It's for the best, I'm sorry

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“ I’m so happy that you both could make it “ He said

“ Our pleasure “ I told him

“ So, What should we do? “ Francesca asked him

“ I was thinking that we could have a little picnic and then go to the mall “ Tomas said to us

“ Sure “ Fran and I said at the same time. Tomas unfolded a blue cloth and placed it on the floor with my help. He then took out a picnic box and placed the food on the cloth.

“ I packed sandwiches, Fruits, Cookies, Vegetables and some juice “ He said as we all put some food on our plates.

“ The sandwiches are really good “ I said to him

“ Thank you “ He said to me. We stayed sitting there under the sun for about an hour and then we packed up everything and walked to his car.

“ Shotgun! “ I said as I ran to the car

“ Not fair! “ Fran said as she sat in the backseat

“ You can sit shotgun on the way back from the mall, Fran “ Tomas said to her

“ Yay! “ Fran said as Tomas drove to the mall. We arrived to the mall and we went to H&M.

“ Why did I wear a dress!? “ I said as we walked in the shop

“ Good thing that I wore jeans “ Fran said laughing at me

“ I think that you look very pretty in your dress Violetta “ Tomas said to me. I didn’t know what to say.

“ Thanks “ I said to him

“ Let’s go and look at the girls section Vilu “ Fran said

“ Call me when you’re done, I’ll be in the boys section “ Tomas said as he walked away

“ What was that all about? “ Fran said to me

“ I have no idea “ I said to her

( Tomas’ P.O.V )

I can’t get over how beautiful she is. I need to make a move. I only have two more days with her and then I won’t see her for a long time. My phone vibrated and I took it out of my pocket. It was a message from my father:

“ Hey Tomas, How is your holiday going? I wanted to text you and tell you the great news! I changed your flight to next thursday at 7 pm so you have more time with your friends. See you soon Tomas :) “

I texted him back saying:

“ OMG OMG OMG! Thank you so much!! “

I smiled so hard at the fact that I have 9 more days with the love of my life. How will I get her to be mine? I need her to go on a date with me. She might say yes if we go with another couple. I also need to be able to hug her again, kiss her again and make her mine again. I also need her and Leon to break up, I need to start my plan tomorrow. I am going to need some help, and I know just who can help me...

( Violetta’s P.O.V )

Francesca and I bought a few outfits after trying them on and then I called Tomas. The three of us then went to many other shops and I ended up buying 2 dresses, a skirt and 2 shirts.

“ You really love shopping “ Francesca said to me

“ I guess so “ I said to her

“ What do you guys want to do next? “ Tomas asked us

“ I have to be home in 2 and a half hours, We can watch a movie? “ I told them as I realised that it is still 6:30.

“ There is this movie called Left Behind that is apparently really nice “ Fran said

It's time ( A Violetta Fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now