Thank you so much

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“ Time for cake! “ Federico screamed as Olga put the cake on the dining table. We all crowded around the table and Leon stood right next to me. I felt has hand hold my hand just before they all started singing happy birthday. It’s really awkward when people sing happy birthday to you because you don’t know where to look or what to do! I mean seriously!

“ Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday Violetta, Happy birthday to you! “ They all sang while clapping.

“ Thank you all so much! “ I said to them as we had a group hug. We ate the food and the cake and then they all went home but Leon.

“ Thank you so much Leon, For everything “ I said to him as I gave him a kiss on the cheek

“ I love pleasing people that I love so much “ He said as he smiled

“ Awww “ I said as we both leaned in and kissed each other. I heard a door open and close and then a cough. We both broke the kiss and looked awkwardly at my dad.

“ I’m back “ He said to us

“ I noticed “ I said to him

“ How was the birthday party? “ He asked me

“ It was really great “ I said to him

“ I’m glad that you had fun, when you finish up, Lock the house door and turn off all the lights downstairs. Have a good night Leon “ He said as he walked on the stairs.

“ Well I should get going now “ Leon said as he got up

“ I’ll see you tomorrow at the studio “ I said to him

“ We should walk together to the studio “ He said to me

“ I’ll be here by 6:30 so we can go grab a drink “ He said as he stood by the door

“ I’ll see you tomorrow then “ I said to him as I gave him a kiss on his cheek.

“ Bye Vilu “ He said as he walked out of the house. I locked the door and turned off all the lights just like my dad said. I went up to my room and changed into my pyjamas . I fell asleep a few minutes later because there was a lot of great things to dream about...

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