer, "Bye-bye!" I say. She hums quietly.

"Thanks, bye!" she answers and I hang up. I look at Doniya with a frown, meanwhile she begins to yell out how stupid I am. I push her leg off of me and take my cup of coffee. I relax because I know that I haven't fucked up anything and Doniya's comments are really just her rage that I didn't lie on her behalf.

"I am going to her place and we're watching romance movies," I tell her, "And before you say it's a trap and she's trying to seduce me like that, then don't even bother. She warned me and said I should come only if I agree myself. And I do agree," I tell her. She pouts and shakes her head. Then her face turns serious.

"Let me tell you something... She's giving you an option, but in reality she knows you'd want to, so she's using that for her own advantage," she tells me, "You know how many times I've done this to guys? It's the most basic thing a girl does... We know that if a guy likes us, we can ask them anything and they'll do it," she gets up now. She's giving me anxiety about all of it. "If you come back home later still as a virgin, I may change my mind about her. Just so you know, I warned you," she exits the room. Isa wouldn't do that to me, she's not like that... Come on!


My phone buzzes, so I pick it up. Gabriel tells me he's here already. I tell him I'll be out in a few, then hang up. I finish up my omelette and put the dishes in the dishwasher. Then I turn to Liam. He opens his arms for a hug. I accept it. I hug him. It's been quite some time since I last hugged him like this. I missed it.

"See you later. Thanks for the invite," I thank him. He grins. I can see it in his eyes as he tilts his head that he's got something out of me last night. And that might be about Zayn. But I don't worry much about it since... We're over... Right?

"Have fun with Zayn," he answers, "You two didn't really have to tell me, but I figured out myself," he winks at me. I laugh and shake my head at him. "Hey, he's a cool guy. I just hope I'm not the reason you two can't hit it off," he frowns. I smile and shake my head again. He certainly won't be after tonight. After what I told Zayn when he still was in shape to remember.

"Well, I hope not. It was weird when I found out that the first time we ever met was when he walked in on us and he remembers it better than me," I answer making him grimace. That's a first for him too, I guess. Well, based off of his expression.

"That doesn't sound too good," he quietly comments, "Well, if anything... Tell him I approve of you two. And it won't be weird if I see you two together," he tells me. I nod and wave at him. He sends me an air kiss before I leave. I get out of the house and in the car. This certainly won't be the greatest ride of my life, but I hope I'll manage.

"Before we go home, pick up Zayn, please. He lives a few houses to the left. Fifth on the right," I tell Gabriel. He nods and begins to drive. He stops in front of Zayn's house. At least I hope it's this one because I don't remember if I counted correctly. I get out of the car and walk up to the door. I knock. The door opens and a girl stands in front of me. The same who got out to pick Zayn up. I suppose it's her who thinks I'm after Zayn's virginity. He himself appears from behind. She looks like she has something to tell me, but isn't speaking until I do.

"Hi! I'll be out in a second," he tells me and looks at his sister, "Doni, chill out. She's not an enemy," he mumbles and disappears somewhere. Her look at me doesn't change. She's waiting for me to speak. I run through my mind as I recite what he told me. What she thinks of me.

"I promise to bring him back safe and sound," I grin at her, "And still a virgin," I add. She immediately cocks an eyebrow at me. "What? That's what you're worried about, isn't it?" I ask her. She straightens her back and looks me up and down. Then in my eyes. It's not really a good feeling.

"I'm just curious why you would say it if you actually weren't aiming for it. Maybe not now, but what will happen next week? And the week after it?" she asks. I smile and shake my head at her. It's like we can be together, but we can't have sex? It's not like it's any of her business anyway...

"I don't get it. You want him to be happy, but won't let a girl sleep with him? It's his choice after all. Fuck it, so what if we have sex and I leave him after that? You'll be the person who holds him anyway. It's not the end of the world," I can't keep my mouth shut, "I care about him and I'm sorry that I couldn't choose to be poor, so you could trust me more," I tell her and step back a bit. She frowns. Zayn comes out now. When he sees my expression, he looks at his sister. He's disappointed. And I bet he told her to keep it shut.

"What did I just tell you?" he quietly asks, "Please! Just let us be for once," he tells her. I place a hand on his shoulder. I'm about to either fuck it up and make her think I'm a fake or make her like me a little bit. And I hope to hell it's the latter one.

"She just worries about you. Don't take it for granted," I tell him. Then I walk over to the car. I hear them say their goodbyes and her saying 'have fun'. Gabriel opens the door for me and I sit in the car. I look at Zayn. He gets in next to me. Gabriel closes the door and goes around the car to sit in the driver's seat. I slowly place my head on Zayn's shoulder and sigh. "Liam figured out that you like me. Said he hopes he isn't the one standing between us," I tell him. He takes my hand and begins to play with my fingers. I let him because I want to feel him. I want to feel him touch me.

"He kind of is, isn't he?" he asks making me frown. Does he not remember what I told him yesterday? That there isn't Liam between us anymore? That it's just him and me. I think of all the reasons why he might not remember, but I'm pretty sure it was on a proper time. I know we had quite a few shots, but it wasn't that bad... Was it?

"Not for me. He's like... Damn, the reason why I was even together with him is because our families are close and they always pushed us to be together for recognition. When we broke up it made even bigger chaos and recognition," I answer his question. He thinks about it for a second. "Of course, everything wasn't fake. And at some point... we regret nothing," I add. He nods.

"Then he isn't between us. Nobody is," he quietly says. I smile a bit. After that we're silent and this silence is so damn comfortable. We're finally out of the weird phase of not knowing what stands between us.

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