Be honest

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( Federico’s P.O.V )

I walked into the studio and I looked for Diego and Tomas.

“ Hey Fede! “ Ludmilla said as she came to me

“ Hey “ I said to her

“ How are you? “ She said to me

“ I’m good, but I need to go and talk to someone right now so I’ll catch up with you later “ I said to her

“ Kay “ She said as she walked away. I looked for them everywhere and I didn’t even see Leon as well. I was about to give up and go to class but then I saw Diego and Tomas. I walked to them and they stopped their conversation and looked at me.

“ How’s Violetta? “ Tomas said to me

“ As if you care “ I said to him

“ What do you want? “ Diego said to me. I rolled my eyes, I despise the guy, actually, I hate the both of them.

“ I don’t like you guys hurting Violetta. She is my best friend and she is like a sister to me. You two think that you are helping her, but it’s because of you Tomas that she fainted. I don’t know whats wrong with the both of you. This isn’t love, and if you guys think it is, then you’re idiots. If you think that this is helping Violetta and that it will make her like you, then think again. You’re not even worth my time but if I ever see either of you hurting her or even talking to her, you will see what I would do “ I said and then I walked away and looked for Leon without waiting for their reply. I found Leon in the dance room alone.

“ Hey “ I said to him

“ Hey “ He said as he continued dancing

“ How come you didn’t come to the hospital? “ I said to him

“ Why would I go to the hospital? “ He said to me stopping the music

“ You and violetta broke up just today and you already don’t even care if she’s hurt? “ I said to him getting mad

“ How does this involve her? “ He said to me. Wait, did someone tell him that she fainted?

“ You mean you don’t know that she fainted? “ I asked him

“ No one told me, Listen, she wouldn’t even want to see me “ He said to me. I could see the pain in his eyes.

“ Leon, Violetta loves you. She was devastated when she realised that everyone came except you. Are you really going to let a stupid kiss that didn’t even mean anything to her ruin your relationship? She wouldn’t have fainted right after you broke up with her and said you never want to see her again if she didn’t care about you. It was just a kiss. Ludmilla and I once argued because of a girl that kissed me but look at us now. We made up and we both love each other. You and Violetta have the strongest love in the whole studio. I know that you care for her, and she cares for you too “ I told him

“ Look Federico, I care about her but it’s hard to see if she cares about me as well. She didn’t even tell me about the kiss, I found out myself. That means that she was hiding it from me, and if you love someone, you tell them the truth. I guess i’m pretty much upset over the fact that she didn’t tell me more than the fact that she kissed that dimwit. I appreciate you coming to talk to me, I will always love her no matter what but she has changed since Tomas came back and since Diego joined the studio. I hope she gets well soon “ He said to me

“ You don’t think that it was hard for her not to tell you? She obviously wanted to tell you and she didn’t even have the chance to. As soon as she came into the studio, you literally attacked her with questions. I know Violetta, she hasn’t changed, She would have told you if she had the chance to. She would never hurt someone purposely and I know that she loves you Leon “ I said to him

“ But it hurt me that I found out from Tomas and not her, I thought we told each other everything. Listen, I have to go to singing class now, so i’ll catch up with you later, take care “ He said as he walked out

“ You too “ I mumbled. I went to my music class and after that, I went to the hospital to visit Violetta. I saw Dr. Anthony coming out of her room as I entered the hospital so I walked to him.

“ How is she doing? “ I said to him

“ Not well, Today she woke up with a huge headache and we have to keep her here until tomorrow night. We have to give her slight surgery today night and she needs to rest for a day. She woke up telling me that her head hurts so we had a check up and there is a slight chance that she might faint again. We are trying to find the cause of her fainting and we are still trying to study it. The surgery will just involve an injection and more check up and we might have to give her the sleeping injection if it doesn’t get better. “ He told me. Shit.

“ Does her dad know? Or anyone else? “ I asked him

“ We called her dad and he said that he will be here as soon as he finishes work. Her family knows but you’re the only friend to know. Now, to help our study, Could you tell us things that could have caused her to faint? “ The doctor said to me

“ Well she and her boyfriend broke up and she fainted like a minute after it happened “ I said to him

“ Thanks for the information, You can go and sit with her for as long as you want, it’s 3 pm now, the surgery will start at 8 pm “ He said as he walked away.

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