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" Vilu, I asked how your session with Alex went " Cami said interrupting my train of thought

" It was good, I mean we brainstormed some ideas and all and it was a nice session and yeah " I said hesitating

( Francesca's P.O.V )

Something's up. I know Vilu. She says 'and' a lot when she's nervous, and when she's nervous, she's always hiding something. She probably feels really awkward in this situation.

" I'm gonna go fix us up some drinks and some snacks " I said eyeing vilu and speaking to her through eye contact

" I'll help you " She said getting up understanding what I meant

" Spill " I said as we entered the kitchen

" Spill what? " She said looking at her hands

" What happened with Alex Martins? " I asked in a lower voice since the kitchen wasn't very soundproof

" Well, he was showing me some dance moves for Fede and Ludmi's dance routine but then he was getting too close and I walked out of the session after he admitted that he started liking me since he watched my videos " She said in a low and hasty voice

" WHAT!? " I said loud before realization hit me that I was being too loud

" Fran! " She shouted-whispered

" Sorry, but again, what? " I said but in a lower voice

" And we have that class with him tomorrow, imagine how awkward it will be " She said

" The show is in two weeks so that's all you should be worrying about right now, just try and stay away from Alex tomorrow " I said to her

" Thanks Fran, I don't know what I would do without you " She said hugging me, I hugged her back very tightly.

~~~~ Next day at the studio ~~~~

( Violetta's P.O.V )

We were now practicing on the main stage in studio on beat with Alex Martins. All the teachers were watching and even some students were watching. I took Fran's advice and stayed away from Alex.

" Okay now from the top " Alex said looking directly at me. I saw Leon tense right next to me. We all got into positions and started dancing to 'on beat'. We danced to it three times and we were now on our fourth time.

" For this time, Let's try it a bit differently. Maxi, Violetta and Naty, Come up here and I want you to have your back towards me. Now, I want you to do the exact same ending but in this new position. Now from the top. 5, 6, 7, 8 " He said as we started dancing again. It was towards the ending now, so I danced to the middle. I turned my back towards Alex and continued the dance. I did a quick spin to finish off the song, but the world flashed before my eyes. I found myself falling off the stage face first. My knees hit the floor first and I heard a bone loud noise.

" Violetta! " I heard multiple saying

" Vilu, Are you okay? " I heard Leon say as Angie started shouting at Pablo to start the car.

" Someone carry her to the car " Antonio said " Angie, go get in the car "

" I'll do it " I heard Leon say before I felt my body being lifted. The pain was rushing through my whole body. The knee pain turned into a headache. The headache turned into pounding in my head.

" Her head is bleeding! " I heard some girl say

" Call her dad! " I heard Leon shout from above me " It's okay Vilu, You'll be okay "

" Leon it hurts " I said feeling the tears falling down my face

" I'm right here for you " He said before I heard the car turn on and my head being placed on Leon's lap in the backseat. That was when everything turned black.

It's time ( A Violetta Fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now