A surprise Visit

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“ Violetta! “ I heard my dad shout from downstairs as I woke up. I quickly put on a white long sleeved shirt and a navy skirt with little designs on it . I put on brown sandals and white pearl earrings. I put on some makeup and then I ran downstairs. My dad was standing by the door.

“ Violetta, Your orders are here “ He said as I walked to him

“ Thank you “ I said to the man as my dad paid him. My dad closed the door and then went to his office. His album and keychain we’re wrapped and mine we’re just in a gift bag. I put my album in my room and I put my keychain on my house key. I had some breakfast and then I walked to school with Angie. As soon as I got to school, I saw Leon standing by the door talking to Andres. I walked to him and as soon as he saw me, he walked towards me.

“ Leon “ I said as I hugged him

“ Hey, How are you? “ He asked me

“ I’m great “ I said as I handed him the present

“ What’s this? “ He asked me

“ Well you will have to find out “ I said to him smiling

“ Let’s go outside “ He said as he held my hand and pulled me behind him. We sat on a bench under a tree and he opened the gift.

“ Oh my god “ He said as he flipped through the pages of the album “ This is adorable “

“ I made it so we have a memory of the best day ever “ I said

“ Thank you “ He said as he hugged me

“ Your welcome but there’s something else in there “ I told him as he opened the other gift. He held the necklace

“ Violetta “ He said as he read the words on the keychain out loud

“ And I have your name on mine “ I told him as I showed him my house key and the keychain

“ This is amazing “ He said as he gave me a peck on the lips

“ Just like you “ I said as I smiled at him

“ Your amazing, Now let’s go to dance class “ He said as he held my hand and we walked to dance class. Diego was sitting there smiling at me. He came up to me and Leon.

“ Hey Violetta, Let’s practice after class exactly the way we’re going to do it tomorrow in the morning “ He said to me

“ Uh Okay “ I said to him as I sat down next to Leon

“ When is your dance? “ Leon asked me

“ First thing tomorrow, At 8 pm “ I said to him

“ Are u the first group? “ Leon said to me

“ We’re the last “ I said to him

“ Oh okay “ He said as Gregorio came in and started the lesson. After dance class, Everyone walked out except for me, Diego and Leon.

“ I’ll see you tomorrow “ Leon said as he kissed my cheek

“ Okay, Bye “ I said as I smiled at him

“ Let’s start “ Diego said as he played the song. We practiced to it three times and then I went home and so did he. I sat on my bed practicing my song ‘ Only You ‘. I heard a knock on my door and I shouted “ Come in “. Maxi came in and sat on my chair.

“ Maxi, What are you doing here? “ I asked him

“ I wanted to talk to you, And Angie let me in “ He said to me

“ But what if my dad sees you? “ I said to him

“ Don’t worry, Him and Ramallo are out “ He said to me

“ Oh Okay “ I said to him

“ I came to talk to you because I thought that maybe you wanted some advice from a guy about tomorrow “ He said to me

“ I guess you’re right “ I said to him

“ C’mon, Tell Dr.Maxi everything on your mind “ He said making me laugh

“ Well I’m scared that Leon gets mad because Diego and I get very close to each other and I’m scared that Diego kisses me at the end “ I admitted to Maxi

“ Well why don’t you end the dance by standing near the stairs so you can get off the stage as soon as you’re done “ He said to me

“ This is the first good advice that you have ever given me “ I said to him laughing

“ That’s not true, I always give you great advice “ He said to me

“ And I didn’t tell anyone this but Tomas sent me an email “ I said to Maxi

“ What did it say? “ Maxi asked me curious

“ Here Look for yourself “  I said as I opened my laptop and pulled up the email. He read through the email quicly and then his jaw almost fell to the ground.

“ What the hell “ He said to me as he looked at the screen reading it again

“ I know “ I said to him

“ You should tell him about you and Leon “ Maxi said to me

“ But he’s going to be upset and I don’t want that “ I told him

“ So you would rather him catch you and Leon kissing when he comes to visit? “ Maxi said to me

“ Well when you say it in that way, I guess I’ll tell him face to face when he comes “ I told Maxi

“ Good “ He said to me

“ So how are you and Naty? “ I asked him

“ We’re great, We’re going on a date this thursday to celebrate our 1 year anniversary “ He told me

“ Awww , Where are you going to take her? “ I asked him

“ I was thinking about taking her to watch a movie and then tell the cinema people to write Happy anniversary and that I love her on the screen. Then, We’re going to go have dinner at a fancy restaurant and I got her a necklace that says ‘ N+M ‘’ and then I’ll take her home “ He said to me explaining his plan

“ Awww that’s so cute “ I said to him

“ Yep, How are you and Leon? He showed me the album and the keychain “ He said to me

“ He did? “ I asked him

“ Yep and it’s adorable “ He said to me

“ Thank you “ I said to him

“ Can you show me part of you and diego’s dance? “ He asked me

“ Sure, Only if you show me you and Fran’s dance afterwards “ I said to him

“ Okay, And we’re first to present. Your lucky that your last “ He said to me

“ At least your doing it with someone that you don’t feel like stabbing to death “ I said to him as we both laughed

“ Well Fran talks about Marco all the time but I’m sure she’s way better than Diego, Now show me “ He said to me. I played the song on my phone and I showed him half of the song.

“ What song are you guys dancing to? “ I asked him

“ Shake it off “ He said to me

“ Lucky “ I said to him

“ I know, Well it’s getting pretty late and I have to go and help my mum to serve dinner, I’ll see you tomorrow though “ He said to me as he hugged me and then walked out. I looked at my clock and it was 6:30. When did it become 6:30??! I went downstairs just as my dad and Ramallo came back. We all had dinner together and then I went up to my room and wrote in my diary. I practiced the dance one more time before falling asleep.

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