Part Three

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I sit on the same windowsill and enjoy the sunny day outside. I just finished my online lessons for today, so I'm free now. However, I haven't seen neither Zayn nor Lilith today. And neither has texted me even though I gave them my number yesterday. I just scroll through Instagram when Zayn's new post shows up. I look at it curiously. It's just a selfie, but it's interesting. I look up from my phone when I notice someone coming quite close to me. I lock my phone.

"Hello, Isabelle. Did you enjoy having Zayn around?" Harry chuckles like it's supposed to be funny. I tilt my head curiously. "I know he can get annoying," he shrugs and sits in front of me. I lower my chin a bit. What's that supposed to mean? I squint my eyes a little.

"I did enjoy having him around, why? Jealous?" I answer his question, "Or your ego is just so damaged and you can't accept that you are the annoying one?" I lean in closer and smile. He pouts. But he doesn't look too sad about it. He looks rather... Entertained.

"Ouch. You do bite," he then laughs, "But no, everyone thinks that he's annoying. The guy likes you, but literally has no confidence to ask you out. That speaks volumes," he answers. I roll my eyes. He could shut up and leave me alone.

"Why are you so keen on making him look so bad?" I get curious because I really can't figure that out. Are they enemies or something? Did Zayn do something to him or he just uses his power against Zayn just because he can? He thinks about it for a second, then gets off the windowsill.

"Because that virgin ass deserves it. The only thing he knows is how to stab someone in the back," he answers and gives me a grin, "He won't even let you have sex with him because he always thinks a girl will only laugh at him for being a virgin," he tells me which gets me angry. He's really stepping over the red lines as if he's colourblind.

"I rather date a virgin guy than a manwhore who has nothing better than bullying to do in his miserable life," I tell him a bit louder than I wanted, then I jump off the windowsill, "Get your shit together, Harry," I tell him and walk past him. Avoiding him as I do so. He really got on my nerves and I have to cool off.

I take my bottle of water and turn around to look at the spot that Lilith and Zayn sat at yesterday. But they're not there. I sigh and begin to slowly walk to the exit. People are slowly noticing me which scares me because it all happens so fast. Yesterday morning I was still the invisible online student and now I even talk to people here. I'm starting this school soon and yet I'm here, afraid of the attention. I smile when I see Lilith and Zayn enter the cafe, but my smile disappears when I see Zayn's busted lip. I walk up to them. To find out what happened.

"Hey," I greet them and look at Zayn, "Are you okay? What happened?" I ask him curiously. He even stops and looks at me a bit surprised. When he doesn't answer, I look at Lilith. She has a death glare towards me. What did I do? Was it about me?

"Aren't you like Harry's girl now? Why would you talk to me?" he asks straight forward, "Because half an hour ago he punched me like I was a punching bag and told me not to speak to you ever again," he crosses his arms. I frown and shake my head. That little fucker.

"And ten minutes ago I told him to go fuck himself because I prefer you over him," I calmly answer which makes him ease up. I look at Lilith. She doesn't look too sure about all of this. "I'll take care of Harry though," I add. Then I look back at Zayn.

"Hello, virgin," a voice from side greets someone. I look at the girl. She's looking at Zayn with a grin as she walks past. I look back at Zayn to see what he does. But he does nothing. I look at the girl again. He just let her go. Just like that. No answer.


   I just stand there looking at Isabelle. She doesn't look too surprised.

"Why don't you look surprised? Or disgusted?" I ask her. I fear that she might try to ghost me after this. She hesitates to look at me and it makes me paranoid. But then her eyes turn to me. Please don't tell me you already knew it. Please, please, please. I beg you!

"I already knew it," she simply answers. And I believe that is the worst answer that could possibly exist in this situation. Somebody already told her and I bet it was Harry. It's just like him to do so. To get people against me. She doesn't look away from me, so I take it as a chance to communicate with her.

"Are you this nice only because Lilith talked to you and she's the only nice person here?" I ask her, "Or because she told you that I like you?" I add. She looks at Lilith. The expression on her face indicates something that I'm not sure of.

"Your friend likes me?" she whispers to her making my heart beat faster. Oh god, what did I just do? I look at Lilith who is looking at me with wide eyes. I look back at Isabelle. "Also, to answer your question... Harry was nice to me too at first. That was until I told him I prefer being with you rather than a manwhore," she shrugs answering my question. How do I manage to fuck up all the time?

"You two sort it out, I'm gonna go get myself some food," Lilith speaks up after being quiet for some time. I look at her and nod. After that she leaves. So I look back at Isabelle. It's the first time we're alone. And honestly... It scares me even more.

"Let me be straight forward, I don't care if you are or you are not a virgin," she opens the water bottle in her hands and takes a sip, "You want to come over today?" she suggests out of nowhere. I frown and think about it. She suggests this after... After she tells me she doesn't care if I'm a virgin? It's way too suspicious.

"Was this-" I stop myself when I see her shake her head, "Why'd you ask me? Is it only me you're inviting or with Lilith?" I ask unsure about who she's inviting. She grins and points at me. Oh? Only me? I shift to my other foot. I barely hide the fact that my stomach hurts as I do so, from Harry's beating.

"I'm asking you, am I not?" she asks and giggles, "I swear, Lilith's cool too. But I want to hang out with you alone," she doesn't hide the truth. And it confuses me. Does she not have anything better to do than hang out with me? Or no one better to hang out since... I'm the stupid one.

"Okay then. How do I get to your house?" I ask her. I'm pretty nervous because of how good I know how to fuck up pretty fast. She frowns. Okay, what did I say wrong? Was I too demanding? Is she regretting that she even asked?

"We'll go together. My chauffeur will pick us up," she answers, "And no, my parents won't be home. As I said yesterday, they flew away," she adds before I even ask. This is way too suspicious.

"Okay, Isa, be honest. Are you really doing this just to hang out?" I frown at her because it feels like she just wants to sleep with me. She nods. But I'm still not convinced. She looks like a person who would want that out of a guy.

"If you don't trust me, just say it. You don't have to come over, we can just go out and not to my house," she suggests another option which sounds more enticing. But I have to get my shit together. I've liked her since I first saw her and now that I have an opportunity to hang out with her I'm not going to blow it off. Especially when she rejected Harry. Damn it, she rejected Harry out of everyone!

"It's fine. We can go to your place," I tell her. She smiles at me again and nods. "I'll be free after this lesson. Then we can go," I say. She nods at me. Then she takes a step closer to the exit.

"Will wait for you outside then. You'll see me," she tells me and then leaves with that. I think about it for a second and then go to get myself lunch. I have to tell this to Lilith. And she's going to be happy for me because I didn't fuck it up! Not yet, at least.

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