Authors note ( Very Important )

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Hey guys,

2 girls have already entered the competition for the role of the girl. There has been a slight change. I will be needing two names other than the boy name. One girl will be a member in the studio but she will start being a big role towards the middle ( She will be a small role in the beginning ). If you already entered the contest/or want to be her, comment below or send me a message if you want to be her or the next option. The other option is a girl who is not in the studio but is related to someone quite important in the story. 

I still need a name for the guy character who will be revealed when I get another 12 reads. Even if your not a guy, you can still send me your choice of a boy name ( It can even be your favourite celebrities name! )

BTW if you want your name/a name to be in the story, you can also send me who the real life person of them is. Like for Violetta, it's Martina Stoessel. Cuz I'm not that good at searching for celebrities and finding their name


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