If I disappeared

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My alarm set off at 6:30. I sighed as I realised that I forgot to remove the alarm. I don’t want to go the studio. If I don’t go, I can’t talk to Tomas nor Diego and my dad will punish me even more. I forced myself out of bed. I put on an off white skirt, a white shirt and a jeans jacket. I sighed as I put on my white converse. I walked straight to the studio without even having breakfast or waiting for Angie.

“ I think we should talk “ Diego said to me as I walked into the studio

“ No, she needs to talk to me “ Tomas said walking to us. Perfecting timing.

“ I don’t want to talk to any of you. Because of you two, I lost the only person I really care about! Thanks alot about that by the way. You only cause me trouble and if you think this is helping me at all, Your wrong “ I said as I saw Leon talking to Andres. He took notice of us and he was watching, along with everyone in the studio “ I have had enough of both of you! Just leave me alone. Can’t you see that I’m breaking inside? Or do you only see what you want to see. I wish I can just disappear forever because no one would even care “ I said as I walked to the dance room. I heard footsteps behind me.

“ Violetta “ I heard Federico and Maxi say

“ I need to be alone “ I said to them

“ I care about you “ Maxi said

“ I do too “ Federico said

“ Thank you, But just because of my stupid life, I broke Leon’s heart “ I told them crying

“ No you didn’t, This is Tomas’ fault, Not yours “ Federico said to me

“ You guys can go and be happy with your girlfriends, I can’t be happy with my boyfriend “ I said to them

“ I’m not going anywhere “ Federico said

“ Me neither “ Maxi said

“ Violetta “ Leon said walking into the room with Fran and Cami following

“ Okay we’re going “ Maxi and Fede said walking out of the room. Leon looked at Cami and Fran and they walked out of the room.

“ Leon “ I said to him but he cut me off

“ What you did out there, was brave. I would care if you disappeared, In fact, I would disappear too “ He told me

“ Leon, I don’t want you to hate me even more, I’m going to go “ I said but he grabbed my hand

“ I don’t hate you “ He said to me

“ I wasn’t going to kiss Tomas “ I told him honestly

“ I know “ He said

“ Leon, I hate him! I want nothing to do with him.. Wait did you just say you know? “ I said to him

“ Tomas came and talked to me in the morning. He told me exactly what happened. I felt like hitting him but I didn’t. He actually stood up for you “ Leon told me

“ I can’t believe I just shouted at him “ I told Leon

“ Don’t worry, you can talk to him later, but I need you “ He said to me

“ I need you too but I don’t want you to be hurting because of me “ I told him

“ As long as I’m with you, nothing will hurt me. I didn’t mean what I said yesterday, I just didn’t really see your side of the story before judging “ He said to me

“ No, it’s my fault “ I told him “ Let’s go to music class “

“ Wait, can you be my girlfriend..again? “ He said to me

“ Let me think about it “ I told him laughing

“ What? “ He said to me

“ I’m joking, I love you “ I said to him as I kissed him on the cheeks.

“ Me more “ He said as we walked to class.

It's time ( A Violetta Fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now