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“ I miss you too “ I imagined the voice saying as I bent down to my mum’s tombstone. I wish she could actually say that to me, or anything.

“ My life is done, I can’t stay without Leon. I feel like I should just kill myself to be with you and to see and hear you again. The last time that happened was when I was 4, so more than 2 years ago. I’m turning 17 on January 1, Which is about 3 month away since it is September 27.

“ I just feel so alone, like there is no one left for me. When I turn 17, I am hoping to drive away from our house and go somewhere far away. I always thought Leon would be the one I would run away with, But I guess I was wrong. I don’t know how to explain to him that I did nothing with Tomas. I wish Tomas never came back, or that I never met Diego “ I said as a tear drop hit the floor, followed by a dozen more.

“ I wish you were here. I have no one to talk to anymore. My dad is always busy, Angie is never home, Ramallo and Olgar are always working, Esmeralda will just tell my dad what I tell her, and the only people I have are my friends. I wish you can meet my friends like Federico, Maxi, Francesca, Camilla, Ludmilla, Naty, Andres, Broaduey and Marco. They are all amazing and always there for me, especially Maxi. He is like a brother to me, and so is Federico. Ludmilla, Fran, Cami and Naty are like my sisters from another mister. They all mean a lot to me. I don’t know what I would do if they ever stopped being my friends. I mean, they have many reasons not to be my friends. I think it’s time I take a big step and do what I should have always done. I need to stand up to Diego and Tomas and show them what they’re causing me. Then, I will talk to Leon and my father. I hope everything is fine from there. If Leon doesn’t forgive me, I will never forgive myself. I will run away and I mean it. Well I think I should head home since it’s like almost 1 am. The party should be over but they must all be looking for me. Diego didn’t come to the party surprisingly. Maybe he did but I didn’t see him. Well, I’ll see you tomorrow, if my dad let’s me leave the house ever again “ I said as I got up and walked back home. All my friends we’re waiting by the door along with my dad, Angie, Ramallo, Olga and Esmerelda. They all screamed my name as I got back home.

“ Everyone, You can all go home now, Thanks for coming “ My father said as all my friends walked out of the house. Everyone else went up to their room and it was only me and my father.

“ You’re in big trouble Violetta, You can’t leave the house without telling me! You’re grounded! You’re not going to the studio tomorrow or ever. You’re never going to see Leon ever again. Do you understand?! “ He screamed

“ You don’t have to worry about Leon, because him and I broke up anyways “ I said to him “ And you never listen to my side of the story, I went to see my mum. Or am I not allowed to do that as well? “ I said to him

“ Why did you both break up? “ He said to me

“ If you ever stop screaming, you would know “ I said to him

“ You can’t leave the house like that, Go up to your room “ He said to me

“ You’re so unreasonable, I’m going up to my room because I never want to talk to you again “  I said as I ran upstairs

I went to my room and slammed the door shut. I sat on my bed crying just as my phone rang. It was Tomas.

“ What do you want? Didn’t you cause enough trouble already!? I never want to see you or anyone ever again “ I said as I answered. I hung up before he could say anything. I sat crying for almost 2 hours until I finally fell asleep at around 3 am.

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