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Leon and I made our way to Beto’s class. Thank god that Diego wasn’t in our class.

“ Hello Guys, Has anyone seen my glasses? “ He asked as threw all his papers off his desk.

“ Beto, You have them on “ I heard Maxi say. I looked around but Ludmilla nor Naty were here. I wonder where they are.

“ Now let’s start, Today we will review what we did last year and tomorrow, we will get into groups of four and you will have to write songs and perform them. “ Beto said. We reviewed music notes, The instruments that we play and much more. After class, Leon and I were walking towards the lockers. Diego was putting his stuff inside his locker and smiled when he saw us.

“ Violetta, Just the girl I was looking for. Let’s go and practice the dance? “ He said to me

“ Uh “ I said as I looked at Leon. Leon nodded at me and smiled. “ Sure “

“ C’mon let’s go to Gregorio’s room “ He said as I followed him to the dance room.

“ So let’s listen to the song and try to come up with a dance that matches the song “ He said as he connected his phone to the speaker and played the song. The song started and we just stood there listening to it. After we listened to it two times, We decided to come up with at least the beginning.

“ Maybe we could do it like this “ Diego said as he showed me a dance. He put his hands out and then slid one leg and it kind of looked awesome ( A/N: Look at the first move of the video on the side because that is what they will be practicing, Watch until 0:14 )

“ That’s actually really nice “ I said to him

“ Here you try it “ He said as he showed me it one more time. I tried it out and I think I nailed it for the first time trying it.

“ Awesome, Let’s try that together “ He said to me as he started the song one more time “ 5,6,7, 8 “

We did the first move together about 3 times and it looked pretty good. Then we sat down and drank water.

“ So for the special move, I was thinking that I could carry you and then spin you around “ He said to me smiling. Not going to happen.

“ Do you know how to flip in the air? “ I asked him thinking of a nice dance move that does not involve him touching me.

“ Obviously, Why? “ He asked

“ Because I think that I just got the greatest dance move “ I told him

“ Show me “ He said to me.

“ Well I stand in front of you then I go to the left and you go the right then we come back in the middle and I go to the right and you go to the left then I can sit with my knees on the floor and you jump from on top of me “ I told him as I showed him.

“ That was awesome, when do I carry you? “ He asked me as he got up

“ Never “ I told him

“ I love girls that play hard to get “ He said to me as he played the music to the part when Marina sings “ Can’t risk losing in love again babe “ And when the music after that started playing, we did the special move.

“ That was amazing! “ I said to him

“ Let’s continue the beginning? “ He asked me

“ I don’t have to be home until another hour so why not “ I told him.

“ Okay after the beginning move, We can spin around and then go to the opposing sides and then come and stand in the middle. Then we raise our hands up in the air one by one and then after I put my hands down and then you put your hands down. Then after I will freeze and you will dance on the other side of the room then after you freeze and I dance. “ He said to me. I nodded and then he played the music. We practiced what he just said perfectly and it got to exactly just before the chorus.

“ For the chorus, We can jump in the air and then slide to the other side and then spin our hands over our heads. Then we cross our legs and shake our hands at the same time “ I told him as I showed him what I meant. He tried it out with me and we had half of the song done.

“ Let’s practice it from the beginning and after the chorus we go to the special move “ He said as he played the song. We practiced it and then we decided to continue practicing tomorrow.

“ So we got until the first chorus done and we have the special move, we just need a part for the second verse, second chorus, The bridge and then the last chorus. So we’re half way through. “ He said to me smiling

“ I’ll come up with the part for the bridge and the last chorus and you do the second verse and the second chorus? “ I told him

“ Yep, and then we can practice it in the morning before class, I don’t have class until 8 tomorrow “ He said to me

“ Me too, I can meet you here at 7? “ I told him

“ Yep, See you later “ He said as he walked out

“ Bye “ I told him. After collecting my stuff, I walked home and I just rested for the day.

It's time ( A Violetta Fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now