Authors note!

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Hey guys! How have you been? How was your day? Let me know xx You can send me a message whenever you want cuz I need someone to talk to <3  I clicked on my book and it said 93 reads then I logged out of my account and searched for it and it said 578 reads! I clicked back on my profile and it said 578 reads as well! idk why it says 93 when I click on it tho. Plz let me know if it's 93 or 578. A chapter has 50 and so does another one so idk how it's 93. I have a math test tomorrow ;( And we're disecting a sheep's eye tomorrow in science #killmenow. I almost vomitted today when the teacher showed us a video of a cow disection. I will try and update but I will for sure write at least one or two chapters today. I will also work while i'm on my way to school tomorrow, after I review the math. My mum is gonna force me to study tho and I gotta watch Vilu in like 50 minutes so yh. IF IT'S TRUE THAT I HAVE 578 READS, THEN I'M DYING AND I'M ABOUT TO CRY FROM HOW HAPPY I AM! I LOVE YOU ALLLL SOOO MUCH! Please comment below what couple you would like or wouldn't like to see in the story. I was thinking about jade and Gregorio cuz they're both evil ( LOL )

Anyways, Talk to you soon lovelies xxx

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