Campus introduction

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( Sunday )

“ Hey “ Diego said as he came up to me

“ What is it now? “ I said to him

“ I just wanted to say i’m really sorry for everything that I did to you. I just wanted you so badly. I also wanted to tell you that I have a new girlfriend named Julie. “ He said to me

“ That’s great! “ I said to him

“ Yah, We started dating yesterday. She has been my friend since forever. You must be glad that I won’t be pretty much stalking you anymore “ He said laughing

“ That’s the first time I hear you laugh I think “ I said to him laughing

“ And it’s the first time that we actually talk without shouting at each other, and by that I mean you shouting at me for what I did. Anyways, Everyone’s in the assembly room, let’s go “ He said to me. We walked in there and everyone was crowded around the stage. The teachers we’re on the stage getting ready to talk.

“ As you all know, Tomas will be leaving us today and going back to Madrid again. We’re all going to miss you Tomas and we hope you can visit us very soon “ Antonio said

“ He’s right, Tomas asked me if he could come onto the stage to say a speech, so come on up Tomas “ Pablo said as everyone applauded and cheered.

“ Thank you Antonio and Pablo and everyone else. It has been great seeing you guys again for 10 days even though I will never get tired from seeing you all. I just wanted to thank each one of you for a reason: Pablo for never giving up on me, Antonio for pushing me to be my best, Gregorio for making me realise that I need to work hard to achieve my dreams, Beto for being an amazing friend and for making me laugh, Angie for always believing in me, Ludmilla for always being there for me, Francesca for introducing me to the studio and for being an amazing friend, Broaduey for making every moment worth sharing, Maxi for always listening to my problems and helping me, Andres for making everything seem very funny, Leon for forgiving me and for understanding, Camilla for always lending me a shoulder to cry on, Naty for always being around when I needed some support, Federico for being like a brother to me, and Violetta for making me realise that there is good in every bad thing and that I just need to move on sometimes. Anyways, my point is that i’m going to miss you guys so much and I hope to see you very soon “ He said. I felt like crying from how sweet he just sounded and how he just touched my heart. I also feel like crying because him and I kept fighting the whole time he was here and that i’m going to miss him so much.

“ Thank you Tomas for being an amazing student “ Antonio said as everyone clapped very very loud for Tomas.

“ I love you all so much, and I need to go in five minutes so let’s just get everything over with right now. Oh! Before I forget, my dad said it won’t be that long before I visit you again. I will surely be here for your last day at the studio and I wish I can go to college with all of you but my dad needs to stay working there for another 4 years before we can come back. “ Tomas said as he ran off the stage and walked to us. He hugged every single person, even Leon, and then he came to me last.

“ Thank you for everything Violetta “ He said to me and then he hugged me so tightly. I hugged him back without hesitation.

“ Thank you for being awesome “ I said to him

“ Even when everyone was a possum! “ He said reminding me of the joke that we always used to say

“ Oh my gosh! “ I said as we both laughed out loud

“ Well I’ll see you soon “ He said to me and then he walked to the door. He waved at us all and then entered a cab and drove away. I felt some tears in my eyes, and the feeling was mutual because everyone else seemed close to crying. Of course the girls and not the boys!

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