What are you doing here?

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" I'm sorry to tell you this but your kneecap is severely broken " The doctor said " The fall has seriously damaged the kneecap and the patella has been pulled apart "

" What does that mean? " My father who was sitting next to me asked, worry in his eyes

" It means that surgery will be required, The patella sometimes take difficulty to heal and sometimes, it doesn't heal " The doctor continued sympathetically. It might not be able to heal?! I will never be able to dance again!

" What!? No, it has to heal, my daughter has a dancing and singing show in one week and a half " My dad said standing up from his seat

" One week and a half? A broken knee takes 4 to six weeks to heal, a displaced patella can take much longer, and sometimes, it can even not heal as I said "

" When is the surgery? " I said finally talking

" That is what I need to discuss with your father, excuse us, oh and your friends have been begging to see you since the accident happened an hour ago, I will let them in now " He said smiling and leaving the room

Great. Just Great. I may never be able to dance again, I can't compete in the show and.....

" Vilu! How are you feeling? " Said Leon as he came in and kissed my forehead

" What did the doctor say? " Said Francesca as they all took turns to hug me

" My kneecap is broken and the patella has been displaced " I said

" What does that mean? " Ludmilla and Maxi said at the same time

" It means she needs surgery " Federico said to all of them sighing

" He's joking right? " Cami said

" Please say he's joking " Diego said

" Sadly, he's telling the truth, the patella can either heal after the surgery or stay displaced forever. I can't even participate in the final show guys and I might not be able to ever dance again " I said as the tears poured out my eyes.

" It's okay Vilu, We're all here for you and we all care for you " Leon said kissing my cheek and holding my hand

" Violetta! I'm so glad you're okay " Said someone from the doorway.

" What are you doing here? " Fran said getting up from her seat

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