Right now

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Maxi and I sat down on a table in a corner. Luca came and greeted us and we ordered strawberry smoothies.

“ You have to go sing “ Maxi said to me suddenly

“ No, I can’t “ I said to him

“ Why not? “ He asked me

“ I look ridiculous with this wrap around my head “ I told him

“ Wait a second “ He said as he unwrapped it

“ What are you doing? “ I asked him surprised

“ There, Now it looks better and your bruise is getting much much better “ He said to me as he handed me his phone so I can see it myself. I opened the camera app and turned it to selfie mode. I almost gasped at what I saw. The purple part was almost gone and it was mostly just the red scratch which was also fading a bit.

“ Oh my god “ I said to him

“ I know “ He said to me smiling. “ I can just see a bit of the scratch from here, now go sing “

“ Okay, But what song? “ I asked him

“ How about the song that your working on? The one called Right now “ He said to me

“ But it’s not completely done, And there’s not even a piano here “ He said to me

“ Do you have the music sheet with you? “ He asked me

“ Yes, Why? “ I asked him handing him the sheet

“ I’ll be right back “ He said as he got up and went to Luca. After talking to him for about two minutes, he came back smiling a wide smile.

“ What did you tell him? “ I asked him

“ He has a piano backstage. Your going to sing and I’m going to play the piano in 5 minutes “ He told me

“ Really!? “ I said getting up from my seat

“ I know, I know, I’m the bestest friend in the whole entire world “ He said to me as he hugged me.

“ Yep you are, Thank you “ I said to him

“ Anytime, Now let’s go and have fun “ He said to me as we walked to the stage. I grabbed the microphone and introduced myself and Maxi.

“ Hi Everyone, I’m Violetta and this is Maxi. We are going to be playing and singing a song that I wrote called Right now and I really hope that you enjoy it, Thank you “ I said to the audience. Clapping came from the crowd of people sitting. I turned around and looked at Maxi who was smiling at me. He signalled me that he is about to start playing. He started the music and I sang:

“ I know that love has a master plan and it’s taking me by the hand “ I sang. I looked at Maxi while I was singing and he was smiling at me. I looked back at the audience which just got a whole lot more crowded. There was a ton of people standing there and I saw Leon standing there smiling at me. A boy walking towards the restaurant caught all of my attention. It was Diego. I almost stopped singing but I turned around and looked at Maxi who was also shocked. He looked back at me and nodded for me to continue.

“ Right Now, Everything’s alright, Right Now, we are so alive, Happy when your next to me... Waiting for us “ I finished. A roar of clapping came from the audience and some were even shouting our names. I looked back at Maxi and I smiled at him. He carried the piano and took it backstage. I heard a cough coming from behind me and I felt hands turn my whole body around. I thought it was Leon at first, but I saw Diego standing there smiling.

“ What are you doing?! “ I said to him

 “ I saw you looking at me while your singing and my looks made you speechless, didn’t they? “ He said to me

“ Let go of me and I didn’t even look at you! “ I said to him

“ Your so cute when your mad “ He said as he leaned in about to kiss me. He was still holding on to me and I tried my hardest to get his hands of my waist but I couldn’t.

“ Leave her alone! “ Leon shouted as he ran on stage. Diego’s attention turned to Leon and he let go of me. “ Are you okay!?! “

“ I’m fine, Thanks Leon “ I said as I stood next to him. I felt has arm snake around my waist and I felt much safer.

“ It was really nice of you to dedicate that song to me Violetta “ Diego said to me. I looked at him and I was about to scream but Leon talked for me.

“ She would never dedicate an amazing song like that to a person like you  “ He said to Diego

“ But that’s when your wrong, See, She and I worked on that song together “ He said laughing. What’s his problem!?!

“ I did nothing with you Diego! “ I shouted

“ Are you going to leave or should I call Luca, The owner? “ Leon said to Diego.

“ It’s not over a**hole, and I’ll see you in practice in 15 minutes Violetta “ He said as he blew me a kiss and walked away

“ Leon “ I started but Leon cut me off

“ You don’t need to explain Violetta, I know that you did nothing with him “ Leon said to me

“ It means a lot to me that you trust me “ I told him

“ Did he do anything at all today in the morning? “ Leon asked me

“ Well, He said that everything’s better when him and I are together and he tried to kiss me but Maxi came and I went with Maxi “ I told him

“ I swear to god, I am going to slit his throat when I see him “ Leon told me

“ Thanks Leon, But I’ll try and deal with him, But I have to go and practice with him, Pablo is coming to watch us and give us advice “ I told Leon

“ Well at least your not going to be alone with him “ He said to me

“ I am grateful as well “ I told him

“ I’ll walk you home after practice, Just meet me outside of the studio in one hour “ He said to me

 “ Okay “ I said as I gave him a kiss on the cheek and then I walked out and towards the studio.

It's time ( A Violetta Fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now