Part Forty Three

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   I make a coffee and turn to Lilith. She came over after I went home. I had to apologise. And she accepted the apology with one condition. I tell her the full story so that's what I did. Well, I didn't tell her the entire truth, of course. It's too dangerous.

"She's not answering," Lilith sighs. I frown. She usually answers. And she said she'd be home alone for the weekend, so there's no way she's busy with something or someone. I freeze when I see my father come in. He freezes, too, when he sees me. And the blood on his hands doesn't look good.

"I... Didn't you say you went to her place?" he asks when he notices Lilith too. She looks terrified. I just look at him and I can't stop imagining the worst. What if he hurt Isa?

"Where were you just now?" I quietly ask trying to keep my calm. He looks at Lilith, then back at me. "Where?" I ask louder. He steps back. "Did you fucking hurt her?" I shout at him as I get closer to him. He steps back in fear of me. Good.

"I swear, I didn't mean to hurt her, she was going to fuck me over and I couldn't let that happen!" he defends himself, "She was digging for information on me!" he stops when he hits the wall in the hallway. I stop in front of him.

"She knows nothing and you hurt her?" I yell at him, "You idiot! She was digging information on me, not you!" I punch him. He doesn't even try to hit back. "Lilith, come," I shout as I wear my shoes. I hear her behind me getting her shoes on.

"I'm sorry, son! I didn't mean to!" he sounds so desperate. I let Lilith out first and then follow her. I can't believe that he hurt Isa... Now I'm panicking because I don't know in what shape he left her.

"I don't have a ride, fuck!" I whisper. We both begin to walk. It's going to take some time, that's what worries me. We don't have much time. What if she's unconscious? What if she's bleeding out? For fuck's sake, what if she's dying?

"What the hell was that? Did your father hurt Isabelle? What is happening right now?" she asks questions in panic. And I get it, she's scared and confused. "Zayn, talk to me!" she shouts at me.

"He fucking hurt her... Yes, Lilith, he did!" I answer angrily because I know as much as she does and I'm starting to really panic. She pulls out her phone and begins to call someone. When I hear her say 'can you pick us up' I sigh in relief knowing she'll probably have someone drive us there. But when she mentions something about Isabelle, I frown. I don't ask questions though. When she ends the call, she takes my hand and makes us stop. I look at her confused.

"Louis will pick us up," she tells me, "Don't ask how I got his number, it doesn't matter," she mumbles before I ask. And I am curious. Why would she have his number? I frown. Then shake my head slowly. We stay and wait like this for like five minutes that feel like an eternity before we hear a car drive coming towards us. I look behind and see a black car driving fast. He stops next to us. I open the door for Lilith in the back and when she gets in, I sit in as well. I'm a bit disappointed when I see Harry along.

"He promised to not be a jerk," Louis tells me when he sees my look at him. He begins to drive again. "What happened? Why do you think something happened to her?" he asks in a calm tone.

"I don't think, I know," I mumble back. Harry grins. "It's serious, man. This time she didn't do anything to piss off someone," I defend her. He doesn't look convinced.

"Oh, yeah? Looking at the fact that she even showed up at my doorstep at one am to just fight me... It wouldn't be a surprise," he answers. I frown. She did that? "Don't look so surprised. She doesn't fear death sometimes," he shrugs, "Not like I'd kill her, of course," he adds. I look at Louis. He looks concerned, but I don't know if it's about Isabelle or Harry. We're next to her house in no time, so I jump out of it as soon as he parks. I leave the door open for Lilith, but I quickly make my way in the house. The blood on the floor already doesn't mean anything good.

"Fucking hell," Louis whispers next to me. I follow the trail of blood. It continues to her room. I get in. The bathroom door is open and I hear water running. I get in. I honestly feel so relieved to see her standing and not lying dead on the floor. Her eyes find me through the mirror. She doesn't look good. I get closer to her, but she turns to me and motions for me to stop. Her eyes fall on someone behind me. I turn my head to the side to see who she's looking at and when I notice Harry leaning against the doorframe I frown.

"Can you all just leave us both alone?" I quietly ask, "Please," I add. They all listen and leave. Louis leaves last and closes the door behind himself. I look at Isabelle again. "I'm not going to hurt you, okay?" I whisper and open my arms for a hug. She looks at the opportunity to hug me, but she doesn't even move a muscle. She's scared. And probably in pain. "Let me help you," I quietly suggest to help her clean up. I barely see her nod. I take the towel that she left in the sink when we came. I rinse it, squeeze it and look at her. She steps closer when she realizes that she's too far from me. I carefully press the towel against her lip. She immediately pulls away and tears escape her eyes. I frown, but I don't say anything. I carefully pull her back closer to me and try again, only this time more carefully. Softly.

   When I've cleaned her up, I clean up the blood on the floor while she watches me. My every move. The fact that she hasn't said a word to me scares me because she might break up with me. He probably got in her head. Told her to leave me. I finish up on the floor and get up. I wash the blood off the cloth and put it aside to dry. Turn off the water. I hesitate to look at her, but I do. She's now sat on the side of the bathtub. I offer a hand. She fearfully takes it and gets up. We get out of the bathroom. Only Harry's sitting on the couch. Neither Louis or Lilith is here. I carefully watch every Harry's move, but right now he looks harmless. And that's what I need him to be.

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