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I woke up at 6:20 and I laid in bed for a few minutes. Then I got up and did everything I needed to do in the bathroom. I chose to wear a white ruffly tanktop, With a flowery skirt, A blue ribbon belt and laced light brown ankle boots. I put on some lipstick, nothing else, then I unwrapped the wrap. I looked into the mirror, and there was a big scratch inside a purple bruise. I wrapped it with new wrapper and then I went downstairs. I had some coco pops and then I walked to school with Angie. We got there at around 6:45 which was kind of early to me. I was greeted by Francesca, Camilla, Naty and Ludmilla hugging me.

“ Vilu! “ Francesca said

“ How’s your head? “ Ludmilla asked

“ Are you feeling better? “ Camilla asked

“ I hope you get well very very soon “ Naty said

“ Thank you so much girls, and it kinds of better but there is a purple bruise and a scratch on my forehead “ I said to them

“ I’m sure it will go very soon “ Ludmilla said to me smiling. She has become very very nice and she’s really sweet. Shes either very nice or very good at acting and lying.

“ Thanks Ludmi “ I said to her smiling. They walked away and I went to find Leon. I found him by Angie’s class and he ran to me when he saw me.

“ Violetta! “ He said as he hugged me “ How are you feeling? “

“ I’m feeling better, But the bruise is pretty big, But thanks for asking “ I said smiling

“ No problem “ He said, smiling at me. I leaned in and we kissed for a few seconds. We broke apart the kiss and I smiled at him as I walked to dance class.

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