Flashbacks and Heartbreaks

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“ Have you seen Leon? “ I said to Marco as I walked into the studio

“ No, I need to talk to you “ He said to me

“ Sure, Let’s go outside “ I told him as I walked outside with him following. We sat down on a bench far away from the studio and I nudged him to start talking.

“ Francesca and I had an argument in the morning “ He said

“ What!?!? Why!?! “ I said surprised. They are the perfect couple!

“ I will tell you if your patient, I walked up to her in the morning.. “

( Flashback from Marco’s P.O.V )

“ Fran! “ I said as I saw her by the lockers. I wanted to tell her something very important “ We need to talk “

“ About what? “ She asked her beautiful eyes shining

“ We have been dating for 3 month, Yet, We have only went on like 4 dates before, I think we have to act more like a couple “ I said to her

“ Marco, The thing that matters most is treasuring every moment “ She said looking at me

“ But it’s been too long Francesca, We have to take it to the next level “ I said arguing

“ I think it’s better to enjoy the moment then rush it, Why can’t you understand? “ She told me

“ Well where will you ever go if you just keep going slow? We will still be the exact same way that we are right now in 1 year if we go with your plan “ I told her

“ Well what’s your plan then? What do you mean by more like a couple? “ She told me. I thought about it.

“ We should go on more dates, Hang out more often, Maybe travel somewhere together, Have a concert, Make a youtube channel like Violetta and Leon, Or videochat our fans “ I said to her thinking more about it

“ We can do all that soon Marco, It has only been 3 month, not a year “ She told me

“ Francesca, Why do we have to go with your plan always? I’m telling you my plan but your arguing to get your way “ I told her sounding harsher than I intended to.

“ You have no idea how painful that was for me to hear “ She said as she walked away

“ Francesca Wait! “ I said as I walked after her

“ We’ll go with your plan, If that’s what you want “ She said as she turned back again and walked to her next class. “ What have I done “ I said to myself as I went to find Violetta.

( End of Flashback, Back to Violetta’s P.O.V )

“ So that’s what happened “ He said as he finished explaining what happened.

“ I don’t know what to say, Why did you tell her that it doesn’t always have to be her way though? “ I asked him

“ Well because, Last time she’s the one that decided what song we sing for our assignment, then she decided that we shouldn’t make a youtube channel, and now she want’s To decide this “ He said to me

“ A relationship doesn’t work if the pair doesn’t agree or have equal say, A youtube channel is great, Has it ever occured to you that maybe she doesn’t want you guys dating to be announced to the fans? “ I told him

“ Did she tell you that? “ He said

“ No, she didn’t, I’m saying this from my own mind, I mean think about it “ I told him

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