Part Six

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I walk out of the administration's room and slowly make my way towards the class. I see people walking in it. Some of them are talking excitedly about something and some of them look very tired. When I enter the class, lots of eyes fall on me as people curiously take in the sight of me. I look at the teacher. It's the same one that keeps walking past me in the hallway during the third period. She looks up at me quite surprised.

"Hello, Isabelle. Nice to finally see you've joined us here," she greets me with a smile, "Please, take a seat," she points at the class. I just nod at her and look around. When I see Zayn and Lilith I smile. Lilith points at a seat in front of Zayn that's open. I walk over there.

"Hi!" I greet them. I sit in my new spot and turn around to look at them. "How are you both?" I ask and smile. Zayn smiles back. At least him. Though, we really did have fun.

"I'm good, thanks. How about you?" he asks back. I look at Lilith. She also has a smile playing on her lips. Okay, she's not angry at me anymore. Not like she was when I last saw her.

"I'm also good. Just tired from homeworks," she answers my question, "AND! He kept me up late last night just because of how-" she gets stopped by Zayn.

"Lilith!" Zayn groans not letting her finish. I laugh knowing exactly what he did. He told her all about what we did. Honestly, it even makes me happy that he has someone to call or text to share his day with.

"How you beat him in every single race. And the topper... Gosh..." she finishes anyway. I look at Zayn and pout. He tried so hard and she still betrayed him. Told me. How sad is that.

"Hey, I let you win once," I say and laugh with him, "I'm not that mean, what have you told her?" I ask and look at Lilith. Her face shows pretty damn well that she's surprised I just said that. She points at me and shakes her head.

"Oh, you think he didn't? That's what he started with!" she points at him now, "That guy right there... Never let him win ever again or else I'm going to need more nerves to listen about how nice you are to him," she exposes him to the fullest. I look at Zayn and giggle when I see him smiling at Lilith while giving her a glare. His eyes turn to me. And then behind me. His eyes widen. So I turn around to see what happened. Oh... Harry walked in. With a busted lip and blue eye. I look back at Zayn.

"What the hell happened to him?" Lilith mumbles, "Somebody finally stood up to him?" she laughs. Then her smile disappears. I hear Harry coming closer, so I look at him again. He places both his hands on my table as he leans on it. I tilt my head and smile. Michael sure did his job well.

"Cute face, Styles," I say, "The blue really fits you, don't you think?" I ask making fun of his blue eye. He gives me a fake smile. Okay, he's not in a mood for jokes. Well, too bad for him, I don't really care.

"So it was you," he mumbles, "Of course, you can't do anything yourself, so you send your minions? Weak," he stands up straight. I give him a look of sympathy. He really thought I'd get my own hands dirty? For him?

"Aw, I'm sorry, I couldn't ruin my nails," I tell him and then smile, "But go ahead, touch Zayn again. Want to see how that one ends, no?" I give him a choice to either leave him alone or get in trouble. He shakes his head. So no touching I guess.

"This is why rich people stay in online studies. They just can't do anything without money." he chuckles and steps back, "But hey, congrats on finally taking a step into the real world," he shrugs and leaves to take a seat across the class. Ouch? That hurt.

"Thanks for the congratulations. But it's just bold of you to assume I paid him any money," I talk back. I'm not letting him talk to me like that. Not when it tears my reputation. "I guess you should just learn the term acquaintance," I add. By now everyone is either whispering or shockingly watching everything that's happening. He gives me a one-eyed glare. Pun intended. I look back at Zayn. "As I said yesterday, I didn't touch him," I shrug. He cocks an eyebrow at me. I look at the teacher's seat to see she's not even here.

"Wait, so let me get this straight... You sent a guy to beat him up just because he punched Zayn in the face?" Lilith asks surprised. I look at her with a frown. Punched him only in the face? I mean, fair enough. But does it matter? He hurt him...

"Do I have to say yes?" I ask her back, "Because the answer is no. I sent him to talk. The beating up part wasn't my idea. Michael doesn't beat up people just because somebody asks. Harry must've hit him first," I answer, then I look at Harry who's now looking at me like I'm lying. "Unless his stare was so annoying that he couldn't resist correcting that face," I say louder for him to hear. He shows me both his middle fingers. What a childish response. I look back at Lilith. She still looks surprised.

"Respect to you, girl," she quietly tells me. I give her a little nod, a silent thanks to her. Then I look at Zayn. He's looking at Lilith with a curious look in his eyes.

"Hey, Lilith, I was actually going to spa tomorrow. You want to join? Also there will be mani and pedi." I suggest to her, "I'm paying," I add before she says no because of money. She frowns. She has nothing planned, right? Please let her come, please!

"Sure," she says it like she's not sure, "I just gotta ask, how much do you pay for it all? Like, it's way too expensive and I-"

"Don't worry about the money. Consider it a gift from me. Let's say, for last Christmas," I stop her. Her face drops like I just told her a stupid joke. "I'm serious," I quietly add to it all. She nods. But I can see it's a sarcastic nod, not a real one. She's not agreeing to this.

"And I'm serious too," she answers. I take my phone and check the prices. Well...

"The procedure hundred and fifty for one person. Mani pedi eighty for one person. Together it's... two hundred and thirty," I answer her question, "I really don't mind paying for you, though," I look at her. She sighs. "If you don't come, I'm going to drag him along and I don't think you'd want to torture him that much," I grin. Zayn's eyes widen and he looks at Lilith. She raises both her eyebrows.

"Yeah, she'll be there," he answers for her, "She's just shocked that you offered, yeah. She'll... She'll definitely go with you," he tries to get her to come. She looks at him with a frown. This doesn't look too good.

"Only if you accompany her on Friday," she folds her arms over her chest. My eyes widen at them. Well, that's a big turn. I look at Zayn to see his reaction. It's pretty much the same as mine I bet. I honestly didn't wait for her to say that. Like, anything but that. I didn't expect him to remember that to tell her anything about it.

"That is ten times more expensive than spa day with her!" he insists, "Give me two thousand and I will," he crosses his arms. Lilith looks at me with wide eyes. What did I do now? I never made her bring him into this. But I do have a solution.

"I'll give you a check," I wink at her. He now looks at me like I've just ruined his plans on not coming. Well, there's that. I'm sad to break it to him, but he should've expected this from me.

"I don't get it, if they don't want to do anything with you because it's expensive, why do you have to still try to persuade them?" a girl in front of Lilith asks me, so I look at her. She looks like someone who can stand up for herself. Well, I have to answer her question, don't I? Though, it's a stupid question. Lilith agreed to come in the first place, so what's really the problem here?

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