Part Forty

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   I turn my head to look out the window when I hear a car roll up. Zayn's here. He gets out of the car which is... New? Haven't seen it. I frown when it drives away as Zayn approaches the door. I go to greet him. I'm quicker than him, I open the door before he even gets to the door.

"Hi!" I smile and give him a hug, "Come in!" I say. We both get in. He's awfully quiet. We already exchanged the Christmas gifts because he spent this Christmas with Isabelle. "Did you two get in an argument again?" I ask. I'm disappointed because they are so good together, yet they are the worst combo. He shakes his head.

"Well, we did have one, but we worked it out. It's because of Liam," he explains, "I've got another problem. And that problem is my father. He doesn't like her," he frowns now. I sigh. "And it's not some petty reason. She dug up something she shouldn't have and now it's real bad," he mumbles. I frown. She did that again. And I'm guessing they had an argument just because of that.

"Not the first time for her," I smile at him. He looks at me like he's surprised. I cock an eyebrow at him. "You don't know? She didn't tell you?" I ask, curious if I'm now gossiping about her. Telling her... secrets? He shakes his head. "She found out something she shouldn't have on Harry and he threatened that if she goes any deeper, that it's going to get her killed," I give him some information to absorb. His shoulders drop. He doesn't look too happy.

"You know, you shouldn't have said it," he sounds so lost, "It's only another thing I can add to things she does and doesn't do. She doesn't trust me already and now I find out she lied to me about stopping, I just-"

"Zayn... Stop!" I stop him, "She stopped because of you," I tell him with a frown, "She didn't care if it would've gotten her killed. After all, she went to him all alone and got herself beat up and was ready to continue doing what she did, but she didn't because of you!" I place my hands on his shoulders, "She probably didn't tell you because she didn't want you to worry. And you kind of made it clear that you're jealous when she talks about Harry," I whisper add. His eyes widen. He slightly lowers his chin and I know he's about to lie.

"Wait, what? I'm not jealous of him!" he defends himself, "He's not her type. I've known her since Las Vegas and I know her type of guys. Harry doesn't fit that category," he reasons himself. I laugh. He's so naive. "Don't even laugh! It's stupid," he mumbles. We both go to my room where I drop in my bed. He's such a bad liar.

"You're jealous and you're making excuses because you're stubborn. You wouldn't ever admit it, not even to yourself," I expose him. He gives me a glare, proving my point. "You two should really have a talk about everything you two have done. It'll make her trust you more," I suggest. He sits in his usual spot.

"That's the problem. She knows what I've done, she knows what happened with Perrie and I know absolutely nothing about her," he tells me. I turn on my stomach and look at him. He's frozen up as he looks at me with a slightly open mouth. "I did not... Mean to say her name," he whispers and looks down. He's never told me her name, I didn't know. He said it was not important.

"Well, at least I'll be able to find the bitch and fight her for breaking your heart," I say. He closes his eyes and leans against the back. "What? I would've asked Isabelle eventually. I'm surprised she hasn't done it herself," I mumble, actually surprised. He looks at me.

"She hasn't done it because she's dead, okay?" he blurts out, "It would be weird if she dug up her body and beat it up," he mumbles. My eyes widen and I get up in a sitting position. So that's why he never told me about it. She's not around anymore. Oh my god, I'm such an idiot!

"I'm so sorry..." I apologise because I don't know what to say, "If I may know, how did it happen?" I get a bit curious. He begins to fiddle with his fingers and bites down his lip. Oh, come on! Why do I always push people to tell me stuff?

"Suicide," he answers even quieter than before, "She was pregnant with my child and my father was forcing her to make an abortion. She couldn't take the pressure so she just... Quit," he looks down at his fingers. It feels like my heart skips a beat. Did he just say that she was pregnant with his child? He was about to be a father?

"Oh my god..." I whisper and I immediately get next to him. I hug him. I get it now. I get why he doesn't want to talk about it. "Do you want me to like... Forget about it? Like, no treating any different?" I ask him because he might want to not change what was between us. It can sometimes feel like he's a burden. And I don't want it to happen. He nods and lies against me.

"And now my father is onto Isa. I'm just scared that he'll ruin her," he whispers, "I'm scared she'll meet the same fate," he adds. I slowly stroke his hair.

"She won't. She's strong," I answer. He slowly shakes his head. What the hell is that supposed to mean?

"Isa can get suicidal. And with a little bit of pressure from my father, I'm sure he can get her to break. She almost did when he mentioned Liam," he explains why not. After that he gets quiet. And I use this time to be there for him. Last time we actually had this deep conversation, it ended up with him breaking down and hurting himself. I don't want to have that again. He doesn't deserve it. "I lied to you, Lilith," he whispers. I frown. "I mean, I know you already got the fact that I'm not a virgin since... You know, the kid..." he quietly says, "I lied about it. And I lied that my parents divorced and I got bullied in my previous school," he admits to even more things. I know he's getting vulnerable here, but it's only scaring me. "Fuck, I was the bully if anything," he whispers again. That's what strikes me. He knows I've been bullied and I hate bullies. And he lied to me about it.

"Zayn, why are you telling me all of this?" I question him because it's weird. Out of nowhere. I pull away from him. He looks at me. In my eyes. He's scared.

"Because you mean a lot to me and I have to see if you can accept me like I am. No lies. I'm tired of lying to you. I want to be honest with you," he answers. I nod. I can't just push him away now, can I? "Fuck, even you have it in your eyes," he groans and gets up. Now I'm confused. He runs his hand through his hair. "I'm sorry about lying. I really am. I didn't mean to scare you, too," he whispers and disappears from my room. Before I can even understand what just happened, I hear the doors close. He just left... What did he mean by saying... that he scared me too? Did he do something to scare Isa? Or... Who? What?

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